Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
RAT-001 Rathole Auger Rig Procedure
7.1 Main Hole
Is there a completed JSEA?
Has it been updated to reflect changing site conditions?
Has Drilling Rig Daily Preventative Maintenance checklist been compleeted?
Did the crew double check and verify markings on site against Customer supplied measurements?
Was the rig leveled and centered, according to Customer's specifications, including auger size, prior to drilling?
When placing the cellar, was a loader used?
Before the conductor was drilled, was the rig leveled and centered?
RAT-005 Rathole Meet and Greet Procedure
Does the JSEA note who is the designated Safety Representative?
Is the Meet and Greet Station placed?
Is the Meet and Greet Station close to the highest traffic entrance?
Is the Meet and Greet barricade/stop sign placed?
Did the Safety Representative meet oncoming personnel at the Meet and Greet Station?
Did the Safety Representative explain the JSEA, address any concerns on the part of the oncoming personnel, and obtain their signature indicating such?
RAT-004 Safety Cone Policy
Is the DVIR complete?
If the driver is away from the vehicle, are there cones placed at the left front and right rear of the vehicle?
When moving a vehicle, did the driver complete a walk around, identifying potential issues as well as picking up and securing the cones, before driving?
When backing a three axle or larger combination vehicle, is a spotter available?
if NO to previous question, are cones, placed less than 50' from the rear of the vehicle, used as a guide?
if backing more than 50' feet, are two cones used as a guide, no more than 50' apart, up to 100' from the rear of the vehicle?