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Date and TIme
Prepared by
Assisting with the audit
Summary of findings
The purpose of the visit is to assess the general Health and Safety (H&S) management in the Department/area and to gauge the degree of compliance with statutory responsibilities. The visit was not intended to identify every minor transgression or hazard.
A new action plan will be created with findings of this audit. Any outstanding items from previous audits will be included in the new action plan to prevent confusion or items being missed. Please contact the H&S officer if further details are required -
Brief summary of findings. Actions included in the report
1 Health and Safety Audit
1.1 Is a departmental H&S policy in place capturing details of the organisation and arrangements, or, if not, are sufficient details covered in the main H&S policy?
1.1.1 If yes, has this been recently updated/ reviewed and shared with all relevant staff
1.2 Is everyone in the department aware of who is responsible for key roles in the H&S of the department?
1.0 Are health and safety systems and procedures effectively documented
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
2 Emergency Information and Procedures, including fire
2.1 Are emergency procedures in place (other than fire) covering all requirements of the department, (e.g., how to isolate gas supply, lockdown procedures, missing scalpel blades etc.) and are all staff made aware of these procedures?
2.2 Have you practiced any emergency situations (other than fire)?
2.2.1 If so, when and what did this involve?
2.3 Have all staff in the department received fire awareness training in the last 3 years?
2.4 Are all the staff in the department aware of fire evacuation procedures and have been involved in fire drills?
2.5 Does the department have specific fire precautions/ equipment in place and do they cover the needs of the department? E.g., emergency cut off devices, management of hazardous substances if alarm sounds etc.
2.5.1 If so, is this information shared with relevant staff, including the site team/ senior leaders/ H&S committee? Please provide details
2.6 Are high hazard portable heaters used in the department? High hazard heaters are for example, fan heaters, convection heaters, electric bar heaters. Oil filled heaters are classed as low hazard
2.6.1 If so, have staff been made aware of safe use procedures to prevent fire?
2.0 Are emergencies appropriately managed?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
3 Accident/ Health/ Medical Needs
3.1 Are sufficient numbers of staff in the department first aid trained (or knowledge of how to contact a first aid member of staff promptly) and is suitable equipment/ resources readily available (or location known)?
3.2 Is a procedure in place to report accidents, incidents or near misses, and does this follow school procedures? If so, please provide evidence
3.2.1 If not, please provide information regarding the procedures taken in the event of an accident/ incident and how this would be recorded
3.3 Is feedback/ learning/ updated procedures provided to other members of the team/ school after a significant incident/ near miss witch has resulted in change in practice/ equipment/ supervision etc.
3.4 Are staff made aware of medical (anaphylaxis/asthma/ epilepsy etc.)/ mobility or behavioural conditions of occupants that may require additional support, particularly in the event of an emergency? E.g., know what to do in the event of a serious allergic reaction
3.5 If staff have been provided with training to support medical/ mobility/ behavioral conditions, please provide details
3.6 Are possible allergens used in the department, e.g., food to be used in experiments, items used for creating artwork etc. and are these well managed?
3.7 Are staff in the department aware of the resources/ procedures to follow if they are suffering from workplace stress/ anxiety?
3.7.1 Please provide further information regarding the understanding of staff wellbeing procedures/ resources
3.0 Are accidents/ health and medical needs within the department appropriately managed?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
4 Risk Assessments
4.1 Is an inventory of departmental risk assessments available?
4.2 Have designated staff been trained to undertake risk assessments to ensure they are competent?
4.3 Are the risk assessment findings and control measures shared with appropriate staff?
4.3.1 If so, please provide evidence/ details
4.4 Is a review schedule in place for the risk assessment and is this appropriate (e.g., after an incident, introduction of new equipment, 3 year rolling basis etc.)
4.5 Are staff in the department also aware of(know where they are stored) and have read whole school risk assessments
4.0 Is the risk assessment system considered to be suitable and sufficient?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
5 Inspections
5.1 Do you carry out regular inspections in the department? Even low risk departments/ areas can become high risk if good practice is not followed e.g., exits obstructed, sockets overloaded, build up of combustible material next to ignition source etc.
5.1.1 Is this suitable, documented and at appropriate frequencies? Please provide details
5.2 Is a system in place to report any H&S hazards/ issues in the department and are all staff aware of the system?
5.0 Are inspections within the department considered to be suitable and sufficient?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
6 Training
6.1 Is there an agreed H&S training programme in place in the department to cover the needs of the staff?
6.1.1 Is this programme regularly reviewed/ updated to ensure the training is suitable and sufficient for the roles and responsibilities of staff within the department?
6.2 Is training refreshed at appropriate intervals?
6.3 Is training information recorded? If so, is this held centrally within the school?
6.0 Is training within the department suitably managed?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
7 School Visits
7.1 Does the department carry out school visits and if so, is there a policy/ procedure to follow to ensure the risk of this has been adequately covered?
7.1.1 Please provide further evidence/ information of the process
7.1.2 Is feedback always gathered after a visit to provide learning to other members of the team/ school?
7.0 Are school visits appropriately managed?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
8 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
8.1 Does the department use or produce any substances that are hazardous?
8.1.1 Is an inventory, COSHH risk assessments and material safety data sheets available for the substances?
8.1.2 Have all staff made aware of appropriate COSHH information such as safe handling and storage and is there a system in place to ensure updates are shared?
8.1.3 Has suitable PPE been provided and have staff been trained in safe use?
8.0 Is the management of hazardous substances considered to be appropriate?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
9 Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
9.1 Does the department have display screen equipment (DSE) users.<br>The HSE identifies users as 'workers who use DSE daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more'
9.1.1 Have DSE users had training on safe use of display screen equipment and have they completed a User's Audit/ checklist?
9.0 Is the management of DSE users considered appropriate?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
10 Electrical Safety
10.1 Are staff provided with electrical safety information? E.g., do not overload sockets, do not daisy chain extension cables etc.
10.2 Do staff bring their own electrical items into the department? I.e., phone chargers, a fan in the summer, disco lights at Christmas etc.
10.2.1 If so, have these items had periodic portable appliance testing (PAT)?
10.3 Are staff provided with information regarding safe use and charging of lithium-ion battery devices such as laptops, phones etc.?
10.0 Is electrical safety appropriately managed?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
11 Manual Handling
11.1 Are manual handling activities carried out in the department?
11.1.1 If so, is there an appropriate risk assessment in place and are staff provided with training?
11.0 Are manual handling activities appropriately managed?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
12 Working at Height
12. 1 Are working at height activities carried out in the department? Don't forget, even stepping onto a stool/ step ladder is classed as working at height
12.1.1 If so, is there an appropriate risk assessment in place and are staff provided with training?
12.1.2 Is suitable access equipment provided and is this in good condition and regularly inspected?
12.0 Are working at height activities appropriately managed
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
13 Other H&S Matters
- Other H&S matters
13.1 Are there any other items that should be considered in this audit?
13.2 Please provide any further information that may be relevant
13.0 Are other H&S matter being appropriately managed?
- Yes
- LOW priority action to be taken
- MEDIUM priority action to be taken
- HIGH priority action to be taken
Conditions and Sign Off
This audit aims to assist Departmental Heads, Bursars, Governors and other responsible people, to chart progress and to assist in providing a full health and safety audit trail of any action taken.
The report is limited in that it may be that certain conditions or situations were either not noted, not informed or not being performed during the visit and, therefore, non-inclusion of such conditions or situations in this report does not equate to legislative compliance -
Recommended follow up schedule date
Action plan
Inspected by: (Name and Signature)