Areas Audited:
- Compound Area
- Standard Work Area
- Work within/adjacent to an Excavation
- Work taking place at Height
- Site Offices
- Welfare Facilities
1. Previous Audit Issues
<br>Have all previous audit issues been closed out?
2. Storage & Lay-down Areas
2.1. Is there a designate storage/lay-down area provided?
2.2. Is the storage/lay-down area adequately segregated from the works area?
2.3. Are signs in place designating the storage/lay-down area?
2.4. Are items stacked safely?
2.5. Is there clear walkways between items to allow access in the future?
2.6. Where appropriate, are items secured adequately to prevent winds affecting their stability/safety
2.7. Where required and appropriate are skids/pallets in use?
2.8. If pallets are in use, are they in good condition and suitable for the task?
2.9. Are "like" items stacked together?
3. Access/Egress
3.1. Is it evident that access/egress is affected by poor house keeping?
3.2. Is there appropriate cable management evident?<br>
3.3. Are all walkways/stairways/ladders/steps clear of tools/equipment?
3.4. Is there sufficient lighting in work areas, access routes?
4. Work Areas
4.1. Are tools and equipment stored safely when not in use?
4.2. Is it evident that excess material and tools/equipment are removed when possible?
4.3. If required, have areas been cordoned off to prevent access to an area requiring immediate housekeeping?
4.4. Is a clean as you go policy in use?
4.5. Where required, is denailing carried out?
5. Office/Container Housekeeping
5.1. Is there good housekeeping within offices/containers in general?
5.2. Are items stored at height on presses/cabinets?
5.3. Is there appropriate bins in use in the offices/containers?
5.4. Is there good cable management in place?
5.5. Are there items stored inappropriately within the office/containers?
5.6. Are welfare facilities in good condition?
6. Waste Management
6.1. Is there a designated waste storage area?
6.2. Are skips labeled appropriately?
6.3. Is there covers in place on all skips?
6.4. Are bins emptied regularly?
6.5. Are skips provided at work fronts to handle construction waste as required?
6.6. Is it evident that waste packaging is dealt with immediately/appropriately on site?
6.7. In general, is there good control of litter on site?
6.8. Is there effective rodent control on site?
7. Other issues?
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