Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is all scenery safely constructed and fit for purpose?
Are all uprights safely braced and weighted?
Are all fabrics flame retardant?
Are all weight bearing platforms safe for use and braced correctly?
Is all scaffolding safe and inspected daily?
Costumes, Make-Up and Props
Are all props safe and fit for purpose?
Are there weapons or firearms used?
Have the Local Authorities approved use?
Are all costumes safe and fit for purpose?
Is all make-up safe and fit for purpose?
Have all performers been patch tested for allergies?
Trips Slips and Falls
Is the auditorium free from trip hazards?
Is the stage free from trip hazards?
Are the wings and backstage area free from trip hazards?
Are there cloths, mops and cleaning materials available on site in order to swiftly deal with spillages?
Noise Levels
Are there excessive noise levels used in the production? Eg loud sound cues or machinery?
Have operators been briefed to warn cast and crew before testing levels?
Are all electrical leads undamaged and fit for purpose?
Are all cable runs secure and taped down?
Are all electrical circuits safely loaded?<br>
Has all equipment and electrical appliances been PAT tested?
Is the working light for fit up and strike period sufficient?
Use of Fire or Pyrotechnics
Are there any pyrotechnics or fire used in the production?
Is there a trained crew member supervising the firing of pyros at a safe distance?
Are all performers aware of the danger?
Is there a 2m clear distance around the pyro when fired?
Have the Local Authorities been informed?
Is there use of fire or smoking in the production?
If so - are there adequate control measures in place to extinguish flames?
Special Effects
Are there any special effects used in the production? Eg Strobe lighting smoke, haze or flashes
Are there warning notices for the audience on display?
Are there warning notices for the audience on display?
Have all performers and crew been made aware and warned of the use of special effects?
Scene Changes
Have all crew been briefed on the order and method of scene changes?
Is there adequate light on stage for the scene change crew to see each other, the scenery, and floor markings?
Have the scene changes been rehearsed in an orderly fashion?
Can anyone's hair, clothing, costume or other materials become entangled with moving parts of the stage equipment whilst in motion?
Is there any flown scenery?
Has the venue been warned of the working load on the suspension points?
Are all suspension points bolted?
Is suitable stage hardware used?
Is weight evenly distributed between suspension points?
Are cables or ropes suitable for the weight load?
Is there a rated safety cable attached to each piece of flown scenery?
Have the operators been briefed to warn cast and crew when scenery is flown in or out?
Working at Height
Is there a requirement to work at height above 2 metres?
Have all ladders and work platforms been inspected and tested for safe use?
Are there suitable handrails on platforms to prevent falls?
First Aid Provision
Is there suitable first aid provision on site?
Have all cast and crew been briefed on what to do in the case of an incident needing first aid?
Fire Prevention and Evacuation
Has the venue sufficient fie exits for the size of audience? - One exit per fifty audience members.
Are all fire exits free from obstruction, clear, lit, and suitably marked?
Has the cast and crew been briefed on a fire evacuation plan?
Will the audience be briefed on the fire evacuation plan?
Are there suitable fire extinguishers available for use in case of fire?
Are all fire extinguishers, hydrants and hoses clear and accessible.?
Clearing of Rubbish
Are there enough bins around the working area?
Are the bins emptied daily?
Manual Handling
Can anyone be injured by hazards caused by manual handling?
Have the load-in and load-out crews been briefed on manual handling hazards?