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Post Hurricane Customer Site and Office Pre-entry Checklist
V1.0 September 03, 2017
Client / Site:
Contract #:
Conducted on
Conducted by
Other persons present:
Instruction: Use this checklist prior to reviewing your existing risk assessment for the work you will be performing. Assume conditions have changed: this checklist will help identify some of the hazard you might encounter as a result of the hurricane. If your answer indicates the hazard is present, use the action button (bottom screen) what the control measure is that you will implement or ask to be implemented (customer rep)?
Hazard Identification & Control. For customer sites: ask customer to address hazard prior to starting work.
Is there flooding/standing water or fallen trees/large debris blocking or obscuring the road to the location? --do not drive through flooded roadways, off road to pass by debris--
Is access to the building prevented by regulatory authorities?.--warning signs, physical presence agency rep-- Do not enter-
Are access/egress routes in good condition? --no slip, trip, fall hazards due to mud/wetness/residue, blockage/limited space making passing difficult, lack of light--
Is it a company site?
Has landlord verified the building conditions (mech. elec. structural), power generator status, and water tank status?
Has the facility inspection been completed using the pre-entry checklist?
Have the servers and communication infrastructure functionality been verified?
Are employees informed building is safe and they can return to work at the site?
Is it a customer site?
Has customer had the site/infrastructure inspected by a competent person and has it been declared safe to enter/operate in? -electrical/gas/structural integrity/debris removed, water removed etc.
Has the site owner removed all debris from the access/egress routes and the work area and equipment? -no slip/trip/fall/cut hazards-
Has the site owner verified that the electrical systems of equipment are safe and safety devices functional?
Does gas / electrical infrastructure above/underground to access site / in or near work area appear to be in good condition? If at risk, contact gas / utility company or customer rep.
Is a potential gas (leak/enclosed non-mechanically ventilated area) present? --If there is a rotten egg odor or you hear a blowing or hissing noise leave the area immediately- do not use phones/tools/equipment that may cause additional hazards
Are any generators/stoves or other gasoline-powered machines is use / have been used inside the building and / or creating fumes inside the building or area? Carbon monoxide may have accumulated --it is odorless, colorless, and lethal at low concentrations- mechanical ventilation may be necessary prior to entering.
Any hazards eliminated or controlled from electrical, overhead power lines, power junctions, or downed electrical wires / cables, or fallen lines resulting in potentially energizing objects such as fences, ladders, or metal building parts, or portable generators causing potential "backfeed" injuries to workers performing repair work in neighboring buildings? --if no, electrician for customer needs to address these first--
Are flood / sewage or chemically contaminated water accumulated / recently receded in / from the work area? water can hide the hazards below-- Wear spill proof PPE such as nitrile gloves, coverall, rubber boots, safety goggles. Floodwaters may contain sewage, chemicals from roads, farms, factories, storage buildings. --Flood water exposure does not increase the risk of tetanus, and immunization is not needed. In case of cuts/exposed damaged skin/ ingestion: clean with soap and water and contact our incident reporting line to talk with a nurse.
Has the building / structure been mechanically ventilated and / or otherwise adequately ventilated? --underground parking, small rooms etc. may not have had air replaced: potential build up of gases such as hydrogen sulfide and/or carbon monoxide-
Are there any potentially slick and unstable surfaces?
Will your work activities include potential for ingestion / contact with flood water? Prevent exposure using PPE. Report any symptoms from an infection such as stomach-ache, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Avoid direct contact with standing water when possible to minimize chances for infection. Chemical contamination of floodwaters may have occurred. If in contact with floodwater: Wash exposed areas using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs. Hands should be washed after removal of gloves.
Will your work activity include potential for contact /blood/body fluids and handling animal remains? Use Bloodborne pathogen prevention protocol PPE to prevent contact.
Will your work activity include potential contact with large/small debris? Ask customer to remove items. Use proper techniques (legs, not back) to lift items. Wear gloves / sleeves / long sleeves / long pants / safety boots.
Are sharp edges / bjects and chemical / waste hazards present? Use of multiple layers of gloves (cut-proof and nitrile) and / or sleeves may be necessary. --Use form fitting clothing including long pants, long sleeve shirts, boots, eye protection (safety glasses, goggles, or faceshields), and protective head covers are also appropriate--
Are any overhead hazards present --falling and / or hanging debris--? Ask to get them removed / secured. Wear hardhat.
Any potential hazard arising from nearby infrastructures / equipment? --Control for impact on your work activities / work area / access/ egress--
Any potential hazards arising from other crews working nearby on your work activities? Coordinate with site rep. to prevent risks.
Are heavy equipment / vehicles moving around / above / near your work activities? Coordinate to keep separate and / or use spotters.
Are all safety devices and operating controls in the facility / on equipment accessible and in proper working condition? if not, get issue resolved prior to continuing work.
Are you working on cooling towers or building water systems with water droplets present? Prevent breathing in air droplets from systems as these may contain legionella--
Are any hazards associated with animals potentially present (hiding from) such as snakes, insects, rodents? --Use mosquito spray for work around standing water-- Ask customer to remove others.
Is any visible mold/mildew present? --Prevent exposure by 1) avoid areas where mold contamination is obvious; 2) use environmental controls; 3) use personal protective equipment; and 4) keep hands, skin, and clothing clean and free from mold-contaminated dust. Wash exposed areas with water and soap.
Is any excessive noise present (need to shout over noise to be heard)? --wear hearing protection-- As use of chain saws, backhoes, tractors, pavement breakers, blowers, and dryers may cause ringing in the ears and subsequent hearing damage.
Is a First aid kit available? --even for minor cuts and burns, is very important during flood cleanup, to immediately clean all wounds and cuts with soap and clean water-- contact incident reporting line to report and consult with nurse about potential exposures.
Have you reviewed and updated the task risk assessment, with the potential hazards and appropriate controls for the work task / environment as applicable?