Site Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Address
General Site Information
Photographs of site taken
Inspect footpaths, crossover & Kerbs
Fence Inspected
Any Services on Site
Sewer Location Identified
Check house/Lot Number
Any Vegetation to Remain
Any Asbestos on site?
Check Neighbours Zero Lot Footing
Dilapidation Report Needed?
Access and Competency
All personnel on-site are inducted
The induction captures all relevant hazards and information relevant to the site
The site is sufficiently cordoned off and all practicable measures have been implemented to prevent unauthorised access?
The site has a sign-in register which is accessible and located at the site office?
All personnel on-site have sufficient licences which are recorded and alerted for updates (where applicable)?
Any Overhead Powerlines to be takeninto consideration?
All Construction Safety Signs Erected?
Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Any obstructions to entry or footpaths kept clear?
Walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Work areas clear of rubbish?
Bins located at suitable points around site?
Sharp Edges Sealed off or capped?
Laydown area established?
Materials stored in racks and bins wherever possible?
Storage designed to minimise lifting problems?
Hazardous Chemical and Dangerous Goods Management
Hazardous Substance Register complete and available?
Material Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals?
Risk assessments completed for hazardous substances?
All containers labelled correctly?
Unused substances disposed of appropriately (in accordance with SDS and other HSE requirements/regulations)?
Do special storage conditions apply? (e.g. - bunding, segregation, placarding etc...)
Are special storage conditions followed?
Workers trained in the use of hazardous substances?
If required is PPE available?
Is adequate ventilation provided?
Are eye washes and showers easily accessed?
Site has good natural lighting?
Noise Sufficiently Managed (working during working hours and PPE worn)?
Vibration Risks managed?
Awkward posture and movement eliminated where possible or minimise?
Hazardous Manual Tasks are eliminated or minimised?
Hazardous Manual Tasks lifting aids available and utilised?
Plant and Equipment
Safe tool storage area established?
No damaged hand tools in use?
No damaged power tools in use?
Mobile Plant is regularly inspected and maintained in good working order?
Is plant and equipment kept clean?
Plant and Equipment guards in good condition?
Records of plant and equipment use/inspection available and accessible (logbook, prestart, inspection checklist etc...)
Electrical Safety
Portable electrical equipment is tagged (quarterly) with the appropriate colour tag?
Portable electrical equipment does not display any fraying or damage to any part of the equipment (including plug or sheath)?
All leads are hung by a lead hook to prevent slips, trips and falls (where possible)?
Lead length does not exceed maximum requirements?
There are no "Piggy Backing" of leads on site?
Dust Management
Dust Supression systems avilable and used?
Dust regularly cleaned and disposed of using approved vacuums with a HEPA filter?
Appropriate PPE worn when working around dust?
Workers are trained in Silica and Asbestos awareness?
High Risk Work
Workers conducting High Risk Work have appropriate licences which are in date?
High-Risk Work related risks are adequately controlled
Personal Protective Equipment
Workers are wearing minimal required PPE (at a minimum)?
Workers are trained in wearing specific PPE (where required or is seen as a gap)?
Sufficient PPE is stored and distributed on site?
Site management and signage clearly state minimum PPE requirement to be worn on site at all times?
Workplace Amenities
Is there a designated smoking area?
There is a crib room which is accessible on site?
Crib room is regularly cleaned and maintained in a tidy state?
Basic kitchen amenities provided (clear drinking water, fridge, microwave)?
Toilet accessible and regularly cleaned and tidy?
Hand Washing facilities provided with clean water, sufficient sanitiser, and soap?
Emergency Management
Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?
Evacuation procedures discussed periodically?
Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?
Extinguishers recently serviced? (Check 6 monthly punch mark on tabs)
Extinguishers clear of obstructions?
Adequate direction notices for fire exits?
Exit doors easily opened from inside?
Exits clear of obstructions?
Evacuation Diagram easily acccesible?
Evacuation Diagram readable and conform to AS/NZS Standards
First Aid Kit stocked and accessible (enough first aid resources available on-site)?
Emergency Site Contacts displayed and accessible to workers
Document Review
Safety Documentation
Health and Safety Policy available and sufficient?
Risk Register available, up-to-date and accessible to relevant personnel
A Health and Safety Management Plan is in place and sufficient for operations
High Risk Work identified within safety management plan specific to the site and risks sufficiently controlled?
Health and Safety Objectives and Targets continually reviewed and metrics are established and monitored?
References made throughout documentation for ease of accessibility
Sufficient Horizontal Consultation process in place?
Sufficeint issue resolution process in place?
Risk Management process communicated and sufficient?
Relevant hazards and control measures have been identified and established for the site?<br><br>This includes:<br>-Chemical<br>-Biological<br>-Physical<br>-Ergonomic<br>-Phycosocial
Information provided around site security including minimum requirements which are specific to the site?
Subcontractor management process in place and sufficient for the nature of works?
Incident Investigation and Reporting process in place and sufficient?
Emergency Management processes in place and communicated and/or training conducted periodically?
Training and Competency process and recording implemented and evident?
Occupational Hygiene processes available and sufficient for the nature of works?
Traffic Management
When working near/on a road, is traffic management used?
Is a TMP followed and up-to-date
Traffic Management Signage and communication maintained?
Working at Height
WAH risks sufficiently managed and risks captured
Permit to work system available for all WAH activities
Fall protection required? (any works above 2m from base of a person's foot)
Scaffold required for work?
Scaffold tags attached and in date (inspected every 30 days)
Monitor and Review
Site Specific plan risk assessment conducted, accessible and reviewed
Site information gathered and evident verified including history, services, ground conditions, environmental considerations, work area etc.
SWMS have been checked to ensure selected controls have been transferred to the working document for the site
Sign Off
Auditor signature
Site Representative Signature (internal person who assisted with audit questions)