Title Page
Document No.
Technician assesed
- Aaron
- Bob
- Des
- Dave
- Paul
- Darren
Customer details
Add location
Quality check
Repairs Checked?
Were holes drilled in the glass done to standard?
Toughened repairs?
Were holes drilled in the spacer bar to standard?
Were holes drilled in the frame to standard?
Do the spacer bar and frame holes properly align?
Is spacer bar sealer to standard?
Does the unit show any signs of "spatter"
Replacements checked?
Is the beading free from damage?
Is the frame free from damage?
Correct Size unit?
Correct size spacer bar?
Correct Colour Spacer bar?
Silicone required?
Is silicone to standard?
Are the units clean and tidy? (Sticker marks/glass dust etc)
Is the work area tidy?
Were all relevant glass orders and contracts completed to standard?