Title Page
Work Order Number
Works Description
Trades Staff Name
Inspection Date
Task Priority
Does the trades person have access to Planet and the work instructions for the work identified ?
Does the work instruction provide the information required to undertake the task ?
Are the assets / defected item correct i.e. still current and as described on the work order ?
Is the asset / defected item clearly identifiable ?
Where required, are the drawings, specifications, procedures, manufactures instructions available for the asset?
Are the documents as above up to date
Do staff have access to risk assessments and method statements at the point of work ?
Does the risk assessment reflect the task being conducted ?
Do they have their ID badge and is it visible ?
Do staff have the correct PPE for the task that they are carrying out and are they using it ?
Have the staff / ward been given adequate notice for any shutdowns ?
Is the correct equipment / tools available and being used and where applicable is it correctly certified / calibrated (PAT, LOLER, Work at Height)
Has the work been issued to a member of trade staff holding the competencies required (CP training, PASMA, Gas Safe etc)
Is there suitable provision to make the work area secure with adequate separation from patients / public ?
Are the trades staff tools / equipment kept in a secure / segregated place away from the public?
Is the working area in a clean and tidy state?
Auditor Information
Name of Estates Rep