Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Business purpose? (what does the business do)
Senior site representative? (name, title, phone, email)
Can we receive a copy of the organisation chart?
Number of workers at site?
Blue/ white collar quantities?
Core/ major classifications/ roles in the business?
Permanent/ Non permanent quantities?
Are there position descriptions available for all classifications/ roles? (list relevant classifications/roles)
Can we receive copies of relevant position descriptions?
Key Business Representatives
Who is the WHS Manager or equivalent representative? (name, title, phone, email)
Who is the WHS Officer(s)? (name, title, phone, email)
Who is the Return to Work Coordinator? (name, title, phone, email)
Who is the Payroll Coordinator? (name, title, phone, email)
Who is the Accounts Payable Coordinator? (name, title, phone, email)
WHS System
Is there a working WHS system for the site?<br>If "Yes", what is the name of the system. <br>If "No", how does the business manage site safety?
Does the business review and update the WHS system to meet relevant legislative and industry requirements?
Does the business conduct external audits of the WHS system?<br>If "Yes", how regularly?
WHS Commitment
Are ALL workers subject to the same conditions of the site WHS system, procedures and processes?
Site Safety Induction
Does the business undertake site safety and orientation inductions for new workers? <br>If "No", how does the business orientate new workers?
Can we receive a copy of the induction documents/ tool?
Is the induction formal or informal?
What day and time is the site safety induction conducted?
Induction duration?
Who conducts the site safety and orientation inductions?
Inductor details? (name, title, phone, email)
Site Safety Induction: Content
Business purpose?
Key Business Policies?
WHS management philosophies?
WHS management tools? (risk assessments, lock out/ tag out procedures, etc)
Evacuation procedure?
Incident/ accident reporting procedure?
PPE requirements?
Identifies WHS representatives?
Identifies first aid representatives?
Guided site tour?
Do inductees complete an induction assessment?
Risk Management
Does the business conduct site-related risk assessments?
Does the business conduct role &/ or task-related risk assessments?<br>If "No", how does the business satisfy WHS risk management legislation?
How does the business ensure that high risk work is conducted by appropriately qualified workers?
Does the business have documented procedures for the following:
Confined space?
Working at heights?
Manual handling?
Hazardous substances?
Risk Management: Tools
Does the business have current risk assessments for ALL common or typical tasks?
Tools Used:
Pre Start Checks? (machinery, plant/ vehicles, power tools)
Safe Operating Procedures? (SOP)
Safe Work Method Statement? (SWMS)
Job Safety Assessment? (JSA)
Safe Work Procedure? (SWP)
Personal Risk Assessment? (Take 5)
How are changes to risk assessment documents/ tools communicated to workers? (list methods)
Can we receive a copy of the relevant risk assessment tool(s) for issuance to our employee prior to initiating work at the business site?
Risk Management: Workers
What level of supervision does the business provide to workers?
Do workers participate in risk assessments prior to commencing ALL tasks?
Are risk assessments signed off by participant workers & copies retained by the business?
How does the business encourage, coordinate & maintain worker participation in risk assessment?
How does the business collect and maintain the records of worker licences & tickets?
WHS Consultation
Does the business consult with the workers?
What is the formal consultation arrangement?
How often do formal WHS meetings occur?
- Daily
- Weekly
- Fortnightly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Annually
- Other
If "Other", provide detail.
Who typically attends WHS meetings? (list attendees)
WHS Communication: how does the business disseminate information?
Toolbox talks? <br>If "Yes", how regularly do toolbox talks occur?
Notice boards? <br>If "Yes", how often are notice boards updated?
Newsletters? <br>If "Yes", how often are they distributed?
Online - Intranet, email?
General meetings?
Other? (list detail)
Workplace Inspections: How does the business undertake WHS inspections?
Safety Observation?<br>If "Yes", how regularly?
Workplace Inspection?<br>If "Yes", how regularly?
Internal Audit?<br>If "Yes", how regularly?
External Audit?<br>If "Yes", how regularly?
Who conducts the internal observations/ inspections/ audits?
- Senior Business Representative
- WHS Manager/Officer
- Safety Committee Representative
- worker
- Randomly selected from the business
- Other
If "Other", provide detail.
How are identified issues resolved? (ie; reported to WHS committee, authority sought & provided, necessary work completed).
Injury Statistics: previous 12 months
Lost time injury (LTI)? <br>If "Yes", list quantity & brief detail for each.
Medical treatment injury (MTI)? <br>If "Yes", list quantity & brief detail for each.
First aid treatment? <br>If "Yes", list quantity.
Near miss incidents? <br>If "Yes", list quantity & brief detail for each.
Injury Categories.
Sprains & Strains?<br>If "Yes", quantity
Cuts & Abrasions?<br>If "Yes", quantity
Eyes?<br>If "Yes", quantity
Psychological (bullying, stress)?<br>If "Yes", quantity
Other?<br>If "Yes", quantity & brief detail for each.
Injury Treatment
Forsythes insist that ALL injuries incurred by our employees are reported to Forsythes immediately. Excluding emergency situations, Forsythes utilise the services of preferred medical service providers for medical treatment injuries.
Does the business have an injury treatment management plan?
Does the business offer return to work suitable duties for ALL workers?
Incident Reporting
Does the business have an accident/ incident management plan?
How do workers communicate with the business.
Accident/ Incident report book?
Accident/ Incident report form?
WHS representative/ Health Safety Representative/ WHS Committee
Supervisor/ Team Leader
Will the business conduct a collaborative & transparent investigation for accidents/ incidents involving Forsythes workers?
Site Facilities & Amenities
Does the business offer the following amenities:
Lunchroom: fridge, microwave, sufficient seating?<br>If "No", list alternative arrangements.
Toilets?<br>If "No", list alternative arrangements.
Showers?<br>If "No", list alternative arrangements.
Lockers/ personal storage?<br>If "No", list alternative arrangements.
First Aid room?<br>If "No", list alternative arrangements.
Off street parking?<br>If "No", list alternative arrangements.
Smoking area?<br>If " No", list alternative arrangements.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Which party will supply the following items.
Safety footwear (steel cap)?
Minimum Standard:
If "Other" (detail)
Minimum Standard:
- HiVis LS, reflect - yellow/blue
- HiVis LS, reflect - orange/blue
- HiVis LS, reflect - rail compliant
- HiVis LS - yellow/blue
- HiVis LS - orange/navy
- HiVis
- No minimum standard
- Other
If "Other" (detail)
Minimum Standard:
If "Other" (detail)
Safety Eyewear?
Minimum Standard:
If "Other" (detail)
Hearing Protection?
Minimum Standard:
If "Other" (detail)
Minimum Standard:
If "Other" (detail)
Hard hat?
Minimum Standard:
If "Other" (detail)
Respiratory equipment?
Minimum Standard (detail):
Other (list):
Pre Deployment Processes: Medical
Pre Employment Medical?
"Assemble" the required pre employment medical assessment using the below specific components. If a pre employment medical assessment is not requested, however, specific examinations are, select below as required.
Physical examination?
Spirometry (lung function)?
Audiometry (hearing)?
Drug & Alcohol?
If "Yes", Urine - instant or laboratory? Saliva?
ECG ( Heart)?
Pathology (blood tests)?<br>if "Yes", list reason for test(s) & test types to be completed.
Functional Capacity Assessment?
Other (list)?
Pre Deployment Processes: Background Assessment
Criminal History?
Working with Children?
Other (list)?
General Comments
Site Attendance & Inspection Frequency
Minimum Expectation:
Assessment Validation
Business Representative:
Business Representative (if applicable):
Forsythes Representative:
Forsythes Representative (if applicable):