Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Vehicle Safety (DOT)
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Are applicable documents in vehicle? (I.e. Medical certificates)
b) Are DOT logs current?
c) Do vehicles have required emergency equipment?
d) Journey Management in use and trips monitored?
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Number of SSE's currently on site?<br>
b) Are all SSE's assigned mentors?<br>
d) Number of employees that have completed required Qinterra Orientation
a) Pre-job checklist completed?
b)Unit-housekeeping rating 1) Poor 2) Needs Improvement 3) Good 4) Outstanding
c) Truck-housekeeping rating 1) Poor 2) Needs Improvement 3) Good 4) Outstanding <br>{essential safety equipment exists-fire extinguishers, First Aid Kits, eye wash & etc.}
d) Well-site -housekeeping rating 1) Poor 2) Needs Improvement 3) Good 4) Outstanding <br>{Confirm essential safety equipment exists-fire extinguishers, First Aid Kits, eye wash & etc.}
f) Perimeter Secure-rating 1) Poor 2) Needs Improvement 3) Good 4) Outstanding
g) Chemical Storage-rating 1) Poor 2) Needs Improvement 3) Good 4) Outstanding
General - WellSite Safety
a) Visitor sign-in log current<br>Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
b) Visitor site orientation training completed and logged?<br>Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
c) Safety alerts posted and current?<br>Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
d) State and Federal labor law posters current?<br>Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
Job packets completed?
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Are JSA's available for review?
b) Are JSA's in approved WIS format?
c) Do employees understand the JSA process?
d) Are JSA's being reviewed and signed during safety meetings?
Stop Work Process
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Is the Stop Work process understood?
b) Are Stop Work's encouraged?
d) Are StopWorks being reviewed during safety meetings?
Environmental Impact
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Is there evidence of spills/leaks
b) Is there appropriate secondary containment?
c) Are chemicals stored properly?
d) Is there a current chemical inventory and supported MSDS's?
Emergency Action Plan
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Is the current Emergency Action Plan available for review?
b) Does the Emergency Action Plan cover all possible emergencies?
c) Do employees understand their roles and responsibilities?
d) Has a drill been completed for this year?
Radiation Safety (3rd Party)
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Is all related annual training complete?
b) Are all meter calibrations current?
c) Is permit current and posted as required?
d) Are logs and inventories up to date?
e) Leak test current?
Explosive Safety (3rd party)
Rating 1) Awareness. 2) Partially implemented. 3) Implemented but needs improvement. 4) Fully implemented with no issues noted.<br>
a) Are explosives properly stored?
b) Do logs match current inventories?
c) Is all related training complete?
d) Is permit current and posted as required?