Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Technician being audited
Arrival on site
Did the service person park in a safe location on or near the customers site?
Did the service person review their PDA or run sheet to assess what was being serviced?
Preparation for service
Was the trolley safely removed from the vehicle?
Was the trolley checked to see if it was visually clean ready for use?
Was the trolley loaded correctly with the consumables needed to conduct the service?
Performing the service
Was the route to the washroom navigated in a controlled and site friendly way?
Did the colleague knock on the door of the washroom/cubicle and wait before entering?
Was the the trolley correctly positioned while the OSS took place?
Was the FHU visually inspected before touching?
Were gloved hands sanitised before touching the FHU?
Was the FHU sprayed with sanitiser in the correct order (exterior of the unit and inside the lid flap)?
Was the lid of the FHU correctly placed during the OSS?
Was the waste and bin liner bag correctly tipped into the trolley, was the bag lifted up using only the T handle while held away from the service person?
Was the bin liner bag correctly installed inside the FHU base to ensure that the waste drops to the bottom and the bag cannot be sen with the lid on?
Were the surfaces of the lid checked and cleaned before fitting back on the FHU base?
Were the surfaces of the FHU wipes in the correct order?
Was the lid placed back on the FHU correctly?
Was the FHU left in the correct position?
Have the gloves been taken off before leaving the washroom?
Leaving site
Was all waste taken away from site?
Was the site left in a clean and tidy manner?
Was the customer effectively communicated with?
Was the PDA/run sheet signed by the customer, or was the site barcode scanned?
Safe working
Is the service persons vehicle clean and presentable?
Is all equipment stored correctly within the vehicle (nothing stored in the drivers cabin)?
Was the service person able to locate their first aid kit?
Was the service person able to locate their spill kit?
Was all PPE clean and stored correctly?
Did the service person understand how to use all PPE?
Enter agreed actions in point form based on audit findings
Service technician has reviewed audit with auditor and signs as confirmation.
Confirmation signature from Auditor