
  • Document No.

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SOP 5.3 Job Safety Analysis.

  • 1. JSA's must be submitted by all trades working on site, this is law and in accordance with the OHS Standards. <br>A Work Method Statement can be submitted. This Work Method Statement is to be in the required format of the PD OHS policy and is to be in writing. VERBAL JSA are not accepted. All JSA's recieved from service trades are to incorperate confirmation that all tradesmen are certified with their specific discipline. PS Structures has a set of standard JSA templates hich can be used in the absence of a subbies own. <br><br>A guide to JSA's can be found on the Safetyline website, this is indicated to the Subcontractor on their order.

  • 2. JSA's are not required by suppliers. When order is created, PM must not tick 'required'

  • 3. JSA's are automatically entered into the BMS when a new sub Contract Order is created. <br>If a Subcontractor is doing more than one trade i.e. Fineform for Formwork and Reinforcement, then this mustbe identified in "notes" that there are more than onetrade each with its iwn JSA.

  • 4. On receipt of the JSA it is to be given to the PM for checking/approval with attatment 30. PMto make any relevant ntes/comments. PM then signs it off and returns it to IMS admin. All accepted JSA's will be stamped "JSA PROCESSED ON BMS" by IMS admib as proof of it being processed on the BMS and copy held at HO. NO JSA's can be sebt to site with out it being processed. <br>TheJSA is then accepted/ rejected: <br>A) accepted- enter in BMS system, issue copy tosute, thenfile in project filing. <br>B) accepted with comments- PM advise subcontractor enter in BMS systemthen issue coy to site andfileas above. <br>C) rejected- PM advise subcontractor and do not enter in system.

  • 5. SA's hard copy filed inthe normal 70/10 HO file. Original sent to site.

  • 6. If JSA is recieved at site; SM isto forward a copy to head office and procedure inpoint 5 will be carried out.

  • 7. PM's SM's and Site Safety Officer are to chck that the JSA is being implemented onsite; attatchment 30D is to be used for this; in particular activitiesthat are dangerous must be confirmed they are covered within the JSA. All non conformances found to be doccumented and entered in attachment 40. Should an Improvment Log be required this can be created and highlighted with any corrective action.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.