PPE Replacement - Employee Name
Conducted on:
Prepared by:
- Christopher Cole
- James Shifflett
- Chuck Ayers
- Joseph Bailey
- Michael Dwyer
- Tom Chestnut
- Sudip Umachigi
- Tom Manley II
- Doug Tait
Project location (Drop pin for GPS and street address):
On November 15, 2007 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a final rule Regulation: 29 CFR 1910.132 (h) on employer-paid personal protective equipment (PPE), which indicates employers must pay for PPE. This final rule became effective on February 13, 2008 and had to be implemented by May 15, 2008. This rule can be viewed by clicking here.
The final rule also clarifies the issue of who pays for replacement PPE. Employers must pay for the replacement of PPE used to comply with OSHA standards. However, in certain situations in which employees have lost or intentionally damaged the PPE issued to them, an employer is not required to pay for its replacement and may require the employee to cover the cost.
All employees of W.C. Spratt, Inc. who intentionally damage or lose personal protective equipment provided to them as part of the standard issue will be financially responsible for the replacement of that equipment.
1. All employees agree, shall use, and manage their PPE according to the delineated life expectancy (end of service life indicators) outlined in Appendix 1, from the original date of issue to the affected employee.
2. If you are affected by this policy due to non-occupational damage or loss, the cost of that equipment will be directly deducted from your next paycheck via the signed PPE acknowledgement form for that employee.
3. If you are affected by this policy through resignation or termination of your employment, the full cost of any missing equipment will be withheld from your final paycheck to cover the full cost at that time of the replacement of that equipment.
a. The iAuditor PPE acknowledgement form shall be completed for each employee affected by this policy for replacements only. Terminations and resignations agree to Section 3 of this policy and do not require use of a signed form for withholding.
All equipment assigned to a W.C. Spratt, Inc. employee are part of the standard issue as detailed in Appendix 1, and are subject to change along with the associated pricing and overhead cost related to replacement at that point in time. -
I declare that I have read and fully understand the information delivered with regard to this policy. I understand that no more than the total amount below shall be deducted from my next paycheck to cover the costs in accord with this policy. -
Employee Photo:
Employee name and employee number:
Type of PPE to be replaced by employee:
What type of PPE?
Total cost(s) to employee:
Employee Authorization for Deduction:
Management Representative: