Title Page
Resilience Questionnaire
1. In a difficult spot, I turn at once to what can be done to put things right
2. I influence where I can, rather than worrying about what I can’t influence
3. I don’t take criticism personally.
4. I generally manage to keep things in perspective.
5. I am calm in a crisis.
6. I’m good at finding solutions to problems.
7. I wouldn’t describe myself as an anxious person.
8. I don’t tend to avoid conflict.
9. I try to control events rather than being a victim of circumstances.
10. I trust my intuition.
11. I manage my stress levels well.
12. I feel confident and secure in my position.
Your score
A developing
level or
resilience. Your
score indicates
that, although
you may not
always feel at
the mercy of
events, you
would in fact
from developing
aspects of your