Title Page

  • Site name

  • Inspection type

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

External pavements & footpaths

  • Will this inspection include External areas?

  • Trip hazards : Are the paved areas/paths, car parks inspected, level, safe from potholes, sunken, loose, raised or rocking , raised tree roots, missing, damaged or unsecure manhole /inspection covers?

  • Slip hazards: Are paths inspected reasonably free from loose stones, wet leaves, moss, oil spills? (supported housing sites and steep ramps have snow and ice controls as per BHA policy)

  • Paths obstructions: Do paths inspected have reasonable clear space to walk without being injured ? for example: protruding sharp objects/falling fences ,foliage/low tree branches?

  • Steps /ramps: Do steps and ramps inspected appear safe & undamaged? For example are the edges of steps clearly visible (highlighted with white or yellow paint where necessary) Stair nosing and handrails secure where fitted

  • Trees : do trees in the area inspected appear to be free from obvious visible damage, for example large damaged branches likely to fall?

  • Fly tipping /Arson risk: Are communal areas free from fly tipping ? Consider high risk items such as combustibles/furniture dumped near fire exits & against walls of flats.

  • Gates: Do communal gates, including powered gates appear safe/securely fixed ?

  • Electrical/lighting : Are there any obvious visible electrical hazards/ unsafe conditions for example damaged lights/exposed wires/extension cables. Reported poor light?

  • Do communal waste, washing, storage areas or BHA furniture inspected appear in safe condition?

  • Comments

  • Photos

Fire Safety

  • Is there a fire panel?

  • Is it fault free? If NO phone customers services

  • Is the fire alarm tested weekly and recorded in a fire logbook? Please add photo evidence. If NO report to Fire Safety Manager and/or relevant agency manager

  • Are smoke & heat detectors in good order/undamaged/ & not covered.

  • Is fire alarm & or smoke detectors regularly serviced?

  • Is there a fire risk assessment for the premises and is it up to date?

  • Are all fire escape routes & exits clearly marked with appropriate signage and free from obstructions, combustible items & evidence of smoking.

  • Are there fire doors?

  • Are fire doors in the area inspected in good order as per fire door check guidelines & frequency?

  • Are the Final Fire Exit Doors easy to open and unobstructed on both sides?

  • Are there any AOVs (smoke vents)? Monthly test required; weekly if linked to fire alarm

  • Are the AOV’s opening & closing properly?

  • Is there emergency lighting?

  • Are the Emergency Lights in good order & functioning correctly when tested?

  • Are there communal fire extinguishers/blankets?

  • Are fire extinguishers /blankets in good order & servicing up to date ?

  • Signage : Are Fire instruction notices displayed?


  • Does this site require legionella temp and system checks?

  • Is a weekly flush of little used outlets being completed where required? Please add photo evidence of flush sheet.

  • Are the water temperature checks being completed and recorded? Please add photo evidence of water hygiene logbook date & signature<br>

Electrical safety

  • Are electrical cupboards in safe condition & kept free from combustibles/storage?

  • Is the electrical wiring certificate in date (EICR)

  • Is the general lighting in working order?

  • Are socket outlets and plugs in good condition & no daisy chains or overloading (visual)

  • Are trailing cables kept secured and placed so they do not cause trip hazards?

  • Is all portable electrical equipment regularly tested and labelled?

Internal areas safe condition

  • Are floors, stairs & landings in a safe condition eg stair nosing & handrails secure, window safety catches intact where required?

  • Is appropriate safety signage & instruction displayed where required?

Lifts- fire fighting & passenger

  • Is there a passenger lift?

  • Is the emergency call button working (carry out a test)

  • Is there a fire fighting lift ?

  • In test mode is the fire fighting lift working correctly? Report faults as urgent.

  • Are there offices, communal lounges, laundries , kitchens or assisted bathrooms?

  • Are kitchens in a safe condition, eg grease extractors cleaned, equipment serviced?

  • Are laundry rooms in safe condition eg tumble dryer hose vents attached & undamaged, lint cleared, equipment serviced?

  • Scooter charge rooms kept of items other than scooters & electric wheelchairs?

  • Are staff welfare facilities available, in safe condition & kept clean & tidy?

  • Is there a first aid kit with stock in date?

  • Are boiler rooms in safe condition, kept free from combustibles & is servicing up to date?


  • Is there scaffolding erected in the communal area?

  • Is the 7 day inspection tag attached & up to date?

  • Is the ladder out of reach or a compliant ladder guard in place?

Temporary safety fencing

  • Is there temporary safety fencing on site?

  • Is it in safe condition & regularly inspected?

Other information

  • Add any other information you wish to include with regards to this site visit , including photographs.

Update the current Risk Rating for the Premises _refer to matrix

  • Risk matrix

    Risk matrix 5x5 table 2024.png
  • What is the Risk rating for this site?

Action points

Action points

    Action point
  • Select date

  • Concern

  • Photos

  • Action taken


  • Assessor Name and Job title

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.