Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Department/Company
  • Detail of Equipment / Completed work being inspected / Purpose

POS Supplier Details

  • POS/Lift Rep/Lift Supervisor Name

  • Employing Organisation

  • POS / Lift Supervisor / ATW No.

Immediate Observations

  • Location (OTP/POS Plan)<br>- Is the location clearly stated and easy to locate? Does the location of works correspond with the Safe Work Pack?<br>

  • Brief Description of Work (OTP/POS Plan)<br>- Is the description of the work sufficient and detailed enough? Does the description of work describe the work being conducted on-site?<br>

Plant Operations

  • OTP Plan available and Relevant?<br>-Has an OTP plan been created specifically for this i.e. date, task, machine & Personnel <br>

  • Lift Plan available and relevant?<br>- Where lifting operations take place, has a Lift plan been produced for ALL lifting requirements?<br>

  • ALO Plan available and relevant?<br>- Can any machine foul any open line? Where Any lines remain open to normal rail traffic and the line can be fouled by a machine an ALO plan must be created to include all the relevant machines<br>

  • MEWP Load plan available and relevant?<br>- Where a MEWP is used a load plan must be created to ensure that the load does not exceed SWL.<br>

  • Is the POS Rep familiar with the site, works and plans?<br>- Best Practice is for the POS Rep to be part of the planning phase and be part of the site visit pre-work. The minimum requirement is for the POS Rep to be familiar with the plan.<br>

  • Planned OTP is Available?<br>- Is OTP Specified in the plan available on site. This is identified by the Machine number not similar type of machine<br>

  • Is everyone aware of OTP plan?<br>- Has the POS Rep, MC/CC & Machine must be briefed? Good Practice - Has all work site staff been informed on the machine movements on site?<br>

  • OTP Staff work Safely?<br>- Do the OTP staff activities follow the POS Plan and are the activities being performed safely in line with their safe system of work. i.e is the MC/CC maintaining the exclusion zone for the Plant<br>

  • OTP activities comply with the OTP work plans<br>- Do the OTP activities follow the POS Plan and are the activities being performed safely in line with their safe system of work.<br>

  • POS Rep always able to monitor all OTP activities?<br>- The POS Rep must be on site and must be within 15 mins walking distance to all machines.<br>

  • OTP plan only changed after Risk Assessment and Recorded.<br>- Has the OTP plan changed, if so, a Risk Assessment must be produced and recorded. Supply evidence!<br>

  • Do lifting activities comply with approved lift plans?<br>- Is all lifting operations following the Lift plans created.<br>

  • Have all changes to lift plans been approved by lift planner?<br>- has the lift plan been changed, if so, has the person who has approved the plan a competent lift planner. Competency check of person approving the lift plan change.<br>

  • ALO activities comply with approved ALO Plan?

  • Have all changes to ALO plan approved by ALO Responsible Manager?<br>- Changes to ALO must be completed by an ALO Responsible Manager not an ALO Coordinator<br>

  • Does the MEWP load and activities comply with the MEWP load calculation/plan?<br>- Does MEWP activity match the MEWP Load plan. Is the load being lifted by the MEWP as specified in the Plan?<br>

  • Have there been any changes to MEWP plan? - must be approved by a competent person or a competent POS Rep

Machine (1)

  • Type? -State what type of machine is being utilised? i.e. Excavator, dozer etc.

  • Make and Model -Details can be found on the Engineering acceptance certificate (EAC)/Engineering certificate of conformity (ECC)

  • Plant Owner -Plant supplier, this should be visible on the plant.

  • Fleet No. -This should be visible on the plant

  • Is the Machine included in the OTP Plan?<br>-Has the machine been identified in the OTP Plan<br>

  • State the EAC/ECC expiry date? -The certification is valid for 7 years

  • Brake Test in date?<br>-The Brake test is valid for a maximum of 12 months<br>

  • Is the LOLER Expiry in date?<br>-Must be 3rd Party (Must be independent to the maintenance of the machine) 6 months for lifting people, 12 months for all other Machines.<br>

  • Operator Name

  • Operator Sentinel No.

  • Is the Operator Competent? <br>-Is the Operator competent for the machine and attachments identified for the work. The Operator should have an Authority to work which specifies the Make and Model of the machine.<br>

  • MC/CC Name -Machine Controller / Crane Controller

  • MC/CC Employer

  • MC/CC Sentinel No.

  • MC/CC Competent?<br>-This qualification should be present on their sentinel card<br>

Machine (2)

  • Type? -State what type of machine is being utilised? i.e. Excavator, dozer etc.

  • Make and Model -Details can be found on the Engineering acceptance certificate (EAC)/Engineering certificate of conformity (ECC)

  • Plant Owner -Plant supplier, this should be visible on the plant.

  • Fleet No. -This should be visible on the plant

  • Is the Machine included in the OTP Plan?<br>-Has the machine been identified in the OTP Plan<br>

  • State the EAC/ECC expiry date? -The certification is valid for 7 years. Engineering acceptance certificate (EAC)/Engineering certificate of conformity (ECC)

  • Brake Test in date?<br>-The Brake test is valid for a maximum of 12 months

  • Is the LOLER Expiry in date?<br>-Must be 3rd Party (Must be independent to the maintenance of the machine) 6 months for lifting people, 12 months for all other Machines.<br>

  • Operator Name

  • Operator Employer

  • Operator Sentinel No.

  • Is the Operator Competent? <br>-Is the Operator competent for the machine and attachments identified for the work. The Operator should have an Authority to work which specifies the Make and Model of the machine.<br>

  • MC/CC Name -Machine Controller / Crane Controller

  • MC/CC Employer

  • MC/CC Sentinel No.

  • MC/CC Competent?<br>-This qualification should be present on their sentinel card<br>

Machine attachments

  • Description of the attachment?<br>-This should be stated on the supporting paperwork for the attachment<br>

  • Fleet No. -This should be visible on the attachment or certificate depending on the size of the attachment

  • EAC/ECC in date<br>-Valid for 7 years. Engineering acceptance certificate (EAC)/Engineering certificate of conformity (ECC)<br>

  • Brake test In Date<br>-If applicable maximum of 12 months<br>

  • LOLER expiry in date<br>- Must be 3rd Party (Must be independent to the maintenance of the machine) 6 months for lifting people, 12 months for all other Machines.<br>

6. Machine attachments (2)

  • Description of the attachment ? -This should be stated on the supporting paperwork for the attachment

  • Fleet No. -This should be visible on the attachment or certificate depending on the size of the attachment

  • EAC/ECC in date?<br>-Valid for 7 years. Engineering acceptance certificate (EAC)/Engineering certificate of conformity (ECC)<br>

  • Brake test In Date<br>-If applicable maximum of 12 months<br>

  • LOLER expiry in date<br>- Must be 3rd Party (Must be independent to the maintenance of the machine) 6 months for lifting people, 12 months for all other Machines.<br>

7. Unsafe Conditions/Acts 0r any Good Practices identified **I.e. good management of exclusion zone, management of machines separation. Awareness of the plan.

  • Did you observe/note any unsafe acts/conditions or Good Practices<br>-if so, provide details. Has the unsafe act(s) been corrected? If not, stop the act and raise and action!<br>

  • Did you observe/note any unsafe acts/conditions or Good Practices<br>-if so, provide details. Has the unsafe act(s) been corrected? If not, stop the act and raise and action!<br>

  • Did you observe/note any unsafe acts/conditions or Good Practices<br>-if so, provide details. Has the unsafe act(s) been corrected? If not, stop the act and raise and action!<br>

Overall Conclusion

  • Overall summary of findings

  • Signature of inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.