Title Page
Procurement Process -Work Instruction Document number:025913-PROC-00082 issue A
Client / Site
2.1.1 is there a procurement strategy plan for high risk products<br><br>What is the document number or how do you find this document in PDM
2.1.2 how do you control medium/low risk purchases?<br>
2.1.3 evidence of the procurement schedule, is it signed by the PRP?
2.14 how are packages between £5k-£25 high risk purchases controlled<br><br>Procurement strategy checklist evidence should be signed by the PRP
2.2.1 how are proposed suppliers identified?<br><br>Procurement strategy schedule,
2.2.2 how are the suppliers chosen to tender?<br><br>Tender process, a pre qualification questionnaire ? How do you know how to get the form.
2.2.3 is the pre qualification process decision documented<br><br>Scoring? Currently can't see a pre qualification form<br>
2.2.1 Single Tender Action
- what is the procedure for sole source justification under £10k? If over £10k then form OP005form07 is used
2.3 RFQ/ITT Thresholds
2.3.1 the process states that a minimum of 3 quotations will be sent at RFQ , Is evidence provided of 3 quotes?<br><br>What form is the RFQ sent on.? Should be Appendix C also check money on RFQ should be no more than £50k<br><br>
2.3.2 what form is an ITT sent on, <br><br>Should be on appendix D<br>
2.4 RFQ/Tender Evaluation Criteria
2.4.1 what is the process for evaluating the RFQ?<br><br>Should be on appendix B from the procurement process<br>
2.4.2 what is the process for evaluating the ITT?<br><br>Should be on appendix A from the procurement process
2.5.1 What is included within the RFQ/ITT<br><br>Key milestones , technical specifications, drawings and flow downs
2.6 Tender Receipt
2.6.1 if a tender value is greater than £25k how are the key points recorded?<br><br>On a tender opening form template, note the document number
2.6.2 if a tender is less than £25k then how are they recorded ?<br><br>On the RFQ Evaluation spreadsheet appendix B<br><br>All quotations are stored on the procurement schedule see evidence of this
2.7 RFQ/ Tender Evaluation
2.7.1 How is the scoring determined for each separate function?<br><br><br>I can see a scoring form (appendix A) but I don't see how the score are calculated?
2.7.2 what form is the documented minutes form the tender interviews<br><br>See evidence of any documented meetings with potential suppliers
2.7.3 a supplier work package recommendation report should be sent to magnolia for approval<br><br>See evidence of this form (PDM template)
2.8 Purchase Requisition
2.8.1 Who has to sign the purchase requisition prior to submittal to the supplier?<br><br><br>See evidence of a signed purchase requisition by either the PRP or the Commercial Manager
2.9 Subcontract Award
Appendix F is the sub contract check sheet, what information is sent to the sub contractor?<br><br><br>Appendix F should have a signature from the sub contractor<br>Should be recorded in he procurement schedule
Is a purchase order sent to the supplier?<br><br><br>To be part of the LTQR.