
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Health And Safety Systems

  • Is the OH & S policy available to staff?

  • Are the emergency procedures available?

  • Are the MSDS available?

  • Is the Site Safety plan available?


  • Are the work areas free from rubbish and obstruction?

  • Is there a clear access and egress in the workplace?

  • Is the site free from slip/trip hazards?

  • Are all the hatches closed?

  • Is the lighting adequate?


  • Are there any broken plugs, sockets or switches?

  • Are there any frayed or defective leads?

  • Are all leads inspected and tagged?

  • Date of leads inspection

  • Are any leads strained?

  • Are there any cable trip hazards?

  • Are the start/stop switches clearly identified?

  • Is there a fire extinguisher for electrical fires?

Hazardous Substances

  • Is a chemical register developed?

  • Are chemicals stored appropriately?

  • Are containers labeled appropriately?

  • Is there an adequate ventilation system?

  • Is PPE available and being used?

  • Is soap/ hand cleaning materials available?

  • Are there waste disposal procedures in place?

  • Are chemical handling procedures followed?

  • Is a first aid kit available?

Prevention Of Falls

  • Are confined spaces signposted and locked off?

  • Are safe work procedures in place?

Stairs Steps and Landings

  • Are any steps worn or broken?

  • Are handrails in good repair?

  • Are the areas clear of obstructions?

  • Is there adequate lighting?

  • Is there emergency lighting?

  • Are all non- slip treatments in good order?

  • Are the kick plates in position?

  • Are the areas clear of spills and debris?


  • Are employees provided with PPE?

  • Is it being worn?

  • Is sunscreen available?

  • Is aero guard available?

  • Are the employees wearing non-slip footware?

  • Does the footware have a toecap?

  • Are the employees wearing high viz?

  • Are the employees wearing a wide brimmed hat?

Manual Handling

  • Are SWMS in place for manual handling?

  • Was a risk assessment for manual handling performed?

  • Are manual handling controls implemented?

Workplace Ergonomics

  • Is the workstation and seating design acceptable?

  • Have ergonomic factors been considered in work layout and task design?

  • Has use of excessive force and repetitive movements been minimized?

  • Has appropriate training been provided?

Material Handling and Storage

  • Are the stacks stable?

  • Is there sufficient space to move items?

  • Is material stored in racks or bins?

  • Are shelves free of rubbish?

  • Is there clear access around stacks and racks?

  • Are heavier items stored lower?

  • Are the drums in a satisfactory condition?

  • Is there any danger of falling objects?

  • Are there any sharp edges?

  • Is there a safe means of accessing high shelves?

  • Is a bundling and containment system in place and operational?

Confined Spaces

  • Is a risk assessment undertaken?

  • Is there a communication and rescue plan in place?

  • Is the safety equipment in good working order?

  • Calibration of gas detector due

  • Battery power

  • Are all employees trained?

  • Is a confined space permit used?

  • Are all confined spaces identified and sign posted?

Traffic Control

  • Is the loading and unloading SWMS available?

  • Are the correct procedures being followed?

  • Is the signage appropriate for the SWMS?

  • Are all staff qualified traffic controllers?

  • Is high visibility clothing worn?

Public Protection

  • Are all the appropriate barricades, fencing, gantry secure and in place?

  • Are all the signage in place?

  • Is the lighting suitable for public access?

  • Are the footpaths clean and free from debris?

  • Is site access controlled?

  • Are traffic control procedures in place?

  • Are public complaints actioned?


  • Are the washrooms clean?

  • Are the toilets clean?

  • Are the lockers clean?

  • Are the meal rooms clean?

  • Are rubbish bins available?

  • Is drinking water available?

First Aid

  • Are procedures documented and issued?

  • Are crew qualified in 1st aid?

  • Does the first aid kit meet stock requirements?

  • Date of last stock check


  • Is there adequate lighting that is free from glare?

  • Is the lighting clean and efficient?

  • Are the windows clean?

  • Are all lights operable and not flickering?

Fire control

  • Are the extinguishers in place?

  • Date of service?

  • Appropriate signage of extinguishers?

  • Are extinguishers appropriate for hazards?

  • Are exit paths clear of obstructions?

  • Are emergency communication mediums established?

  • Are emergency telephone numbers available?

  • Is the no smoking laws observed?

  • Are flammable liquid storage procedures followed?

  • Are emergency procedures in place?

  • Are the alarms working?

  • Are personnel trained in use of fire fighting equipment?


  • Are life jackets accessible?

  • How many life jackets on board?

  • Date of last life jacket count

  • Date of last dinghy drill

Person overboard

  • Are lifebouys accessible and rope attached?

  • How many life bouys on board?


Corrective Action Requests

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.