Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Check for danger: hazards, wet floor... -Ensure a Safe environment<br>Has the candidate verbalised that there is no danger?
Is the privacy and dignity maintained ?<br>I.e. Drawing the curtains, verbalising...
Hand washing before approaching the patient following WHO 2009 guidelines<br>
The candidate has introduced herself/himself and the role
Confirm identity <br>I.e. Full name and date of birth, wristband, allergies and reactions, how would you liked to be called ?
Checked for allergies and reactions. <br>Ensured there is a red wristband if patient has any allergies.
Referred to the BNF
Verbalises for purposes of this demonstration that we assume the trolley has been cleaned and is always locked.
Verbalised and followed ALL 7 rights<br>1. Patient<br>2. Time<br>3. Medication<br>4. Route<br>5. Dose<br>6. Reason + Documentation <br>7. Right to refuse -Consent gained
Explain procedure and gain consent
Medication Chart was read from start to end and shows familiarity with medication (indication and side-effects)
Was the patient sitting upright and oxygen mask removed if needed?
Was the medication round completed appropriately? <br>I.e. Correct rationale, correct checks on pt, all patients details complete, correct CODING, SIGNED...<br>
Has the candidate communicated effectively with the patient?<br>I.e. Addressed all complaints, made himself/herself understood clearly, summarising, offered advice on health teaching if needed...
AFTERCARE:<br>-Thanked pt<br>-call bell in reach<br>-Hands washed or alcohol rub used