
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

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Physical Workplace Inspection

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  • 1. Do we have a WHS Policy?

  • 1.1 Is the policy located in an appropriate place? <br>Take a photo.

  • 1.2 Can the Branch Manager effectively identify the aims of the policy?<br>(Ask the Manager: What are the aims of the policy? Record Answers. Answers should include mention of safety as a priority, and evidence of this displayed in the inclusion of safety in team meetings, integration of safety in to club planning and financial and human resources allocated to safety)

  • 1.3 Can the Branch Manager show an understanding of safety responsibilities?<br>(Ask the Manager: What are safety responsibilities for management and staff? Evidence should show that jobs have been allocated to specific people)

  • 1.4 Do staff have access to the policy?<br>(Ask lower level staff if they know where the policy is located)

  • 2. Do you have a WHS Calendar?

  • Ensure that WHS Calendar (or electronic version) is used to help implement and monitor safety management in the branch

  • 2.1 Is it up to date, current and being followed? <br>(take a photo)

Planning & Consultation Pt.I

  • 3. How frequently do you have staff meetings?

  • Please implement meetings at least quarterly, with safety included as the first section

  • 4. Is safety included in staff meetings? <br>Sight minutes, diary, email, etc as evidence

  • Safety needs to be included in staff meetings

  • 5. How many staff members do you have employed through the branch who are full time or equivalent?

  • 5.1 Do you have a safety committee?

  • 5.1.1 Is there evidence of committee meetings at least four times per year (meeting minutes)?

  • 5.1.2 Show evidence they have been appointed, (named in meeting minutes within the last 12 months)?

  • Can all of the following people identify the safety rep? (check boxes)

  • Branch Manager

  • Staff Member 1

  • Staff Member 2

  • 5.2 Do you have an active Health & Safety Rep? (Active meaning that they are regularly completing safety tasks, and have specific time allocated to these tasks)

  • Please contact the state WHS Advisor

  • 5.2.1 Can you sight their certification file and is it current (within the last 12 mths)?

  • 5.2.2 Can the manager and lower level staff identify the safety rep?<br>Check this with at least 3 staff and tick the boxes below if these employees can identify the safety rep.

  • Manager

  • Staff Member 1

  • Staff Member 2

Planning & Consultation Pt.II

  • 6. Is there evidence that the committee or HS Rep. is being consulted on safety matters? <br>e.g. Risk Assessments, Cleaning Checklist, Emergency Procedure Drills<br>

  • Branch Manager must ensure that WHS reps are allocated time (as per the legislation) to complete WHS tasks.

  • 7. Has an evacuation committee been established (wardens and first aiders)?

  • 7.1 Has warden training been completed within the last 12 months?

  • 7.2 Has a Chief Warden been appointed?

  • Chief Warden Name

  • 7.3 Have at least 2 x Fire Wardens been appointed?

  • Name 1

  • 7.4 Is there evidence of bi-annual evacuation committee meeting with wardens?

  • Meetings with wardens must be held twice per year (after each fire drill) and after every real evacuation or lockdown event.

  • Show minutes

  • Please note: a meeting must also be held after every real evacuation and lockdown event

  • 7.5 Have first aid officers been appointed?

  • Indicate how many First Aides have been "appointed"

  • 7.5.1 Is their training up-to-date? (sight evidence)

  • 7.5.2 Are there enough trained and appointed first aiders to cover all opening hours? (discuss requirements for First Aid staffing)

  • 7.5.3 Do you have anyone who works alone at the club, outside normal hours and are they first aid trained?

  • 8. Does the Branch Manager have specific funds to manage safety within the branch annual budget?

  • Signage

  • 9.1 Is all fire signage present and not obscured?

  • Ensure all fire signage has a 1m clearance on walls where displayed

  • 9.2 Is all hazardous chemical signage displayed correctly?

  • Ensure all chemical cupboards/storage spaces are correctly signed and locked

  • 9.3 Is there a “no smoking” sign displayed at all building entries?

  • Contact State WHS Advisor

Risk Management

  • 10. Do you risk assess your activities? Show Evidence.

  • 10.01 How many sport & rec. activities does the branch have?

  • 10.1.1 Can you show risk assessments for the nominated number of activities? (Take Photos)

  • Are they all completed, signed off, reviewed in the last 12 months, and in the current format (from 3.1.1)?

  • 10.1 What other activities do you do? (Events and non-SAC excursions, dukes, cadets, BTC, etc)

  • 10.1.1 Can you show risk assessments for the nominated activities? (Take Photos)

  • Are they all completed, signed off, reviewed in the last 12 months, and in their current format?

  • Ensure all activities have a risk assessment completed (form 3.1.1)

  • 10.2. Does the Branch have identified Asbestos (ACM) on site?

  • 10.2.1 Is there correct warning signage displayed?

  • 10.2.2 Contractor ACM Register at the front counter

  • 10.2.3 Asbestos Report available for contractors to view or on request?

  • 11. Do you risk assess all new dangerous/hazardous equipment before it is purchased/on site (form 3.1.1)?

  • All hazardous equipment needs to be risk assessed prior to purchase

  • 12. Do you have risk assessments for manual handling tasks (form 3.1.1 and 8.5.1 )? <br>(Eg. Gym equipment, tables & chairs, maintenance, cleaning, manual handling of humans (eg coaching gymnastics or martial arts), ladders, etc)

  • All manual handling tasks for staff need to be Risk Assessed

  • 13. Do you have risk assessments for maintenance equipment (form 3.1.1 and 8.6.1 )? <br>(Eg. Mowers, whipper snippers, and other petrol powered equipment?)

  • Ensure all maintenance equipment is risk assessed and included on the maintenance schedule

  • 14. Do you have risk assessments for maintenance activities (form 3.1.1)? <br>(Eg. Handyman tasks completed by paid staff or volunteers, including power tool use, etc)

  • Ensure all maintenance activities are risk assessed

  • 15. Can you show evidence of maintenance and manual handling Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)?

  • Use risk assessment to develop SOPs

  • 15.1 Have relevant staff been trained in these procedures? (Take Photos of SOP)

  • 16. Does the branch have a risk register?

  • Consult WHS rep or State WHS Advisor to discuss form 7.1.2

  • Do you have any of the following at your branch? (multiple selections allowed)

  • 16.1 Have these issues been effectively risk assessed?(take photo of Risk Assessment)

  • Ensure these are managed correctly through risk assessment and Standard Operating Procedures

  • 17. Do you have anyone who works alone at the club, outside normal working hours?

  • 18. Do you have a risk assessment and an effective management process in place to ensure their safety? (take photo of Risk Assessment)

  • No staff are permitted to work alone/outside normal hours unless a risk assessment is completed - seek advice from the State WHS Advisor

  • 19. Are monthly WHS inspections completed at the branch (form 7.5.1)? <br>(Sight evidence, take photos)

  • All WHS monthly inspections must be completed, actioned, and reported to the Branch Manager

  • 20. Is all contractor documentation up-to-date? <br>(Induction completed, permit to work, SWMS, SOPs, and public liability and workers comp. all on file for each contractor)

  • 21. Are staff aware of the workstation arrangement guide (ergonomic setup)?<br>(Ask lower-level workers)

  • Ensure staff are made aware of form 8.2.1

  • Chemicals

  • 22. Does the branch have a chemical register?<br>(Sight Document)

  • 1. Conduct internal chemical audit (create a list - this becomes your chemical register, form 8.4.2)

  • 2. Decide chemical requirements (the chemicals you need for cleaning)

  • 3. Eliminate unnecessary/old chemicals

  • 4. Ensure all staff that purchase chemicals (cleaner) only purchase as per the amended list developed out of audit

  • 5. Obtain up-to-date Safety Data Sheets (SDS) from supplier or website and maintain a copy in office and in the chemical cupboard/location

  • 23. Are the SDS up-to-date (less than 5 years old and have Australian Supplier or Manufacturer)?

  • 24. Have the staff who use chemicals been trained in the use of SDS, including the location of the documents and how to use them?<br>(Sight Training Records)

  • Consult with WHS Rep/State WHS Advisor

  • 25. Have you Risk Assessed the Chemicals and provided appropriate PPE to maintenance staff if necessary as per the SDS requirements?

  • 25.1 Do you ensure that PPE is maintained and stored safely and correctly? (sight evidence)

  • PPE (gloves, mask, earplugs etc) must be stored hygienically

  • Electrical

  • 26. Do you have complete Residual Current Device (RCD) coverage over the entire Branch, and have the RCDs (in both switchboards and any portable units) been tested by a licenced Electrical Contractor in the last 12 months?

  • 26.1 Have you tested and tagged every item on site, and created a record on Register 8.1.1? (Sight tagged equipment and register)

  • 26.1 Show Evidence (Sight Register 8.1.1 and/or tagged equipment)

  • Add media

  • 27. Do you have “out of service” tags available for equipment?

  • Obtain from local hardware store and maintain at least five on site

  • Plant & Equipment

  • Do you have any of the following: (multiple selections allowed)

  • Please Specify

  • 28.1 Are they on the register of plant (8.7.1) ? (sight register and take photo)

  • 28.2 Are they regularly maintained? (sight evidence of maintenance register)

  • Obtain and consult handbook from manufacturer/website and develop SOP for maintenance of plant/equipment

  • 28.3 Are relevant staff trained in the use of the plant using form 8.6.1 (risk assessment of plant)? Must sight evidence of training and experience.

  • Use SOP and Risk Assessments to develop training information for relevant employees

  • Vehicles

  • 29. Are prestart checks completed on company vehicles each week and before every excursion? (sight records) (Form

  • All PCYC vehicles must have prestart checks completed weekly, and prior to all excursions. Records must be maintained.

  • Sharps

  • 30. Do you have School Age Care Service in your Branch?

  • 30.1 Are all knives secured in a locked space?

  • Is the location where knives are stored included on the monthly inspections?

  • Lock spaces where knives are stored

  • 31. Does the club use the grounds inspection form each week, including the search for sharps, broken glass, etc. (Form 7.5.2)

  • Complete weekly inspections using form 7.5.2

Training & Supervision

  • 32. Have all staff, contractors, volunteers and coaches received a WHS Induction (Form 9.1.1)? <br>Sight Evidence and ensure currency

  • Complete inductions using form 9.1.1

  • There is evidence on file of staff coaches': (multiple selections allowed)

  • Obtain copies of qualifications and experience and keep on file, or seek advice from state WHS adviser.

  • 33. Have enough staff and coaches have been allocated to all activities to maintain suitable supervision ratios<br>(determined by risk assessment)

  • Complete risk assessment (form 3.1.1)

  • 34. Occasional room hirers are provided with information on fire evacuation procedures and first aid? (sigh evidence of induction)

  • Show records of regular and casual room hiring. Ensure that on the next event, the room hirer completes and induction with branch staff member.

  • 35. Fire warden helmets and jackets are on site? (sight evidence)

  • Obtain yellow velcro jackets, and red & white helmets from nearest hardware store.

  • 36. Fire Warden Inspections are completed monthly, and all items of non-compliance are actioned? (Form


  • 37. Staff know how to report an incident? <br>Ask a two staff members to explain procedure

  • Staff Member 1

  • Name

  • Staff Member 2

  • Name

  • 38. Branch Manager understands investigation process within Incident reporting? <br>Ask manager, “who investigates an incident”. Answer: Most senior person on site that day.

  • Seek advice from State WHS Adviser

  • 39. Is there evidence that the issues and corrective measures arising from a Incident Investigation have been communicated to staff? Minutes/notes of staff meetings, diary entries or email

  • Ensure that 7.2.1 incident forms are followed up to ensure that re-occurrence is minimized.

  • 40. Have incidents and accidents been recorded using Form 7.2.1 and the daily log (Form 7.4.2) (and sent via email to state office)? (sight evidence)

  • Ensure that all 7.2.1 forms are scanned and emailed to admin

  • 41. Is there evidence that the first aid kits have been checked every 3 months? (sight log or company receipts + WHS calendar item)

  • Ensure that a first aid trained staff member is tasked with maintaining first aid kits

  • 41.1 Who completes these checks? (sight evidence, that someone has been tasked with the job and completed task, sight evidence etc). Can a specific staff member be identified?

  • Name of staff member completing checks:

  • 42. Do staff and managers know how to contact RTW Coordinators?<br>Ask both staff and managers

  • Ensure that all know the location of form 7.3.3

  • 43. Are the names and contact numbers for RTW coordinators displayed on Form 7.3.3?

  • 44. Have you had any workers on WorkCover in the last 12 months? (sight evidence)

  • 44.1 Did you contact them within 24 hours of going on WorkCover leave to check progress and how you can help?

  • Discussion about best practice for communication during WorkCover leave needed. Ensure that staff members on work cover are contacted within 24 hours.

  • 44.2 Is any staff member on a RTW suitable duties plan?<br>(If yes, Show evidence <br>Talk to the person in question to verify information)<br>

  • Should they have been on a suitable duties plan?

  • Contact the RTW Coordinator

  • 45. Does the Health & Safety Rep. prepare a regular report for the safety committee or branch manager?<br>Show Evidence (eg copy of report or item in meeting minutes)

  • Ensure HSR has sufficient time to complete required tasks

  • 46. Is there a WHS file cabinet and is it used effectively?<br>Show evidence

  • Institute single location for storing records such as form 7, first aid qualifications, coach qualifications, fire drill evidence, warden training records, etc.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.