
  • Site name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

1) Fire safety

  • Is there a fire panel?

  • Is the fire panel fault free? If NO phone customers services for urgent repair. (4hr)

  • Is the fire alarm tested weekly and recorded in a fire log book? Please add photo evidence. If NO report to Fire Safety Manager and/or relevant agency manager

  • Are smoke & heat detectors in good order/undamaged/ & not covered.

  • Is fire alarm & or smoke detectors regularly serviced?

  • Is there a fire risk assessment for the premises and is it up-to-date?

  • Are all fire escape routes & exits clearly marked and free from obstructions?

  • Are all fire doors in good order & working correctly, including fire panel linked closers?

  • Are the Final Fire Exit Doors easy to open and unobstructed on both sides?

  • Are fire drills held regularly and are records kept in a fire log book? (reasonable frequency dependent on levels of office use)

  • Are fire instruction notices displayed?

  • Are fire extinguishers in good order & service up to date

  • Are the Emergency Lights in good order & functioning correctly when tested?

  • Any Comments?

  • undefined

  • Photos

2) First Aid

  • Is there a first aid kit which is well stocked & contents in date?

  • Comments

  • Photos

3)Legionella (Weekly or Monthly)

  • Is a weekly flush of infrequently used outlets being completed where required? If yes ,please add photo evidence of flush sheet

  • Are the water temperature checks being completed and recorded? Please add photo evidence of water hygiene log book date & signature.

4) Electrical safety

  • Is the electrical wiring certificate in date (EICR)

  • Is the general office lighting in working order?

  • Are all socket outlets and plugs in good condition & no daisy chains? (visual inspection)?

  • Are trailing cables kept secured and placed so they do not cause a trip hazard?

  • Is all portable electrical equipment regularly tested and labelled?

  • Comments

  • Photos

5) Security

  • Is there a signing in procedure and is it being followed?

  • Are door entry security systems working/sufficient?

  • Is CCTV installed with signage and is it being monitored? N/A if no CCTV system

  • Comments

  • Photos

6) Office equipment

  • Are photocopiers/printers in good working order and well ventilated?

  • Is the office equipment , including furniture in good condition?

  • Where appropriate, are staff instructed to turn off equipment overnight?

  • Do staff received training in the use of office equipment & instructed not to undertake repairs to office equipment?-where relevant?

  • Comments

  • Photos

7) Office environment

  • Is there sufficient space for employees and equipment?

  • Are general office areas kept clean and tidy (including kitchens)?

  • Are there a sufficient number of waste containers and are they emptied regularly?

  • Is recycling, where possible, in use?

  • Are "Wet floor" signs used during the cleaning process where required?

  • Are floors free from obstructions and tripping hazards?

  • Is the storage of materials/equipment on the tops of cabinets discouraged or kept to a minimum?

  • Comments

  • Photos

8) Office plant and tools

  • Has the gas boiler been serviced in the last twelve months?

  • Is the lift working and has it been regularly serviced?

  • Is the air conditioning working and has it been regularly serviced?

  • Are ladders/steps in use in good condition? N/A if none on site.

  • Comments

  • Photos

9) Welfare facilities

  • Do facilities exist for consuming food and drink and are they kept clean?

  • Is there a supply of hot and cold running water with soap and hand drying facilities?

  • Are there sufficient toilet facilities for men and women including disabled people?

  • Are toilet facilities well ventilated, cleaned and restocked with paper, soap and hand drying facilities?

  • Are drinking water supplies adequately marked ?

  • Comments

  • Photos

10) Further information

  • Add any other information you wish to include with regards to this site visit? Include any other photographs

  • Photos

Update the current Risk Rating for the Premises if necessary - refer to matrix

  • Risk matrix

    Risk matrix 5x5 table 2024 - Copy.png
  • What is the Risk Rating for this site?

  • Name & Job title

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.