Title Page

  • Date

  • Name

  • Shift #

Workstation Specific

  • Select the note button to add a comment or a corrective action taken statement.


  • Are safety issues, or documented LPA Audit safety items, being assigned and corrected on a timely basis? (VIEW NCF LOG)

  • Are Maintenance & Repair items identified on the LPA Audit being corrected on a timely basis? (VIEW NCF LOG - WO'S)

  • Are work station organization and 5S issues identified being assigned and corrected on a timely basis? (VIEW NCF LOG)

  • For LPA's that indicated failure in start-up/end of shift checks, TPM Checklists, and 1st piece inspection, is there evidence that management is working to correct these? (IF APPLICABLE, VIEW IN NCF LOG)

  • For LPA's that indicated work instructions, Quality Alerts and / or Increased Inspection documents were not available and/or signed by operators, is there evidence that management is working to correct these? (VERIFY IN NCF LOG)

  • Are Quality Alerts and Increased Inspections effective in guarding against non-conforming product being shipped to the customer? (VERIFY THROUGH QUALITY KPI"S)

  • Are the Layered Audits being performed as scheduled by all levels of the organization? (SEE LPA TRACKER)

  • Are KPI countermeasures tracked and demonstrating appropriate follow up? (SEE MGT ACTION ITEMS)

  • Overall, when looking at the LPA NCF Log, does it appear that corrective actions are being implmented in a timely manner? (VIEW NCF LOG)

Plant Floor

  • In viewing Machining Plant for organization, safety & cleanliness during plant walk, are there any areas that you feel needs specific focus? (FLOOR AUDIT)

  • Is there evidence that Standardized Work Instructions and/or SPL's are present at each work cell? (FLOOR AUDIT)

  • Is Andon system (shop radio's) effective? Is the escalation process understood by operators, and does the Immediate Response Board reflect actions taken on findings? (FLOOR AUDIT)

  • Are Fast Response meetings taking place and all records up to date? (VERIFY IN FISHBOWL CONF. ROOM)

  • Is there evidence that the process of handling non-conforming product is being handled properly? (VERIFY IN MRB AREA)

  • Is Production Control Form (MFG 001) up to date, are all down-times being recorded (w/codes) and corrective actions implemented to prevent recurrence? (FLOOR AUDIT)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.