Title Page

RFFS Routine Inspection

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  • Inspecting Officer(s);

  • Time & Date of Inspection;

Building Information

  • Building No;

  • Building Custodian;

  • Contact No.

  • Building use;

  • Building access type

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  • Add Key code no. and location(s)

Fire Hazards & Risk

  • Electrical distribution boards; clear of combustible materials/ accumulated waste?

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  • Control of cascading leads / adapters/ overloading of sockets? (i.e. extensions on extensions & high load appliances)?

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  • Evidence of personal or non Airbus electrical appliances in use? (e.g. non PAT tested kettles, radios etc)?

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  • Electrical items within portable appliance test date? (Sample of items checked within date?)

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  • Smoking; evidence of any breaches of Airbus smoking policy?

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  • Portable heaters; evidence of portable heaters in use both electrical or LPG? Does their use pose a fire risk, combustible items too close, any obvious signs of damage etc? (note; use dependant on time of year)

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  • Kitchen areas; Are measures taken to prevent fires as a result of cooking, specifically good housekeeping observed within area, filters changed and ductwork cleaned regularly?

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  • Mess area/ Staff rooms (i.e. electrical items only); Good housekeeping within the area.

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  • Combustible items; Excessive quantity or reasonable for working environment? Evidence of accumulated waste in stores/ quarantine areas?

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  • Housekeeping; Is the standard of housekeeping adequate? Considering combustible materials separated from ignition sources; adequate collection and removal of waste; avoidance of unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials or waste?

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Flammable Substances

  • Are there significant quantities of flammable substances within the building?

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  • Adequate control of immediate sources of ignition near flammable materials?

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  • Evidence of excessive storage? e.g. no more than 50L per cabinet, no more than 250L in building/ area

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  • Are they stored in approved cabinets (bunded, yellow, steel construction, signage, controlled access etc) or purpose storage rooms/ areas?

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  • Gas cylinders (Combustible/flammable) Are flammable or combustible gases in use or stored within the building?

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  • Does their storage/ use pose a fire risk?

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  • External storage areas of flammable substances

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  • Does the external storage of flammable substances pose a fire risk?

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Ability to Restict Fire Spread

  • Is the type of combustible items in the work area/ building likely to lead to rapid fire growth (i.e. flammable materials, loose combustible items, contaminated waste etc). Accumulated waste, areas 'out of sight, out or mind' etc.

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Means of Escape

  • Are all walkways, circulation routes, and escape routes unobstructed at the time of inspection?

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  • Any modifications of changes to the building layout/ means of escape not recorded on the building plan?

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  • Internal stairways and protected lobby/ refuge area clear of combustible items?

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  • Fire exit doors; able to open easily and in sound condition?

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  • Fire exit doors; where glass bolt is fitted; in sound condition, hammer, chain etc?

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  • External fire escape stairs; where installed any obvious signs of damage; e.g. rust, failure of steel etc.

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  • External fire escape stairs; clear of combustible items underneath stairs?

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  • Assembly point; clear and safe route to the assembly point? Adequate level of lighting i.e. for night time evacuation?

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  • Emergency lighting; are the emergency lighting obstructed? Any signs of damage or obstructions?

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Fire Doors (internal)

  • Internal fire doors where installed; Are in good working order with the minimum elements of self closing device, intumescent strip, smoke seal brush, appropriate glazing (wired or BS mark), affixed with mandatory signage? Can open fully and close, no excessive gap between double doors (approx 2-3mm). Can be effectively used in an emergency i.e close when required, not wedged open?

Fire Detection and Warning

  • Fire Detection and Warning

  • Is the fire detecction equipment (detector heads, manual call points etc) damaged or obstructed? Clearance underneath detecctor heads? Are manual call points easily accessible and identified? Can the fire warning be heard in all areas, throughout the facility/ building?

First Aid Fire Fighting

  • First Aid Fire Fighting

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  • Are extinguishers within their service date? (note BS 5306 allows 30 days grace for servicing. Are fire extinguishers blocked or not easily accessible? Are extinguishers missing? Are there any obvious signs of damaged? Is the black tag missing (indicates the extinguishers being moved?) Are there any changes to the building layout that may effect provision i.e it is greater than 30m to reach a extinguishers or occupants are required to travel through a number of doors to reach extinguishers?

Fire Signage

  • Any fire signage missing, damaged or blocked?

Overall assessment of findings

  • Fire harzard and risk

  • Ability to restrict the spread of fire

  • Means of escape

  • Fire detection and warning

  • Fire aid fire fighting

  • Fire signage

  • Local fire safety management

  • RFFS Access

Signaure of the Inspecting officer

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