Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel Involved
Have all previous NCR's & improvement actions been satisfactorily closed for the site / contract?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Mandatory Section - Health & Safety
Management Arrangements
SHEQ Policies
Are the relevant SHEQ policies & insurance documents displayed, in-date, communicated and understood within the contract?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
ENGIE H&S Policy and Notices
Is the H&S Law poster clearly displayed on-site with H&S contacts identified?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Objectives & Targets
Has the contract reviewed the UK BU and Division Health and Safety Objectives & Targets and determined those applicable to the contract?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Legal Register
Are the contract team setup and using Greenspace to identify compliance requirements and suitable control measures?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Have all recent SHEQ communications such as, Red Alerts, TBT's, Bulletins, SHEQ Stop Notices etc been displayed and have they been cascaded to all relevant employees?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
No Life at Risk
Have all contract employees completed the NLAR mandatory training?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Accident & Incident Reporting / Investigations
Is AIMS being used effectively to record and manage accidents, incidents, safety observations and near misses?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is everyone on the contract / site / project aware of how to escalate significant incidents that occur on site?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Health & Safety Meetings
Are regular minuted H&S Meetings taking place (client/safety rep/other) and are copies of minutes available?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Management & Leadership Safety Visits
Is there evidence that MSV's & LSV's are being carried out on the contract / site / project? Provide evidence of how observations are actioned.
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Lone Working
Is lone working monitored and controlled?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
First Aid
Has site First Aid Risk Assessment, First Aid Needs Assessment been completed & are they reviewed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are there adequate first aid trained personnel on the contract that cover out of hours (if required)?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are there adequate first aid boxes, eye wash stations in appropriate locations on site? Is there a process in place for carrying out periodic checks?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Competence & Training
Have all employees received a company health and Safety Induction? Are Induction records available for all new starters?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is the site H&S induction suitable, does it contain the General Contractor H&S Induction video & Covid-19 video?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are site induction records available for all new employees and contractors?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Has a contract / site / project Training Matrix been produced? Does this include the required H&S Training? Are copies of the training records available?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are all employees working through all relevant training modules (including e-learning) set by their business unit?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Tool Box Talks
Is there a evidence of Toolbox Talks (TBT) under taken regularly and relevant to site activities?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Working Environment
Is the working environment adequate and appropriate e.g. lighting, temperature, noise, cleanliness, housekeeping?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are adequate welfare facilities provided for rest and food breaks and storage of personal items?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is sufficient safety signage (including fire, PPE, noise, 1st aid etc) adequately located around site?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are access / egress, walkways and work areas free from obstructions and hazards? If not, are these adequately controlled?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Occupational Health
Are relevant employees given advice on Occupational Health and are Risk Assessments available where required? Have Occupational Health Risks been identified, where required?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Where occupational health risks exist are the regulatory requirements of health surveillance in place?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Risk Management & Controls
Risk Assessments
Are Risk Assessments in place for all tasks carried out by direct employees and are they documented and periodically reviewed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are Point of Work Risk Assessments (POWRA) used?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Method Statements
Are Method Statements and/or Local Operating Procedures for ENGIE employee activities in place where relevant?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Permit to Work
Is a Permit to Work (PTW) system in place? Are permits used appropriately by authorised persons, completed in all sections and archived with other associated documents (RAMS, POWRA etc)?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Have all DSE Users (Office/Site) completed a DSE self-assessment every 2 years? If applicable, have outstanding items been addressed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Contractor Management
Approved Sub Contractors
For all subcontractors working for ENGIE on contracts / sites / projects, been approved on Coupa and E-Vision to ensure all externally provided services meet our requirements?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Risk Assessments
Have Subcontractor Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS) been received, reviewed and approved before commencement of works?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is the work being adequately supervised by the contractor?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is the work being adequately monitored by ENGIE?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is there evidence of subcontractor competence to undertake the task? Have you seen copies of Skills Cards and are they current and applicable e.g. IPAF, Gas Safe, PASMA, CSCS etc. Are these available with their induction records?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Work Equipment/Tools
Is there a register of all work equipment and tools used by ENGIE employees?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is the work equipment inspected, maintained, calibrated, where necessary adequately guarded and in date for PAT?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is all lifting equipment tagged, details recorded in a register and in date for inspection? All chain blocks, lifting slings, shackles and other lifting equipment should have an individual number and be inspected regularly.
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are all safety devices in place and operational?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is personal hearing protection provided for employees? If Yes, is it being used and does it have the appropriate SNR?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is all PPE/RPE identified by Risk Assessments and COSHH Assessments provided and is it in good order?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Where RPE is in use for works that produce harmful dust/gas/vapours have Face Fit Test's been conducted and associated certificates provided?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is a COSHH Register in place and are risks being appropriately managed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are copies of Safety Data Sheets and COSHH Risk Assessments available?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are all hazardous substances stored safely on site, with appropriate signage displayed and is there adequate information and instruction available to employees?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Fire Prevention & Control
Are all potential sources of ignition, including waste and fuel,identified, stored and controlled adequately?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Does the contract and the ENGIE controlled areas have a suitable Fire Risk Assessment and where appropriate a Fire Plan in place? Has this been reviewed in line with specific Divisional requirements?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Fire Extinguishers
Are fire extinguishers suitable for the types of fire likely to be encountered and as identified in the site Fire Risk Assessment and inspected & maintained?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Fire Alarm System
Is there suitable means of fire warning, is it tested weekly & maintained on a 6 monthly basis?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Access / Egress
Is there suitable means of escape? Is it free from obstruction and appropriately sign posted?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Emergency Lighting
Is emergency lighting installed, tested and maintained?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Fire Points
Are fire points established and maintained?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Emergency Arrangements
Are fire drills carried out in line with the Fire Risk Assessment for ENGIE Offices or Sites?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is there an adequate number of trained fire wardens/marshals on site (if applicable)?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Natural Gas & Flue Gas
Is a DSEAR risk assessment required, in place & reviewed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is there evidence that Gas Work is only allocated to Gas Operatives holding the relevant Gas Certificate of Competence for the work they are being asked to undertake?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is natural gas and/or flue gas detection system installed, tested and maintained?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is a register of flue inspections available and up to date?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Hot Work
Is the site operating a Hot Works Permit System and are the controls detailed within the permit being complied with? Do person issuing the Hot Work Permit have any training.
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Manual Handling
Has Manual Handling Training been provided where required?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Work at Height
Access Equipment
Is all access equipment inspected and tagged as required? This should cover mobile towers, MEWPs, steps and ladders with registers available where applicable.
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Asbestos Management
Control Measures
Is there an up-to-date Asbestos Register for the site?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Where asbestos is not present, is there letter from the relevant party e.g. construction company/Client confirming this?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Asbestos Management Plan
Where required, has ENGIE prepared an Asbestos Management Plan which includes measures to manage and control the identified risk and is it reviewed annually?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Asbestos Management Survey or Refurbishment & Demolition Survey
Have details of the Asbestos Management Survey or Refurbishment & Demolition Survey been communicated to all employees and contractors working on-site prior to setting to work?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Contractor Management
Are licensable asbestos works being undertaken by a licensed company?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
If the works are Licensable, has the HSE been notified using the ASB5 Notification form?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are all relevant employees and where relevant, subcontractors, trained in asbestos awareness with a 12 month refresher completed, if applicable?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Legionella Management
Where applicable, is a legionella risk assessment in place, up to date & reviewed.
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Where applicable, is a legionella management plan in place, up to date & reviewed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Where applicable, are personnel appropriately trained in legionella management & monitoring?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Has a Noise Assessment been carried out and, where noise is likely to exceed the Lower Exposure Action Level 80 dB (A), has this been identified?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Have hearing protection zones been established for areas where noise exceeds 85 dB(A)?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Confined Spaces
Confined Spaces Appointments
Have the APs been appointed with acceptance confirmed in writing?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Confined Spaces Register
Is there a register of confined spaces?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Confined Spaces Safe System of Work
Is the Confined Spaces Safe System of work being implemented and are appropriate control measures in place?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Mandatory Section - Environmental
Aspects & Impacts
Has the contract completed an Aspects & Impacts Register approved by the SHEQ Team within at least the last 12 months?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Permits, Licences, Consents & Exemptions
Are all required permits, consents and exemptions in place, documented and complied with?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are suitable resources and personnel in place to deliver environmental requirements?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Has the contract defined a clear plan for communicating environmental topics?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Waste Management
Have all waste streams been identified and suitable carriers and treatment facilities selected and documentation checked in line with the AIMS application?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Are all licences, permits and waste tickets (Waste Transfer Notes) available and correctly completed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is all waste stored and segregated with physical barriers and signed?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Ecology & Biodiversity
Protected Areas or Species
Has the potential for protected areas or species to be harmed or enhanced by a contract been assessed and a Biodiversity Action Plan implemented where identified?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Invasive Species
Has the risk of invasive species been assessed and a Biodiversity Action Plan implemented where identified?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Water Conservation
Has the contract implemented measures to reduce its water consumption?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Site Drainage
Is the drainage system maintained and free from blockages with interceptors, as appropriate, is a drainage plan available?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Chemical & Oil Storage
Is all chemical and oil storage suitable and compliant, are oil tanks subject to regular inspections?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Spill Kits
Are spill kits available and appropriate with employees and subcontractors suitably trained in their use?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Carbon & Energy
Has the contract implemented measures to reduce its energy consumption and/ or generate renewable energy?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Does the contract have appropriate controls in place for management of F-Gas (register & log book)? Are any contractors used f-gas or Refcom registered?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Archaeology & Heritage
Have listed buildings and areas of potential archaeological resources been surveyed and appropriate controls put in place?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Objectives & Targets
Has the contract reviewed the UK BU and Division Objectives & Targets and determined those applicable to the contract?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Monitoring & Analysis
Are all identified environmental objectives monitored and the data analysed for accuracy and progress against the targets?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Reporting - Responsible Business Tracker
Is progress against objectives and targets reported on AIMS using the RB Portal, Carbon and Waste apps as required?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Compliance Checks
Does the contract team have processes in place to check compliance with the Environmental Procedures and Local Operating Procedures, where applicable e.g. PPMs, inspection checklists, local audits?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Is there evidence that the contract has identified and implemented environmental improvements during the contract?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Mandatory Section - Quality
Has the contract determined the resources needed to ensure the contract meets service delivery to the customer, for example, the capabilities and / or constraints of internal resources? Also, the resources needed from external providers?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Has the contract determined, provided and maintained the infrastructure required including but not limited to people, equipment, information technology?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Work Environment
Has the contract determined, provided and maintained the environment necessary to achieve service delivery?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Has the contract determined the necessary competence for all staff and subcontractors and ensured training is provided as required?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
How do you monitor the completion of mandatory E-Learning Modules by your teams e.g. Ethics and Modern Slavery Awareness. What do you have in place to assure understanding and compliance with the requirements of these learning modules?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Communication Plan
Has the contract defined a Communication Plan for all internal and external communications?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Operational Planning & Control
ENGIE Management System
is there evidence that the relevant areas of the Management System have been implemented? If supporting processes have been developed, do they conform to the Corporate documentation to ensure compliance with minimum requirements?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Documented Information
Is the contract aware of the Document Control Procedure and are all Local Operating Procedures/Processes adequately controlled? Have all changes to Local Operating Procedures been carried out in a planned manner and recorded?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Service Provision
Contract Management Plan
Are Service/Contract Requirements, Contract SLA's / KPI's if applicable recorded in the Contract Management Plan?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Monitoring, Measuring, Analysis & Evaluation
Has the contract determined the performance measurement requirements, including but not limited to, what needs to be monitored and measured, the methods for monitoring, measuring and analysing and the timescales?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Customer Satisfaction
Does the contract monitor customer satisfaction using the AIMS thus ensuring their needs and expectations are being fulfilled?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Compliance Self Assessment
Has the Contract completed a Compliance Self-Assessment (CSA) for the current CSA period and are Red/Amber actions being managed through the Improvement Action Plan Sheet?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Internal Audit
Is there evidence that ALL internal audits are being managed through the Audit Management System?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
General Improvement
Does the contract determine and select opportunities for improvement and implement improvement actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Nonconformity & Corrective Action
Have all non conformances, including complaints, been reviewed, analysed and actioned? Have the causes of the non conformance been determined? Has a review been conducted to determine if similar non conformances exist?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Business Continuity Plan
Has the contract / site completed the Business Impact Analysis & Business Continuity Plan? Is it reviewed & in date?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
BCP Testing
Has the Business Continuity Plan been fully tested and the result documented?
- Major None Compliance
- Minor None Compliance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Compliant
- Not Applicable
Positive Observations
Add any positive observations from the site audit here.
Site Representative / Audit Participant