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Qualitative Risk Analysis
Step 1: Identify Risks
List down potential risks:
Step 2&3: Classify and Control Risk
What risk are you analyzing?
Choose a risk analysis technique.
How likely are the chances of the risk occurring?
If the risk occurred, what are the consequences?
Use the risk matrix below to determine the risk rating:
What is the risk rating?
How should the risk be controlled?
What do you think is the root cause of the risk?
Can you conduct a root cause analysis?
After you have identified the root cause of the risk, what will you do to fix it?
What can you do to lessen the negative impact of the risk?
Optional: Create a corrective action by clicking the "Action" icon above.
What are the possible causes of this risk?
What are the possible effects of this risk?
How should the risk be controlled?
What do you think is the root cause of the risk?
Can you conduct a root cause analysis?
After you have identified the root cause of the risk, what will you do to fix it?
What can you do to lessen the negative impact of the risk?
Optional: Create a corrective action by clicking the "Action" icon above.
Think of the worst possible scenario involving the risk. Describe it in detail:
What would happen if this scenario actually took place?
How can you prevent this scenario?
Think of the most outlandish scenario involving the risk. It doesn't have to be realistic. Describe it briefly.
Explain how this scenario might take place (the events leading up to it, what triggered it to happen, how people's actions or behaviors contributed to it happening):
How can you prevent this scenario?
Step 4: Monitor Risks
Did you keep your notes from the previous steps?
Is risk control effective? (Step 3)
Were risks correctly classified? (Step 2)
Have all risks been identified? (Step 1)
Final Thoughts
How can your risk analysis process be improved?
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