
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

General Information

  • Scope of the audit:

  • Standard / Code:

  • Auditors:

Opening meeting

  • List attendees and their roles:

  • Signatures:

  • Complete attendance register

  • Objectives of the audit. -To ensure legal compliance to the Occupational Health and Safety Act No 85 of 1993 - To identify areas of concern regarding health and safety

  • Review of audit programme

  • Company representative

  • Function of company representative

  • Time of closing meeting:

  • Confidentiality

  • Reasons for aborting audit

  • Invite questions

  • Comments:

Overview of organisation

  • Comments:


  • OHSACT Written Appointments Readily Available

  • Chief Executive Officer delegation i.t.o. Section 16(2) assignee.

  • Supervision of Machinery - Competent Person Appointed GMR2

  • Health and Safety Representatives, Elected / Designated S17 Act

  • Health and Safety Committee Members Appointed – S19 Act

  • Certificated First Aiders Appointed GSR 3

  • Building Supervisor Appointed – GSR 11

  • Stacking Supervisor Appointed - GSR 8

  • Scaffolding Supervisor Appointed – GSR 13

  • Lifting Machinery Supervisor Appointed - DMR 18(5)

  • Electrical Installation Regs- Accredited Person Appointed- EIR9

  • Portable Elect. Tools Supervisor Appointed – EMR 9

  • Facilities Supervisor Appointed - FR

  • Vessels under Pressure Supervisor Appointed – VUPR

  • Hazardous Chemical Substances Assessor Appointed R5 HCSR

  • Accident / Incident Investigator



  • Mandatories and Contractors Control

  • Mandatories and Contractors Control – Contractors Agreement

  • Mandatories and Contractors Control – Non Compliance Report

  • Copy of OHSACT / Subscribe to Updating Service GAR 4

  • Employee Induction / Job Safety – S13/14/15 Act & HCSR

  • Employee Induction Job Safety Survey –– S13/14/15 Act & HCSR

  • Functions/Rights of the Health & Safety Representatives S18 Act

  • Health and Safety Representative Inspection Procedure

  • Duties/Functions of the Health / Safety Committee S19, 20 Act

  • Investigation, Recording & Reporting of IncidentsS24 Act & GAR 9 & 10

  • Registers Required DMR 17, 18, 19 /GSR 13 D(2)(d) / VUP 11, 12 / EMR 9(4)

  • Safety Training of staff – Act and Regs

  • Housekeeping Inspection Record

  • Suggestion Scheme / Health and Safety Propaganda (Posters, etc.) S13 Act

  • Incident Statistics

  • Incident Statistics Spread Sheet

  • Incident Investigation & Reports S24 Act / GAR 8 & 9

  • Machinery & Equipment Safety Survey GMR/DMR

  • Machine & Equipment Surveys GMR R6 (2)

  • Inspection of Hand tools GSR R2 (5)

  • Inspection of Portable Ladders – GSR R13 (a)

  • Inspection of Fixed Ladders – GSR R13 (a)

  • Standards for Grinders

  • Inspection of Grinders – DMR R8

  • Ergonomic Study & Record

  • Health & Safety Policy – Management Involvement

  • Inspection Schedule for Plant / Equipment –in use

  • Schedule of Inspection - Procedural

  • Schedule of Inspection – Plant & Equipment


  • Notices in Respect of Plant / Machinery other than Boilers. GMR R9

  • Notices and Signs Survey – GAR 15(b)

  • Lighting Standards ER R3

  • Lighting Survey Record ER R3

  • Identification, Protection and / or Demarcation of Dangerous Places or Conditions GSR R2,5,6,7,9,12,13 / GAR R15 / GAR R6 / ER R6 also AR / ER / EMR / DMR / LR / EIR / HCSR

  • Colour Coding Plant / Pipelines / SABS 0140 parts 1-3

  • Scaffolding / Racking GSR R13

  • Stacking of Articles GSR R8 - safety requirements applied

  • Stacking of Articles : Survey in use – GSR R8

  • Racking of Articles - Survey

  • Machine Guarding/Lock Out GMR R3 / DMR R2

  • Inspection of Machine Guarding – GMR R3 + DMR R2

  • Inspection of Lock-out Facilities – GMR R6(2)

  • Refrigeration Plant and Environment ER R2 / DMR R15 / SABS 0147

  • General Inspection of Light Commercial Refrigeration Equip. Freezer / Cooler Rooms SABS 0147

  • Goods Hoists / DMR

  • Lifting Machines / Lifting Tackle

  • Builders Hoist

  • Vessels under Pressure VUPR

  • Portable Gas Containers VUPR

  • Boilers VUPR R5,7,8,13,14,15,16

  • Work Permit Clearances,( Silos, Bunkers, Storage Vessels, Hot Work) GSR R5,7,9

  • Inspection of welding and Cutting Equipment – GSR R9 (v)

  • Written Safe Work Procedures Study S 8 & 13 Act<br>

  • Hazardous Job Study Analysis – S8 &13 Act / HCR

  • Written Safe work Procedures – S8 &13 Act

  • Acknowledgement of Training – S8 &13 Act /HCSR

  • Hazardous Job Task Observation & Analysis –S8&13 Act/HCSR

  • Circular and Band Saws

  • Wood Planing, Moulding, Mortising and sanding Machines

  • Explosive Power Tools

  • Shears, Guillotines and Presses

  • Mixing, Agitating & Similar Machines

  • Transportation Plants


  • Electrical Warning Signage R4 EMR

  • General Electrical Installation EMR / EIR

  • Inspection of Portable Electrical Equipment – EMR R9

  • Main Supply Electrical Switch and Transformer Premises EMR R5

  • Distribution Control Gear Labelling EMR R6

  • Electrical Machinery in Hazardous Locations - Flame proofing EMR R8

  • Earth Leakage – Use and Testing EMR / SABS 0142

  • General Electrical Cable Work – Routing EIR / EMR


  • First Aid & Emergency Procedures & Equipment GSR R3

  • Personal Safety Equipment – S 8 &15 and GSR 2 Act

  • Personal Safety Equipment Program – S 8 &15 and GSR 2/HCR

  • Personal Protective Equipment Issue Record -– S 8 &15 and GSR 2/HCR

  • Personal Protective Equipment Training Checklist - S 8 &15 and GSR 2 Act

  • Personal Protective Equipment Inspection Record (Respiratory Equipment) – S 8 &15 and GSR 2 Act

  • Audiometric Testing & Hearing Protection – ER R7 / SABS 083

  • Audiometric Testing & Hearing Protection – Potential Noise Exposure Assessment

  • Occupational Hazards (Physical) – S8,13,14,15 Act/R7 GAR/HCR

  • Training Checklist for Workplace Hazards - S8,13,14,15 Act/R7 GAR/HCR

  • Hazardous Chemical Substances – Risk Assessment

  • Hazardous Chemical Substances Index –S 13,14,15 Act & HCR

  • Flammable / Explosive ( Volatile ) Materials Study GSR R4

  • Hazardous Chemical Substances Control –S8,10,13 Act & HCR

  • Work in Confined Spaces

  • Work in Elevated Positions & Roof Work – GSR 6 & 12

  • Admittance to Workplaces – GSR 2

  • Visitors on site (minors)

  • Danger of Engulfment - GSR 7

  • Supervision of Building Work – GSR 11

  • Demolition and Excavations


  • Sanitation/Change Rooms/ Dining Rooms/Prohibitions/Drinking Water/Seats and Condition of Rooms and Facilities/Sanitary Conveniences/Washing Facilities etc. FR R2,4,5,7,8

  • Thermal Requirements for the Workplace – Environmental Regulations for Workplaces Act

  • Lighting Requirements for the Workplace - Environmental Regulations for Workplaces Act

  • Ventilation Requirements for the Workplace – Environmental Regulations for Workplaces Act

  • Housekeeping Requirements for the Workplace - Environmental Regulations for Workplaces Act


  • Fire precautions and means of egress

  • Fire precautions and means of egress - Evaluation

  • Fire precautions and means of egress – Evacuation Procedure

  • Fire Extinguishers Inspection Record - SABS 0400

  • Hose Reels Inspection Record - SABS 0400

  • Fire Hydrant Inspection Record – SABS 0400

  • Sprinkler Installations Inspection Record

Closing meeting

  • Attendance register

  • Signatures:

  • Audit only sample, where no non conformance reported, does not mean on exist

  • Copy of feedback report

  • Invite questions

  • Comments:

  • Proposed corrective action dates:


  • Auditor's signature

  • Auditee signature:

  • Section 16(2):

  • Select date

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