Title Page
Pub Number
Conducted on
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Are lighting timers correct?
Front of House
Do you know which lights can be turned off when not required?
Are the bulbs & shades clear of dust?
Do you have the right wattage bulbs?
Do you know how to work the heating control panel?
Is the thermostat set to 21°C?
Do you turn off heating or cooling when the doors & windows are open?
Are all doors & windows free from drafts?
Do the doors & windows open & close properly?
Are the door heaters on/off?
Is this appropriate for the current weather?
Bar Area
Note detectors turned off overnight
T-Bar lights turned off overnight?
Is the coffee machine turned off every night?
Are fridge vents clean & unblocked?
Can air flow around the fridge units?
Are fridges loaded correctly?
Do the fridges sound like they are working correctly?
Are all fridge seals in good condition?
Are glasswashers turned on in line with Your pub specific energy plan?
Are recycling procedures being followed as per SOP?
Toilets (including staff facilities)
Do all taps turn off after 20 seconds?
Do all toilets flush correctly?
Do taps run at the correct temperature?
Is cellar cooling running at the correct 11°C - 13°C
Are cellar fans clean & not iced up?
Are recycling procedures being followed as per SOP?
Back of House
Is the energy board up to date?
Are all BOH lights turned off?
Are pagers, radios etc only turned on when needed?
Are the hot/cold weather plans correct & in use?
Are recycling procedures being followed as per SOP?
Is the fire up guide in place & being followed?
Are equipment stickers/labels correctly in place?
Are fridge/freezers vents clean & unblocked?
Can air flow around the units?
Are fridges/freezers loaded correctly?
Do the fridges/freezers sound like they are working correctly?
Are fridge/freezer seals in good kitchen?
Are recycling procedures being followed as per SOP?
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