Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the wedge installed as per standard?
Is the remote mucking bay/wedge clean and free of obstructions?
Does the operator retreat into the mucking bay/wedge when scoop is within 25 feet? (Is the operator in a safe position should he lose control of the scoop?)
Has the commissioning form been completed and reviewed?
Are the proper signs posted?
Is the operator familiar with the policy and procedures for this task?
Is the operator trained on this particular piece of equipment?
Does the operator have good line-of-site while mucking from the wedge?
Does the operator have trouble with start up?
Does the scoop hit the walls during remote mucking operation?
Is it difficult to retrieve a bucket of muck?
Does the operator stop the scoop at a safe distance from the wedge?
Does the operator place the scoop at a safe distance from the open brow?
Has the operator demonstrated the proper steps in the operation of remote mucking?
Observers comments:
Are you familiar with the policies and procedures for the remote mucking operation?
Are you trained and do you have the knowledge to do this task?
Are you comfortable with the remote mucking set up?
How can we improve this workplace?
Other comments?
Workers Name and Payroll #:
Media (if needed)
Observers Signature: