Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 Folders
1.1 Is the Health and Safety folder present?
1.1.1 Does the folder contain the correct Risk Assessments?
1.1.2 Are the Risk Assessments signed and in date?
1.2 Is the Loss Prevention folder present?
1.2.1 Does the folder contain the required logs?<br>*Fitting Logs<br>*Search Logs<br>*Visitor Sign in<br>*Petty Cash<br>*Lost Property
1.2.2 Are the logs signed and in date? Archived correctly?
1.3 Is the Retail Operations folder present?
1.3.1 Has the folder been used?
1.3.2 Is the relevant information in the folder? Is it current?
1.4 Is the Visual Merchandising folder in use?
1.4.1 Are the current and up to date directives available?
2.0 Finance
2.1 Is the safe correct?
2.2 Is the finance drawer laid out as it should be?
2.3 Does each day have the correct paperwork?
2.4 Are the correct banking procedures followed? Discrepancies reported?
3.0 Personnel Folders
3.1 Are the filing cabinet drawers laid out as specified?
3.2 Are there staff folders, named and organised?
3.3 Do all folders contain:<br>Safe Systems at work.<br>Next of Kin.<br>H+S quiz.<br>H+S training (refreshed every 12 months).<br>
4.0 Stockroom Layout
4.1 Walkways clear from obstructions?
4.2 Clothes in between processes clearly labeled? <br>Overstock<br>Last Ofs<br>Delivery
4.3 Is the racking and shelving labeled according to the stockroom operations folder?
4.4 Are the PST boards up, are they used effectively?
4.5 Is there any stock on the floor? Is it labeled?
4.6 Is there a clear stockroom office area with PC and printer?
4.6.1 Are there labeled trays for delivery paperwork and stock movement?
4.7 Is SNO labeled and stored appropriately? How much is there?
4.8 Are the shoes tidy, in style order?
4.8.1 Are boxes correctly labeled with display stickers where required?
4.9 Are the watches stored in a locked cabinet?
5.0 Are the standards across the stockroom in keeping with stockroom operations folder sections 1.0-1.5.
5.0 Stock Movement
5.1 Are delivery manifests printed off?
5.1.1 Are the delivery manifests taken to the shop floor to check for replenish and new stock? Evidence?
5.2 Is the delivery efficiently dealt with on a daily basis?
5.3 All stock tagged in the stockroom, before going to the floor?
5.4 TASK board used, relevant information recorded?
5.5 STOCK board filled in daily?
5.6 Is stocking up completed on a regular basis - kept for at least 7 days?
5.7 Sreads completed frequently throughout the day?
5.8 Are Sreads checked off and kept (7 days)?
5.9 Supervisor/Manager checks on stock movement carried out?
6.0 Is the Recall folder present and containing the correct recall paperwork?
6.1 Is the IST folder present and containing the correct paperwork?
6.3 Are there any outstanding Recalls on the HHT? <br>State them:
6.4 Are there any outstanding ISTs on the HHT?<br>State them:
6.0 Deliveries
6.1 Does the store have any outstanding cartons? <br>How many? Please list?
6.2 Are discrepancies recorded correctly, and relevant paperwork kept?
6.3 Are boxes labeled and processed correctly for delivery to DC or store?
6.4 Are Recall surveys completed on Sonic?
6.5 Have ISTs been accepted into store correctly on HHT?<br>
6.6 Deliveries accepted in correctly?
6.7 Is faulty stock correctly labeled?
6.8 Faulty stock should not have built up, but be regularly dispatched to DC!
7.0 Shop Floor
7.1.1 General standards of the shop floor: folded stock
7.1.2 General standards on the shop floor: size stickers
7.1.3 a General standards on the shop floor: hanging stock
7.1.4 General standards on shop floor: security tags
7.2 Are the windows consistent with current directives?
7.3 Are staff on relevant, dedicated areas?
7.4 Are staff in correct uniform? Current season?
7.5 Are stock depths correct?
7.6 Are all sizes represented on the shop Floor?
7.7.1 Fitting Rooms- are they manned?
7.7.2 Is there a current fitting room log?
7.7.3 Are the fits tidy and free from stock/clutter?
7.8 Is the Till folder kept at the till?
7.8.1 Is there a current visitor sign in/search log?
7.8.2 Is there a current search log?
7.8.3 Is the emergency box present, and containing all appropriate information?
7.8.4 Is today's Zoning plan available?
7.9.1 Is the till area tidy, no stock, carrier bags full, no clutter!
7.9.2 Is the correct till POS up and visible?
8.0 Back of House
8.1 Are the toilets clean and tidy?
8.2 Are the corridors free from stock, rubbish or fixtures?
8.3.1 Is the weekly tracker up to date?
8.3.2 Health and Safety board visible with current legislation and LP audit?
8.3.3 Minimum 2 weeks worth of rota's up?
8.3.4 POP boards contain current information for staff?
8.4 Shop floor access door locked at all times.
8.5 Only correct signage on walls. No hand written notices.
8.6 Staffroom clean and tidy, no fixtures or stock.
8.7 Lockers available to all staff.
8.8 All fire exits are clear.