Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
What do you know that is happening before we get started? ...
Do you have a monthly Op's budget?
Are you minus $ for the past 3 months?
Is there only ONE person in charge of ordering OP's supplies?
Are you ordering only what is needed?
Are you following the "Do not order" list?
Are you using Trac's Direct to track previous purchases?
Are you separating out "daily use" of supplies?
Are operating supplies locked up?
Trash Bags
Is the team consistently using the trash masher? ($.14 a bag)
Is the team consistently only changing the trash when it is 3/4 full?
Are your 2 foot tall foot tall cans liner free?
Is the team consistently wiping down the grill teflons every 15 minutes?
Are the Teflon's being flipped everyday?
Are the grill cleaners handling the Teflon's with care?
Are you cutting a corner on the teflons to track how long they last?
Are they cleaning the bun toaster belts daily?
Are you dating the bun teflons when they are changed? How?
Bottled OP's
Is the dispenser putting out the proper amount of product? Call Kay if not (APC $2.56 block)
Is anyone on the team using the dispensers and not the "glug method" to fill buckets or clean? (Degreaser $6.32 gl)
Are all bottles stored away and not lying around the restaurant?
Are the gloves secure on hook table and not dropping on the floor?
Are you using all the gloves in the box? ($.03 a glove)
Paper Towels
Are you using a dry towel to dry off the lobby trays?
Does it match your usage? ($.20 soap $.21 for bleach)
Are you washing full loads? 50 / 20
Are you separating the towels from the grill clothes?
Are you soaking the dirty towels/grill clothes in APC?
Printer Paper
Is your DT team handing out their receipts? $58 a case
Is everyone using the complete roll of receipt paper and not changing the roll early?
Cleaning Pads
Are you storing your filter pads safely? (1.62 a pad)
Are you cutting the scratch pads in 1/2 or 1/4's? ($____ a pad)
Are both sides of the cleaning pad being used?
Are the closers only using 1 packet per grill to clean it? ($.38 per packet)
When baking 1/2 trays of biscuits, are you tearing the quilon liners in 1/2?
When wrapping items with siran wrap are you only using what is needed?
Are you storing your urn liners safely? ($.86 a liner)
Are you using a non lined urn for Iced Coffee?
Back off paperwork
The restaurants budget and tracking up to date?
Teflon tracking and up to date?
Any best bets to share with the rest of the restaurants
Do you any excess product on hand? If so what?
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