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Venue/event operators are required to:
• Review and implement the Oregon General Guidance for Employers on COVID-19.
• Ensure equipment is in good condition, according to any applicable maintenance and operations manuals and standard operating procedures.
• Close water fountains, except those designed to refill water bottles in a contact-free manner.
• Post signs that clearly list COVID-19 symptoms, direct employees and attendees/participants with symptoms to stay or return home, and list who to contact if they need assistance.
• Post signs to require physical distancing throughout facility, including but not limited to reception areas, eating areas and near bathrooms.
• Ensure that ventilation systems operate properly. Increase air circulation as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, or using other methods. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety risk to employees or attendees/participants.
• Provide handwashing stations or hand sanitizer (60-95% alcohol content) throughout the facility for employees and attendees/participants to use.
• Review and implement Restaurant Sector Guidance if providing food and beverage at the venue.
• Require reservations or advanced ticket purchase for public events.
• Maintain contact information of purchasers/attendees for public and private events. If there is a positive COVID-19 case associated with the venue/event operator, public health may need this information for a contact tracing investigation. Unless otherwise required, this information may be destroyed 60 days after the event.
To the extent possible, venue/event operators should:
• Stagger arrival and departure times for attendees/participants to minimize congregating at entrances, exits and restrooms to follow required physical distancing requirements.
• Provide separate entrances/exits for employees and/or contractors, if possible.
• Encourage attendees/participants to wear cloth, paper, or disposable face coverings.
• Consider placing clear plastic or glass barriers in front of reception counters, or in other places where maintaining six (6) feet of physical distance between employees and attendees/participants is more difficult.
• Strongly encourage attendees/participants to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or to use hand sanitizer (60-95% alcohol content) regularly.
• Provide hand sanitizer (60-95% alcohol content) at entrances.
Distance and Occupancy
Venue/event operators are required to:
• Limit the gathering capacity to a maximum of 250 people or the number of people, including staff, based on a determination of capacity (square footage/occupancy as specified below), whichever is less. Ensure compliance with the OHA Guidance for Gatherings for Phase 2. https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le2351G.pdf
• Determine maximum occupancy of each indoor and outdoor area, and limit number of individuals on the premises accordingly. Maximum occupancy requires at least six (6) feet of physical distance be maintained between parties.
• Maintain physical distance of at least six (6) feet per person, except that members of the same party can participate in activities/stand in line together without staying six (6) feet apart. A distance of at least six (6) feet must be maintained between parties.
• Prohibit parties of more than 10 people.
• Determine seating and configuration to comply with all physical distancing requirements. If providing food and beverage at the venue, determine seating and configuration of the food and beverage area using the Restaurant and Bar guidance.
• Do not combine parties or allow shared seating for individuals not in the same party.
• Remove or restrict seating and standing areas to facilitate the requirement of at least six (6) feet of physical distance between parties.
• Prohibit people in different parties from congregating in any area of the facility, both indoor and outdoor, including in parking lots.
• Assign a physical distancing monitor to ensure compliance with all distancing requirements, including at entrances, exits, restrooms and any other area where people may congregate.
• Use metal detectors and wands in lieu of search or pat down.
• Artists areas should adhere to group size limits and all physical distancing requirements.
To the extent possible, venue/event operators should:
• Use touchless or cashless payment options, and scan tickets without contact with attendees.
• Route foot traffic in a one-way direction to minimize close contact between attendees. Post signs for one-way walking routes to attractions, if feasible.
Cleaning and Disinfection
Venue/event operators are required to:
• Thoroughly clean all areas of venue prior to reopening after extended closure.
• Thoroughly clean all areas of venue between events.
• Use disinfectants that are included on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved list for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. No product will be labeled for COVID-19 virus yet, but many products will have a label or information available on their websites about their effectiveness for human coronavirus.
• Assign at least one sanitation attendant whose sole duties are to frequently clean and disinfect work areas, high-traffic areas, and commonly touched surfaces in areas accessed by workers and attendees/participants.
• Assign at least one sanitation attendant whose sole duties are to clean restrooms hourly during the event, and ensure adequate sanitary supplies (e.g., soap, toilet paper, 60-95% alcohol content hand sanitizer) during all events.
• Routinely rotate, clean and disinfect key/phone bowls or other touchpoints at metal detectors.
• Routinely clean radios and communication devices, and do not permit staff to share radios and communication devices.
• Disinfect and clean all sound gear, including microphones, between uses.
Additional guidance for outdoor venue and event operators
Outdoor venue/event operators are required to:
• Configure outdoor space to ensure that parties contain no more than 10 people. For example: do not set tables for more than 10 people at a table or configure concert seating in groups of more than 10 seats.
• Thoroughly clean the venue between events according to the cleaning and disinfection requirements.
• Assign one (1) outdoor physical distancing monitor per 50 people to ensure physical distancing requirements are maintained at all times.
• Separate all facilities and activities hosting separate indoor and outdoor events at the same time at the same venue. Attendees/participants for separate indoor and outdoor events at the same venue must not share space, including restrooms.
Additional guidance for outdoor drive-in movie theaters
Drive-In Movie Theater operators are required to:
• Frequently clean and disinfect work areas, high-traffic areas, and commonly touched surfaces in areas accessed by workers and attendees.
• Clean restrooms hourly during the event, and ensure adequate sanitary supplies (e.g., soap, toilet paper, 60-95% alcohol content hand sanitizer) during all events.
• Determine parking and or configuration to comply with all physical distancing requirements. Ensure all attendees are parking vehicles at least six (6) feet of physical distance between each vehicle.
• Maintain physical distancing of at least six (6) feet per person, except that members of the same party can stand in concession lines together and do not have to stay six (6) feet apart. A distance of at least six (6) feet must be maintained between parties.
• If providing food and beverage at the venue, determine seating and configuration of the food and beverage area using the Phase 2 Restaurant and Bar guidance. https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le2351B.pdf
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