
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Previous Audit Report

  • Has the previous audit report been closed out?

  • Have all previous issues been cleared?

Management Controls

  • Have appropriate signs/notices been erected around the site i.e. mandatory use of PPE, Incomplete Scaffolds, No Smoking, Traffic Management, Fire assembly, Fist Aid Points etc.

  • Ensure that all persons are familiar with the requirements of the RP health and safety rules, via toolbox meetings.

  • Ensure adequate supervision is provided for all activities on the site paying particular attention to work activities as undertaken by young persons and/or those which are high risk activities.

  • Management controls compliant?

Access and Egress

  • Is there safe access and egress to all working areas of the site?

  • Have pedestrian walkways been provided to protect them from moving vehicles?

  • Are walkways free from obstructions and stored materials?

  • Access and Egress compliant?

Access - External Security Check

  • Ensure site access points are clearly signposted on the approaches to the site.

  • Ensure adequate on-site signage is provided to warn and advise both vehicle drivers and pedestrians.

  • Have access routes been agreed with the fire and other emergency services prior to the start of works.

Fire prevention

  • Has a detailed risk assessment and method statement been carried out?

  • Are emergency procedures in place for evacuation?

  • FireManagement Compliant?

Equipment and Tools

  • Has the operator/s been properly trained?

  • Is the operator/s wearing eye protection and PPE?

  • Tools not being used kept in storage areas.

Compressed Gases (e.g. LPG, Acetylene)

  • Are they kept away from flammable liquids?

  • Are they properly stored in a purpose made cage?

  • Are gasses segregated by type?

  • Is the cylinder valves fully closed when not in use?

  • Compressed gases compliant?

Confined Spaces

  • Confined Spaces include manholes, shafts, pits/tanks, pipes/culverts, certain excavations, silo's and other confined/enclosed spaces.

  • Only appropriately trained and qualified persons who have undergone an accredited confined spaces entry course shall be permitted to enter a confined space, and only then if the correct checks have been made and the correct safety equipment (breathing apparatus, gas detection equipment, emergency escape equipment etc) are used.

  • Is there a risk assessment for the confined spaces work?

  • Confined Spaces compliant?

Consultation and Safety Surveys

  • Has a system been established for employees to comment and be consulted on health, safety and welfare issues.

  • Is there a site suggestion box?

  • Is there a safety joint committee / forum ?

  • Ensure appropriate Tool Box Talks are given to all employees and that the Tool Box Talks are appropriate and relevant to the work being undertaken.

  • Consultation compliant?

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • Have COSSH Assessments been carried out for all potentially hazardous materials and substances being used on the site.

  • Are safety data sheets (SDS)available to assist with COSHH assessments.

  • Have the hazards associated with the use of such materials been properly communicated to those affected.

  • Ensure all dangerous/hazardous materials/Substances are clearly marked/identified and stored in a secure location appropriate to the substance.

  • Have the appropriate control systems and PPE been provided and is the PPE being used.

  • COSHH Compliant?


  • Are aisles and passageways kept clear and marked.

  • Walkway compliant.

  • Is the area barried off and suitably signs in place.?

Electrical Equipment

  • Ensure that existing services e.g.: electricity cables, gas mains etc have been identified and effective steps have been taken to prevent danger from them.

  • Check that cables and leads are protected from damage.

  • Check that tools and equipment are visually checked and regularly inspected/tested by a competent person. (PAT)

  • Ensure that cables and trailing leads are not trip hazards.

  • Electrical Equipment compliant?

Environmental Management

  • Site wide issues

  • Energy efficiency

  • Have all practical measures been implemented to increase the energy efficiency of the site.

  • Environmental Emergency

  • Environmental Management compliant?

General lighting?

Building Safety

Fire Risks and Management

  • Is there a fire risk assessment in place?

  • Ensure that there are adequate escape routes and that these are kept clear of obstructions.

  • Ensure that the quantity of flammable materials, liquids and gases are kept to a minimum and are adequately stored.

  • Check that suitable fire extinguishers are provided and that they are maintained and in a good condition.

  • Fire Risk and Management compliant?

First Aid

  • Ensure the first aid kit contains only first aid materials.

  • The location of the first aid box should be indicated on the site notice board and the door of the room in which it is contained. Are they clearly indicated?

  • Be placed where it can be seen and used.

  • Be checked and replenished on a regular basis.

  • First Aid requirements compliant?


  • Ensure all debris and waste is removed from the work area upon completion of the work or at the end of each shift.

  • Ensure Debris is not be allowed to collect around the site.

  • Ensure staff adopt the philosophy of 'A tidy site is a safe site'.

  • Housekeeping compliant?

Health & Safety Management Plan

  • Ensure the project management plan is up to date and signed by all relevant parties.

  • Is an emergency plan defined and in place complete with emergency contact numbers?

  • Is the plan meaningful and communicated to all parties, including sub contractors?

  • Are responsibilities defined?

  • Health and Safety Management Plan compliant?

LOTO Procedures


  • Is there a risk assessment in place for the use of ladders?

  • Are operators trained and competent?

  • Are proper Ergonomics used?

  • Is the use of ladders compliant?

Lifting Operations, Egornomics, Equipment

  • Ensure a (competent) Appointed Person co-ordinates all lifting operations.

  • Have all lifting operation got a valid lifting plan?

  • Check that the operators are trained and competent.

  • Ensure lifting operations do not take place near overhead power lines and excavations.

  • Lifting Operations/Equipment compliant?

Lone Working / Out of hours working

  • Is the work defined as low risk?

  • Is there a risk assessment for lone working?

  • Is access to first aid, welfare facilities and emergency services available to the worker/s?

  • Has the work been approved by a director?

  • Lone Working compliant?

Low Level Access Including Steps and Podiums

  • Are podiums used before steps are allowed?

  • Are operators trained in the use of podiums?

  • Are podiums maintained and inspected regularly?

  • Is there a risk assessment in place for the use of steps?

  • Low level access compliant?

Manual Handling

  • Ensure that a manual handling risk assessment has been completed wherever regular lifting of heavy loads is required.

  • Ensure all staff have received manual training.

  • Manual Handling compliant?


Occupational Health, HAV'S, Noise and Associated Health Risks

  • Check that workers have had information and training so that they know what the risks are from HAV.

  • Check that exposure to HAV has been reduced as much as possible by selecting suitable work methods and Plant.

  • Ensure that people not involved in the work are kept away from the source of the noise.

  • Occupation health, HAV'S, Noise and associated risks compliant?

Permits to Work

  • Hot Works - Hot Works include welding, oxy-acetylene cutting, use of angle grinders/skill saws etc.

  • Ensure all Hot Works Permits have been checked and reviewed and are valid for the work conditions.

  • Ensure the permit is valid.

  • Check old permits have been cancelled and closed.

  • Permits compliant?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • PPE General Requirements - Ensure PPE compatibility issues have been considered and that one piece of PPE not restrict the effectiveness of another piece of PPE.

  • Ensure that PPE is issued on an individual basis.

  • Ensure that it is suitable for the type of work being undertaken.

  • Eye Protection

  • Check that it is kept in good condition.

  • Foot Protection

  • Ensure gloves are correct for their application and the activity being undertaken.

  • Check that hands are washed frequently after spells of work.

  • Hearing Protection

  • Ensure that hearing protection is used as instructed.

  • Ensure Areas which are mandatory hearing protection zones are signed as such using the appropriate signs.

  • Ensure that all equipment is cleaned and checked after use.

  • PPE requirements compliant?

Plant & Equipment

  • Ensure that tools and equipments are stored correctly to avoid damage to the equipment and persons.

  • Hand tools

  • Ensure that the right tools and equipment are being used for the right job.

  • Were all hand tools found to be in good condition with no defects?

  • Check that all dangerous parts are guarded e.g. gears, chain, drives, projecting engine shafts etc.

  • Check that guards are secure and in good repair.

  • Plant

  • Ensure all Plant and Machinery is inspected on a weekly basis by a competent person and recorded in a Plant Inspection Register.

  • Plant and Equipment compliant?

Registers and Records

  • Check the site Inspection Registers for items such as scaffolding, excavations, coffer dams, plant and other equipment have been completed in a timely fashion.

  • Registers and Records compliant?

Risk Assessments and Method Statements

  • Ensure all Method Statements have been prepared by a competent person and have been checked, reviewed and signed.

  • Are method statements adequate and suitable for the task?

  • Does the method statement offer the necessary controls and required level of protection?

  • Ensure all contractors are working in accordance with the method statement.

  • Risk Assessments and Method Statements compliant?


Scaffolding/Working platforms

  • Check that any scaffold erection, alteration or dismantling is carried out by a competent person.

  • Check that all standards are provided with base plates and timber sole boards which span at least two base plates.

  • Check that all standards, ledgers, braces and struts are in position.

  • Do all ladder accesses have self closing gates fitted?

  • Ensure that these inspections are adequately recorded.

  • Are all scaffolds and working platforms sutable?


  • Are the public fenced off or otherwise protected from the work?

  • Is out of hours security is place?

Site Set up

  • Are the following items displayed?

  • Latest H&S Policy?

  • Fire Plan?

  • Emergency plan and contacts?

  • Signs for doors and cabins?

  • First aid location signs?

  • Assembly point signs?

  • Accident reporting process?

  • Site registration under the Hazardous Waste Regulations?

  • No Smoking signs?

  • Health & Safety Law poster ( what you should know)?

  • Is the site set up in accordance with CDM and Company requirements?

Storage of Substances, Chemicals and Oils.

  • Are Substances, Chemicals and Oils stored in the correct manner?

  • Storage of Substances, Chemicals And Oils compliant?

Temporary Works

  • Is there a temporary works register and is it maintained?

  • Appointments - The following must in place and appointed in writing:

  • Temporary Works Supervisor.

  • Are competences available for all appointees?

  • Have full working method statements and risk assessments been received and approved?

  • Is there safe access and egress to the works and is it maintained?

  • Are any necessary guard rails in place?

Traffic Management

  • Has a traffic management plan been prepared?

  • Are traffic management arrangement suitable and sufficient ?

  • Are pedestrians segregated from moving vehicles and plant?

  • Are storage areas identified?

  • Are loading areas identified?

  • Have one way or turning points been identified?

  • Are procedures in place for the unloading of vehicles to prevent fall from vehicles?

  • Are seat belts being used?

  • Are traffic management arrangement sutable?

Training and Skill Cards

  • Are all persons trained for their respective tasks?

  • Are Skill Cards available for inspection?

Waste Management

  • Is a waste management plan in place and sutable?

  • Is the plan being maintained?

  • Is it being reviewed on a regular basis?

  • Are bins clearly labelled?

  • Waste management requirements compliant?

Welfare Facilities

  • Ensure a facility is provided to change, dry and store clothing.

  • Mess facilities should include a place where workers can sit, make hot drinks and prepare food.

  • Mess facilities shall be of sufficient size for the number of employees on site and are provided with heating.

  • Ensure access to the welfare facilities are accessible to all persons on the site.

  • Ensure a supply of wholesome drinking water and cups are provided.

  • Ensure sufficient toilets are readily available, maintained, kept clean & are properly lit.

  • Are welfare facilities cleaned on a daily basis?

  • Are welfare facilities compliant?

Working at Height

  • Check whether the work can be undertaken without working at height.

  • Check that access equipment is erected by competent persons and checked before use.

  • Ensure safe access and egress have been provided to areas.

  • Ensure that edge protection is provided to stop people or materials falling.

  • Ladders - Ladders should be used at an angle of 1:4 (75 degrees).

  • Ensure that ladders are in good condition, are not split, warped or have damaged rungs etc.

  • Check whether ladders are suitable for the purpose - only for short term work or for gaining access to another area.

  • Check that ladders rest against a solid level surface and that this is not a fragile or insecure material.

  • Check that ladders are secured to prevent them slipping sideways or backwards.

  • Check that ladders rise a sufficient height above their landing place (approx. 1m or 5 rungs).

  • Safe landing platforms to be provided where a ladder rises to a height of 9m or more.

  • Are work at height operation in accordance with the W@H Regulations?

Working on or near Water



Audit Risk Level

  • Risk rating for this Audit.

Corrective Actions

Sign off

  • I confirm I have had the contents of this audit report explained to me.

  • Project Manager

  • Person conducting this Audit.

  • Audit concluded at:


  • All actions on this report have been completed on:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.