
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Office inspection

Job Board

  • Shows all jobs in house <br>

  • Board is up to date

Paper flow

  • Office paper flow organized by job status

  • Office paperwork readily accessible to Im ,DM and RM


  • Permit acquired before work started

  • Permit posted at job site

Lead forms

  • Lead forms properly filled out for every job

Installer payroll

  • Review for DOL compliance

Under ground utility notification

  • Compliance with underground utility regulations

  • Under ground obstructions marked

Uninstalled receivable and service report

  • Acceptable customer lead times

  • Issues resolved to customer satisfaction

  • Collections on time

Installer certification training

  • Has installation manager been certified?

  • Installers names and lead installers are they certified ?

Commentary for this section


Glass organization

  • All glass frames and screens stored together

Extrusion organization

  • Inventory of extrusion is adequate

  • Extrusion stored safely and to reduce damage

Small parts

  • Inventory of small parts is well organized <br>(Handles ,screws ,chalk , and coil)


  • Required first aid kit is available and accessible

  • Required: fire extinguisher available and accessible

  • Exit doors clear and not obstructed

Dumpster and lot cleanliness

  • Is the area in and around dumpster clean and swept?

  • The lot is free of screws and nails

Commentary for warehouse section

  • Comments on this section

Vehicle inspections

Vehicle inspections

  • Number of vehicles to be audited

Personal safety items

  • Goggles present

  • Gloves present

  • Earplugs present

  • First aid kit present and stocked

  • Fire extinguisher present

  • Fire extinguisher full and inspection current

Tools and power cords

  • Proper GFCI being used?

  • All cords show no frays?

  • Are cord ends in proper order?

  • Over all condition is acceptable

Straps / cables in good condition

  • Proper strap load ratings

  • Cable locks for ladders and other equipment

Body condition acceptable

  • Has all body damage to truck been reported?

  • Truck windshield in good condition?

  • Outside mirrors present and usable

  • Eterior cleanliness is acceptable?

Is the interior condition acceptable?

  • Rear view mirror present and usable

  • Instruments and indicators working

  • Truck is properly organized?

  • Is the truck cleanliness acceptable?

Anti- theft

  • Vehicle locked when unattended

  • Toolboxes locked when left unattended and tools not left unattended in truck bed

Tire condition

  • Proper inflation of tires?

  • Tread wear - excessive -not previously reported

Commentary on this section

  • Suggestions ,Comments, Views?

Summary of audit


  • Met all audit requirements

  • All lead installers are certified

  • Action items needed


  • Met all audit requirements

  • Action items needed

Vehicle and tools

  • Met all audit requirements

  • Action items needed

Deck inspections

  • Met all audit requirements

  • Action items needed

Wall inspections

  • Met all audit requirements

  • Action items needed

Roof inspections

  • Met all audit requirements

  • Action items needed

Overall score for city

  • Over all score for city

Signature of Division Manager and Install Manager

  • Installation Manager

  • Division Manager

  • Esi Trainer

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.