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  • Site conducted

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  • Location

Brand standards.<br>

Brand Standards site audit-

  • Are all entrance areas clean and clear of cigarette butts?

  • Is the FOH presentation aesthetically pleasing and free from clutter?

  • Were management present, and engaged in FOH and busy areas?

  • Are all team members in their correct locations?

  • Are all areas clean and clear of obstructions?

  • Are all team members clean and presentable?

  • Do all team members have the correct equipment to carry out their duties?

  • Do team members have the correct PPE (jump socks)

  • Is there evidence of team engagement with customers?

  • Are all activities operational and in good condition?<br>

  • Is all equipment instruction present for each activity and in good condition?

  • Is all equipment available to conduct the activity correctly?<br>E.g. enough foam in the foam pit, battle sticks (pugil sticks) for the battle beam and enough dodgeballs for a game?

  • Are all team members trained and have an understanding of the business experience, expectations and ethos?

  • Do the team have relevant knowledge of the activities, policies and procedures?

  • Was the choice of music appropriate to the session?

  • Are all personal items stored in team areas?

  • How would you rate the overall holiday theme experience?

  • Is there evidence of whole-team engagement throughout the park?

Brand Standards Park Presentation-

  • Is all lighting in good condition, working correctly including:<br>( Photo O seating, External lighting, park interactive lighting, sock display lighting, tunnel lighting, stairwell lighting, seating area lighting, decorative areas, strip lighting and park disco and decorative lighting)

  • Is all signage in good condition and free from damage including:<br>( floor directional signage, external signage, safety signage, party hallows, activity signage, and park graphics.

  • Are all cafe menus displayed on tables?

  • Is the Display fridges fully stocked and well presented?

  • Is the impulse / cake displays well displayed and in line with trading volume?

  • Is the food leaving the kitchen to Spec

  • Watch a transaction at till point, was the service Above expectation / Meet expectation / Below expectation

  • Is all signage relevant? <br>Promotional signage, party halos, café screens and banners.

Brand Standards Cleanliness

  • Are all areas clean and clear of rubbish?

  • Are all deliveries cleaned away and stored correctly?

  • Are all tables clean and are staff aware of cleaning tables when in the cafe areas?

  • Is all dust both low and high levels at an acceptable level?

  • Are all toilet areas clean and suitably stocked?

  • How would you rate the overall kitchen standards of cleanliness?

Brand Standards Stock-

  • Are sock levels adequate?

  • Are food levels adequate and is there evidence of stock rotation?

  • Are there adequate first aid supplies?

  • Does the site have sufficient allocation for staff uniforms?

Brand Standards Maintenance-

  • Are there any major maintenance issues?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.