Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
LocationDoes the Storage Location
Quality Processes
Are the packages awaiting Goods Receipt stacked in a safe manner to prevent a Quality or Health & Safety issue?
Are all packages awaiting Goods Receipt free from any damage?
Does the Inbound location have a Work Instruction / SOP that has been reviewed in the last 12 month?
Can the Team Leader / Operator access the SOP / WI on the QMS Matrix?
Is the SOP / WI located on the QMS Matrix with the correct review date?
Does the SOP / WI make reference to the Airbus referenced documents?
Is the SOP / WI available in 'Read' only access for the Team Leader / Operator?
Select an SOP / WI with the Operator to confirm the process is documented correctly. Reference what SOP / WI has been checked
Is the process documented correctly?
Does the engaged Operator have a UL Quality Stamp? (Check that there is no damage to the stamp)
Does the engaged Operator have a valid 'Commitment Letter' signed by the UL Head of Quality?
Can the engaged Employee access the Airbus Portal to retrieve the relevant Airbus Documents referenced for Inbound?
Has the employee signed off against the SOP / WI?
Are documents complying with document control requirements. Check 3 displayed documents to confirm they are within their review dates (OPL / Operational Docs etc)
Are the selected documents on the QMS Matrix with the correct review dates?
Quality Compliance
Does the Operator understand what FOD is?
Is there clear FOD signage within the area checked?
Is the Operators work station free of any FOD?
Is there evidence of good FOD practices within the area checked?
If Pump Trucks are used within the area, do they have a valid inspection date?
If FLT's are being used in the area, do they have a valid LOLER certificate?
If FLT's are being used, has the Operator completed a Pre-Use check?
If their are ladders / steps within the area, do they have a valid inspection date?
If their are ladders / steps within the area, is there any evidence of damage?
Has PAT Testing been carried out within this area. Check at least 3 items?
Are Metal on Metal requirements being followed?
Is there evidence of Good Housekeeping practices?
If racking is used, is there a valid inspection date on the racking?
If racking is used, is there any evidence of damage to the racking?
If racking is used, is there clear location signage on the racking?
Is the store area checked 'Bonded'?
Are Returns from Production documented and stored correctly? - (Check the 3 items against the RFP Tracker)
Is there evidence of good Foot Printing within the storage area?
Is the displayed signage correct with the correct Unipart Logo's?
Quality Training
Select 1 employees and check their Training records - list the employees checked
Has the employee completed their Manual Handling Training?
Has the employee completed Pump Truck Training?
Has the employee completed MHE Training?
Has the employee completed a DSE Assessment?
Has the employee completed Safety Knife Training?