Document No.
Completed by:
Completed on:
Conducted on
Name of the Auditor
Name of technician being audited
Vestas Initials of the technician being audited
LOTO level of the technician being audited
This annual LOTO audit shall be conducted by an authorized, trained employee who does not participate in the lockout process being audited. This audit must be conducted as the lockout procedure is being implemented. Any deficiency found in the LOTO procedure must be corrected immediately and all authorized employees must be re-trained on that LOTO procedure. If a situation is discovered to be immediately dangerous to life or health, the LOTO process must be terminated.
Brief description of work task
Is the worker qualified to perform this task?
Does the worker have a complete LOTO Instruction that has been approved by an ECC or a LOTO Specialist?
Does the LOTO Boundary match the task to be performed?
Did the technician properly inspect electrical safety PPE prior to beginning the LOTO process? Did the meter leads are in good condition?
Is all PPE and tools in calibration cycle?
Has the technician removed prohibited articles of clothing and jewelry before entering the limited approach boundary?
Did the technician properly notify affected persons prior to LOTO?
Did the technician properly verify absence of hazardous energy?
Did the worker correctly identify and locate all hazardous energy sources?
Did the technician use the appropriate LOTO devices, lock and tag equipment?
Does the technician understand the arc flash hazard labels and the shock protection boundaries?
Is everyone locked/tagged out with their personal locks/tags?
Can the technician list the 2 types of LOTO in Vestas and how to apply each one?
Did the technician ensure all persons, tools and equipment are removed from the LOTO Boundary prior to re-energization or temporary removal for repositioning?
Did the technician adequately notify other workers the LOTO is complete and work can commence?
Technician being audited is competent and knowledable in Electrical Safety/LOTO and may performto the woek level indicated on the audit?
Did the Authorized Employee attempt to start-up the piece of equipment to test the LOTO procedures before conducting work?
Did the Authorized Employee return the controls to the off position after verifying the isolation and de-energization of the piece of equipment?
If more than one authorized employee working on the piece of equipment, did each employee have his/her own lock and tag?
Did the Authorized Employee follow the appropriate procedures for LOTO removal and re-energizing the piece of equipment?
Auditor Initials
Auditor's Signature
Authorized Employee's Signature
Add any additional comments or observarions made during this audit.