Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Opening discussion, discuss agenda.
The Responsible Person
Is there a current,signed agreement with the contract RP?
Is there an Organogram showing a reporting line to the Managing Director
Is there a document in place to show how the RP provides advice and what actions to take if the advice is ignored?
Wholesale Dealers LIcence
Are the head office details correct?
Are the contact details correct?
Are all sites included on the licence?
Are the RP details correct?
Are all product categories correct?
Technical Agreements
Are there Technical Agreements in place with all subcontractors , carriers, destruction agents etc?
Are the TA's periodically reviewed?
Facility Tour - Purchasing
Are bona fide checks in place for all vendors?
Is the bona fide status of all vendors checked regularly?
Are medicines only purchased from vendors holding a Wholesale Dealers Licence?
Are records of all purchase orders archived effectively?
Facility Tour - Sales Order Processing
Are bona fide checks in place for all customers?
Are bona fide checks checked regularly?
Are customer complaints recorded?
Is there a log of complaints?
Is the log reviewed regularly
Is there a process for product complaints?
Are sales order records archived effectively?
Facility Tour - Goods Receiving
Are deliveries unloaded in such a way as to protect the medicines from inclement weather?
Is there a process for reporting discrepancies / damages?
Are deliveries checked against a delivery note and the results recorded?
Are medicines requiring special storage conditions (e.g. Cold chain products or narcotics ) handled appropriately?
Facility Tour - Order assembly and despatch
Is stocked picked following strict stock rotation principles?
Are orders packed securely?
Are orders checked for accuracy prior to despatch?
Do despatch notes have all correct information?
Are products requiring special storage conditions (cold chain / narcotics etc) handled in an appropriate manner?
Are there suitable inventory checks in place?
Facility Tour - Customer Returns
Is there a process in place to approve the return of stock?
Is stock suitably segregated on return?
Is the stock checked against a strict list of guidelines to determine its fate?
Is the person making the checks suitably qualified?
Is the process for carrying out the checks done in a timely manner?
Is stock that may be resold returned to stock in a manner that maintains strict stock rotation rules?
Facility Tour - Damages / Quarantined / Recall stock
Is there a separate, suitably identified area for damaged stock? (including stock awaiting destruction)
Is there a process for handling quarantined stock which ensures that it may not be sold?
Is there a process for handling recalled product that ensures it is suitably segregated/identified and cannot be resold?
Is there sufficient space allocated for handling non-saleable stock?
Are all areas suitably identified?
Facility Tour - Storage of product
Is the storage area separate from other products to avoid contamination?
Is the storage area clean and tidy
Are cleaning records in place and up to date?
Is the area pest free?
Was the date of the last visit by the pest control contractor in line with the contract?
We're there any significant issues raised by the pest control contractor?
Are there any outstanding tasks, requested by the pest control contractor,for the client to carry out?
Is there an appropriate temperature monitoring process in place
Are the temperature records up to date and signed by a suitably trained person?
Have any temperature excursions been handled in line with a documented procedure?
Has the storage area been temperature mapped?
Are the sensors suitably calibrated? (annually, traceable to a national standard, accurate to +/- 0.5C)
For products requiring special storage conditions, is there an alarm system in place?
Is there a process in place to define the actions to be taken in the event of alarm activations?
Is the storage area secure?
Quality system
Is there a documented quality system in place?
Are the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), forms etc controlled and approved formally ?
Are the SOP's periodically reviewed to ensure continued relevance?
Are the quality documents readily available to all relevant staff?
Standard Operating Procedures
Writing and controlling quality documents (SOP's, forms etc)
Archiving and Record Retention
Staff Training
Purchase Orders (including Bona Fide checks)
Sales Orders ( including Bona Fide checks)
Approving new customers
Customer Complaints
Product Complaints
Receipt of Goods
Order Assembly
Stock Rotation
Order Despatch
Damages / Quarantined stock
Customer Returns
Stock Destruction
Housekeeping and cleaning
Pest Control
Temperature Monitoring
Calibration of Sensors
Temperature Mapping
Handling Deviations - Corrective Action Plans
Site Security
Storage conditions in transit (inbound and outbound)
Recall of product ( including mock recall)
Batch Traceability
Job Descriptions
Are Job Descriptions in place for all staff?
Have staff been trained in the procedures relevant to their roles?
Have staff been trained in Good Distribution Practice ? (GDP)