Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Check for danger: hazards, wet floor... -Ensure a Safe environment<br>Has the candidate verbalised that there is no danger?

  • Is the privacy and dignity maintained ? <br>I.e. Drawing the curtains, turn off fan, close window, verbalise bed making was done 30 min prior to procedure...

  • Hand washing before approaching the patient following WHO 2009 guidelines<br>-Palm to palm <br>-Palm to dorsum<br>-Fingers interlaced <br>-Fingers interlocked <br>-Rub tips of fingers<br>-Rotational rubbing of thumb into palm<br>-Rotational rubbing of wrist into palm <br>-Rinse hand into water <br>-Close tap with elbows <br>-Pat dry <br>-throw tissues into black waste bin <br>

  • The candidate has introduced herself/himself and the role

  • Confirm identity and check allergies <br>I.e. Full name and date of birth, wristband, allergies and reactions, how would you liked to be called ?<br>

  • Explain procedure and gain consent

  • Ask if pt needs analgesia or needs to void.<br>Is pt comfortable ?

  • Inform pt that you will gather all the equipment

  • Cleaned trolley<br>-first with detergent wipes (as video shows)<br>-dry it with paper tissues<br>-disinfect with alcohol wipes<br>-Allow it to dry

  • Gathered materials <br>Materials: wound care pack, mepore dressing, apron, alcohol swab and clean gloves<br>-Check wound care pack and mepore dressing: EXPIRATION date, that is STERILE and INTACT (needs to be verbalised)

  • Return to pt with trolley, disinfect hands with alcohol rub and put on apron

  • Adjust bed cloth, loosen dressing with clean gloves and clean and disinfect

  • Get the plastic bag, put one hand inside the bag and secure the edges with the other hand.<br>Arrange equipment in sterile field.

  • Remove old dressing with plastic bag and invert it.<br>

  • Assess wound for signs of infection

  • Disinfect hands. Get saline solution and disinfect top part with the alcohol swab.<br>Let it dry for30seconds. <br>Open saline and pour slowly into sterile cup (without any splashes)

  • Open mepore into sterile field

  • Put sterile gloves on.<br>Declare which hand is sterile and which hand is clean.

  • Clean wound <br>-With sterile gauze dipped saline solution using sterile hand and transfer to clean hand.<br>-Use one stroke only and discard

  • Apply dressing<br>(Mepore) using sterile hand ONLY

  • Remove gloves + aftercare of equipment

  • Place back bed cloth and look after pt<br>I.e. Check with pt that he/she is comfortable, offer cup of tea, leave call bell in reach

  • Place used equipment and apron to orange bin.<br>Clean trolley, Document and escalate if appropriate.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.