Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
A. Project Safety Management Plan & FSC System Requirements (Ref SOP 5 Site Management Procedures)
1. Review effectiveness of action items & NCR's from last audit report.?<br>
2. Project Safety Management Plan & Risk Register approved, implemented & reviewed details of review (ATT 29)?
3. Safety Inspections (Att 25). Leadership Inspections (ATT26 - Bi Monthly) Others as required?
4. Safety Design Checklist (Att 33B), Design Changes (Att 33C) & Designers OHS Report. Any changes communicated to workers? What records of this are kept?
5. Availability of OHS Act, OHS Regulations & other applicable legislations, Codes ?
6. Plant Risk Assessment, Pre mobilisation Check and Daily Inspection completed.?
7. JSA Review Checklist (Att 30C) is completed for each JSA/SWMS. JSA monitored once?
8. MSDS Register (ATT 9) is established and maintained recording hazardous substances, dangerous goods used on site (Risk Assessment if required)?
9. Permit for Hot Work (Att 7A) is completed for hot work if required?
10. Permit to Ecavate (Att 7B) is completed for excavation work if required?
11. Permit for work near overhead power lines if required (Att 7c)?
12. Permit for Crane use (Att 7D)
13. Permit for Confined Space is completed and persons trained AS2865 (Att 7E)
14. Concrete Cut/Drill Permit (Where there is a risk of contacting services Att 7F)
15. Electrical Isolation Permit & Procedure (Att 7G)
16. Site Induction Record completed - Copies of certificates & licenses. Competency verified?<br> Ref SOP 5.1.3
17. Visitors Log Completed?
18. Staff Training assessed & up to date (IMS, promoted personnel trained, other?) (Att 14D) Training file available?<br> Certificates & training feedback forms available on site?
19. Incidents/accidents and fist aid treatments recorded, investigated & closed out. (Att 19 & 20)
20. Key Performance Indicators measured quarterly using (Att 24)
21. Emergency Response Plan and Emergency Contact details established/maintained (Att 31 A,B,C,D)
22. Toolbox Meetings held weekly and minutes and attendance recorded (Att 18)
23. Specific procedures implemented (Tilt up & precast, Work at Heights, FSC reporting, Purchasing, Preferred Supplier)
24. Notice board established on site and information displayed which includes:<br> Company Policies - Safety, Quality, Enviromental, Fitness<br> Toolbox/ prestart minutes of meeting<br> Site Emergency Evacuation Plan and emergency contact details<br> Site Organisation Chart<br> Dispute Resolution<br> Site Rules and Regulations
Signage (Reg 3.7, 3.11) Ref SOP
1. Adequate signage is displayed at site to warn others of hazards eg PS Structures site signage and entry requirements, First Aid, Danger Construstion Site-No entry, Men Working Above, Nail Guns in Use, Demolition in Progress, Excavation, Scaffold incomplete etc.
2. Site entry and exit, stairs, walkways are marked/signposted
Emergency Response (Reg 3.10, 3.12) Ref SOP 5.1.2
1. Emergency Drill held and results of the drill recorded (minimum 3 monthly) Att 31C
2. Are all sources of power e.g. electricity and gas and water identifiable and readily accessible for emergency personnel?
3. Trained first aid personnel on site and details listed on emergency contacts list?
4. Assess First Aid requirements - adequate for risk, appropirate for the site (Att 31D)?
5. Assess emergency equipment is suitable, accessible, appropirately located?<br> Fire extinguishers - signposted, charged and serviced in last 6 months?
6. Emergency equipment, exit signs, paths of travel & alarm systems are inspected, tested & maintained at regular intervals.?
Personal Protective Equipment ( Reg 3.32 - 3.44) Ref SOP 5.1.8
1. Mandatory site PPE is worn by subcontractors on site (as per signage)
2. PPE worn correctly and for the appropirate conditions and tasks?
Housekeeping (Reg 3.17) Ref SOP 5.1.22
1. Site generally tidy and work areas free from clutter i.e. No tripping hazards?
2. Access/egress to works areas are clear i.e. no obstacles?
3. Adedquate waste bins provided, strategically placed and empied regularly?
4. Rubbish disposed of in the bins provided (ensure litter on ground cleaned-up)
5. Floors, stairs and ramps are free from trip hazards. NB If floors or stairs wet ensure clean to prevent slipping. Also check ramps to ensure safe access/egress.
6. Perimeter fences and gates secure and maintained in good condition?
7. Protruding reinforcing steel is capped to prevent injury to persons working at site.
Control of Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods Ref SOP 5.1.21
1. Chemicals and dangerous goods labeled with their contents?
2. Chemicals and dangerous goods stored securely (eg gas bottles on trolleys)?
3. Any storage facility established is well ventilated, flammable substances stored away from a ny potential source of ignition and signage e.g. HAZCHEM shown?
4. Flammalbe substances stored in sealed containers?
5. Are incompatible chemicals segregated?
6. Suitable equipment is available to contain a chemical spill?
7. In the event of any spill, confirm waste has been responsibly disposed.
Electrical (Reg 3.59 - 3.65 & Australian Standard 3012) Ref SOP 5.1.9
1. Electrical leads tagged with current colour coding and inspected by Electrician?
2. Leads and portable electric tools, lighting, plant or equipment used on site protected by an approved earth leakage protection device (ELCB)
3. Construction wiring to be fitted with yellow maker tape every 5 metres (Construction wiring)
4. Electrical equipment isolated rom power, and/or the correct locking out and/or danger tagging procedure followed prior to any work carried out on equipment?
5. Electrical cables protected from damage and insulated lead stands used where possible (keep off the ground)
6. Portable generators fitted with "core balance earth leakage protection" with a rated tripping current not exceeding 30ma?
7. Portable and semi portable electrical equipment inspected by a certified electrician in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard?
8. Results of the electrical inspections and tests must be recorded & kept on site
9. Are electrical leads properly earthed and not exceeding 32m in length?
Use of Lasers
1. Lasers must not be operated unless classied and labelled to AS 2211
Workplace Amenities (Reg 3.12) Ref SOP 5.1.22
1. Ablution area maintained in a sanitary condition?
2. Crib room maintained in a hygienic condition?
3. Rubbish bins with plastic liners provided for food refuse?
4. Bins containing food refuse emptied regularly?
5. Washing and hand drying facilities provided?
6. Fridge provided for storage of food and maintained in a clean condition?
7. Clean, cool drinking water proviced?
Working at Height (Reg 3.48 - 3.57) Ref SOP 5.1.4
Scaffold and Formwork (Reg 3.67) Ref SOP 5.1.6 & 5.1.7
1. Scaffold erected is certified safe for use - Tagging as per AS/NZS 1576.1
2. Structure erected on a stable foundation and secure
3. Suitable base plates used?
4. Required cross face/heal and toe bracing in place secured and at correct spacing
5. Guard rails and toe boards in place and secured (prevent any objects falling below)
6. Is the work platform adequate, in good condition and secured?
Ladders (Reg 3.26) Ref SOP 5.1.5
7. Ladders used on site comply with Australian Standard (AS1892.1)
8. Ladder Register available and all ladders on site tagged?
9. Ladders used on site are secured at the top and bottom?
10. Ladders extend a minimum of one metre above the platform?
11. Ladders angled at the correct distance form the structure, 1 out 4 up
12. Ladders maintained in good condition (ie no rungs missing)
13. Ladder not used as a work platform?
14. Personnel using ladders as a working platform (3 points of contact not maintained)
Open Floor Penetrations ( Reg 3.54) Ref SOP
15. Holes/openings in floors covered, secured and signage displayed - danger hole below (i.e. eliminate potential for slip, trip of any fall from height to a floor below?
16. Guard rails on all stairs and above ground level landings and fixed platforms
17. Guard rails in place where a person could fall 2 metres or more from a stair, landing or fixed platform (particular attention to any formwork in progress\)
18. Static Lines & Fall arrest equiupment register
19. Rescue Plan for work at heights using harness (Att 8)
Excavations (Reg 3.109) Ref SOP 5.1.18
1. Are any excavation that are a possible risk to workers, shored, propped or battered to prevent collapse of sides?
2. Ensure barricading to excavations over 1 m deep to prevent risk of fall from height
3. Is any load, whether plant or excavated material, kept at a safe distance from the excavation
4. Observer present & JSA where workers are in an excavation at least 1.5m deep
5. Is the stability of buildings/structures adjacent to an ecavation maintained?
Mobile Plant & Equipment (Part 4 OSH Regs) Ref SOP 5.1.28
1. Are guards in place where required and are they effective?
2. Is all fixed and mobile equipment kept clean and in a servicable condition?
3. Are Safe Working Loads, Capacities and Tolerances etc., known for relevant equipment, displayed and complied with (eg hoist, lifts, mobile cranes, forklifts etc.)
4. Is mobile plant operated only by trained/certified operators?
5. Is the speed and movement of mobile plant controlled at the site?
6. Is mobile plant operated well clear of overhead power lines?
7. Check plant log book
Cranes, Lifts & Hoists (Part 4 - OSH Regs) Ref SOP 5.1.14 & 5.1.16
1. When Mobile Crane is in operation, is it located on compacted or stabilised ground?
2. When a crane is in operation, is the crane and the movement of the crane job well clear of any overhead powerlines?
3. Is there a means of restriction or control to prevent persons or vehicles from entering the area or vicinity in which a crane is operating?
4. Are lifts and hoists securely located on the site?
5. Are lifts and hoists operated by licensed (>11m) or competent (<11m) operators?
6. Are slings and chains in good condition and tagged (Register available)
Manual Handling (Reg 3.4) Ref SOP 5.1.23
1. Mechanical aids available on site to deliver materials close to persons work area, to minimise risk of manual handling injury eg. carrying/pulling/pushing materials?
2. Ensure team lifting (two or more people) to avoid a person carrying excessive load
Public Safety (OSH Act Sec.20-22) Traffic Control (Reg 3.22) Ref SOP
1. Adequate hoarding or barricades put in place to eliminate public access to site
2. Check that fence, hoarding and/or barricades are secure ie no risk of falling over
3. Traffic Control Plans implemented as required, and warning signage for both traffic management/diversion and alternative route for pedestrians is clearly displayed