Title Page

  • Company Name

  • Company Address

  • Branch Office Name

  • Supplier Audit Conducted on

  • Lead Auditor

  • Assisted by

Supplier Details

  • Name of Auditee

  • Email Address of Auditee

  • Telephone Number of Auditee

  • Number of Employees

  • Has the supplier been previously approved by our company?

  • Last Audit Date

  • Evidence of previous Audit (Documents) Available?

  • How many non-conformances were identified during the last audit?

  • have all of the identified non-conformances from the last audit been actioned and closed out

Management Structure

  • Does the company have any external advice regarding employment law?

  • Where do you receive your Employment Law Advice currently?

  • How do you keep up the company up to date with current employment law

  • Does the company have a documented organisation chart?


  • Do you have adequate insurance levels in place

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems

  • Is the Supplier Accredited to ISO9001 Quality Management Systems

  • Date of Certificate Expiry

  • Awarding Body

  • Is the quality system documented, controlled and maintained to clearly describe current practice?

  • Do quality reports, trend charts and data analysis identify areas of opportunity and are used by management on a routine basis?

  • Are quality-performance targets clearly defined, included in the business plan and monitored for improvements?

  • Does executive management participate in periodic quality system reviews that address quality related feedback from customers and internal quality metrics?

  • Are preventive actions taken based on the analysis of significant business trends, design reviews, customer satisfaction surveys or other meaningful inputs?

  • Is there a formal approach used to actively pursue cost containment and other continual improvement activities throughout the organisation?

  • Is a corrective action system in place that provides root cause analysis and takes timely and effective action to prevent recurrence?

  • Does the corrective action system cover customer, internal and supplier issues?

  • What are your current arrangements for quality management

  • What due diligence do you carry out on suppliers you currently use

ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management

  • Is the supplier accredited to ISO45001 Health and Safety Management System?

  • Date of Certificate Expiry

  • Awarding Body

  • How do you manage your companies responsibility under the Health and safety at Work Act 1974

  • Does the Company have a Health and Safety Policy

  • Your company will need to demonstrate your commitment to upholding a minimum standard of health and safety best practice, this may include the creation of a health and safety policy, procedures and arrangements. are you willing to comply with this request?

  • How do you share the health and safety policy with you employees

  • Does your company have access to external Health and Safety Advise?

  • How do you ensure the workplace safety of your employees, complies with The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

  • Do you have suitable and sufficient risk assessments in place for hazards presented work your employees carry out.

  • Is there evidence of a positive safety culture lead from the top

  • Can the company provide evidence of ongoing commitment to training and development for its employees.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems

  • Is the Supplier Accredited to ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems

  • Upload Certificate

  • Date of Certificate Expiry

  • Awarding Body

Environmental Management Systems

Management Policy

  • Are the environmental responsibilities of the Chief Executive and Executive Members of your company reasonably clear?

  • Is a company Environmental Policy posted in an obvious place? Is there evident that this is endorsed by the site management (by signature, or by specific site policy)?

  • Does your company have a systematic and documented process by which it identifies and responds to the current environmental policy of the government including its laws, regulations, guidelines etc?

Management Issues

  • How has your company established a systematic and documented process describing the methods to identify, monitor and evaluate environmental aspects of your company’s activities, products or services?

  • Have targets been set for environmental objectives?

  • Has your company established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to demonstrate progress against environmental objectives and targets?

  • How does your company communicate with key stakeholders in regard to significant environmental aspects and is this process documented?

  • How do you manage your companies responsibly under the Environment Act 2021

General - Site walk around

  • Are areas free from waste build up

  • Are work areas free from oils and tars accumulated on the floors and walkways

  • Is the site well organised and maintained in good condition

  • Is there evidence of good environmental practices with regards to waste management

Air Emissions

  • How do you control air emissions from your work site

  • Do you regularly take air quality readings

  • What was the date of the last sample

  • Upload evidence of sampling

Water Discharges

  • What process do you have in place to control water discharges

  • Are all discharges I.E. rain water drains free from obvious contaminations such as oil residues

Hazardous Chemical Storage

  • Are hazardous chemicals stored in a purpose built storage unit with suitable and sufficient bonding to catch any spillages.

  • Is COSHH risk assessment and MSDS available at the point of storage for hazardous chemicals

  • Are suitable and sufficient spill kits available close to the hazardous chemicals storage

  • Is and up to date inventory of hazardous chemicals kept on site

Emergency Planning

  • Are emergency actions clearly posted in all areas with relevant telephone contact numbers

  • Are site emergency procedures regularly revied and exercised

Waste Management

  • Do you hold a waste carriers licence from the local authority

  • How do you manage the removal of waste from your site

Training and Competence

Your Employees

  • Describe your current recruitment and induction process for employees

  • How do you deem an employee as competent for the relevant role?

  • Do you have a documented recorded of training and competency

  • Do you hold annual personal development appraisals with your employees?

Personnel you Supply

  • Do you supply Staff labour

  • How do you ensure the staff you are providing are qualified to carry our the role?

Rail Compliance

  • Do you currently hold RISQS Accreditation

  • RISQS Certificate Expiry Date

  • What arrangements do you have in place to ensure you are in possession of the current Network Rail standards

  • How do you ensure the control of relevant documents and standards

  • How do you review and ensure rail standards are implemented

  • How do you communicate the current standards across your business?


  • Does the company have a Ethics Policy in place?

  • how do you ensure your employees are treated under fair processes?

Business Continuity

  • Do you have a documented business continuity plan

GDPR and Data Protection

  • Is your business compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018

  • Do you have a GDPR Policy?

  • Do you currently hold ISO27001 accreditation

  • What do you have in place to manage data protection?

  • How does your business ensure that all personal data is held securely?

  • How does your business prevent unauthorised access to data?

Audit Completion

  • Auditee Signature

  • Lead Auditor Signature

  • Follow up Required?

  • Schedule Appointment

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.