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Section 1: HSSE

  • Are safety rules applied within the inspection area?

  • Were samples transported in a safe manner?

  • Did the inspector show safety awareness?

  • Did the inspector wear a hydrogen sulphide monitor?

  • Did the inspector comply with contractor entry regulations for the site?

  • Did the inspector comply with speed limits and limitations on the use of mobile phones and other electrical equipment?

  • During the inspection, did the inspector intend to use grounding wire for gauging equipment?

  • Did the inspector observe good housekeeping rules?

  • Did the inspector observe and report potentially hazardous operations?

  • Did the PPE as worn by the inspector conform to the minimum requirements appropriate to task?

  • Are inspection staff given both facility and task specific HSE training?

  • Was the inspector able to carry the required equipment without compromising safety from potential slips, trips and falls?

Section 2: Communications and Planning

  • Was a pre inspection meeting carried out with relevant ship and shore personnel in attendance? Was the quantity and quality of the cargo to be transferred agreed upon?

  • Did the meeting discuss potential hazards, safety, communications, activities etc.?

  • Did the inspector discuss the following: a) number of tanks and quantity of cargo to be transferred between each? b) previous cargoes and quality thereof? c) the current voyage and possible in transit movement of cargo? d) proposed loading and discharge rates? e) tank coatings, heating coils, tank and pipeline preparation? f) ballasting? g) cargo segregation? g) proposed cargo plan?

  • Were signed and stamped copies of relevant documents exchanged between the inspector and ship/shore personnel?

  • Did the inspector discuss BP requirements with ships staff?

Section 3: Facilities and Operation

  • Does the inspection office have any sort of traceability with respect to field equipment proving and maintenance?

  • Are the periods of calibration for all measurement equipment compatible with: a) National Standards? b) BP Measurement Standards?

  • Did the inspector arrive in good time so as to prevent delays in either ship or shore operations?

  • Has the inspection company been accredited against an internationally recognised standard?

  • Prior to the start of an inspection event is the inspector given a copy of all relevant instructions for quality and quantity information?

  • Does the office complete the input data into GCAS?

  • Is the inspection report completed and despatched in a timely manner?

  • Is there a formalised route for communicating product quantity and quality issues to the client (both within and outside of office hours)?

  • Are communications between the inspection office and client (direct or indirect) effective and reliable?

Section 4: Training

  • Have all inspectors had IFIA training?

  • Is there an appointed training supervisor and/or identified trainer(s)?

  • Are there written training records for each staff member, identifying the required training needs?

  • Do staff attend external industry seminars, workshops etc.?

  • Did the inspector demonstrate a knowledge in industry and BP standards?

Section 5: Sampling

  • Is the type of sampling equipment, used by the inspector, acceptable?

  • Were the sampling procedures witnessed, suitable for the sampling required?

  • Does the sampling technique ensure that there is no change of quality of the sample for the proposed testing?

  • Were all samples drawn, adequately labelled?

  • Did the inspector use his own sampling equipment?

  • For sensitive cargoes, was sampling compliant with RIICS Annex C?

  • If a shipboard sampler was used, did the inspector discuss individual line flow rates, maximum expected rate, minimum rate and was there relevant information exchange to enable proper monitoring?

  • Did the inspector check that the sample receiver was clean and dry? Was the container sealed to prevent tampering?

  • Was the sample receiver installed so as to minimise the effect of climatic conditions on the sample?

  • Was the sampler set up in flow proportional mode?

  • Once functioning, was the sampler extracting sample only when there was flow?

  • Did the inspector witness the input of the grab size, batch size and sample receipt size?

  • If the performance factor was outside the permitted range, was a letter of protest issued and were the inspectors principals informed?

Section 6: Metering

  • If meters were used did the inspector obtain opening and closing readings from either the meter head or the flow computer output?

  • Did the inspector ask for copies of meter tickets and relevant meter proving reports?

  • Did the inspector ask for copies of calibration certificates for PD meters?

  • Were meter factors established?

  • Was the proving checked?

  • Were metered quantities compared to shore tank delivery?

Section 7: Cargo Measurement - Shore

  • Do the inspectors oil level measurement procedures comply with RIICS?

  • If site equipment was used, did the inspector check the accuracy of 3rd party equipment?

  • Did the inspector coordinate and record line displacement/ line verification?

  • When gauging for light products, did the inspector use petroleum finding paste?

  • When gauging for water, did the inspector use water finding paste?

  • Did the inspector note the tank number, date and time of gauging?

  • Did the inspector note the overall reference height?

  • Did the inspector note the manual and auto oil level?

  • Did the inspector note the manual and auto oil temperature?

  • Did the inspector note the oil/water interface?

  • Did the inspector record temperatures from multiple levels?

  • Was the inspector allowed to perform manual tank measurements? if not was a protest issued?

  • Did the inspector check that the floating roofs were not in the critical zone during custody transfer?

  • Where manual gauges are not permitted, did the inspector verify the correct functioning of the automatic equipment?

  • Was the inspector allowed a copy of automatic tank gauges and/or metering reports? If not was a letter of protest issued?

  • Was the inspector allowed to view or copy relevant terminal automatic measurement equipment verification documentation?

  • Did the inspector ensure that the gauge hatch was closed after use?

Section 8: Cargo Measurement - Ship

  • Did the inspector use his own temperature measuring equipment?

  • If vessel equipment was used for measuring temperature, did the inspector check the accuracy of the equipment?

  • Do the inspectors oil temperature measurement procedures comply with RIICS?

  • Did the inspector record temperatures at multiple levels?

  • Did the inspector obtain pipe line volumes from either the vessels calibrations documentation or from ships drawings?

  • Did the inspector read the draft or view gauges to determine trim and list? Was this data recorded?

  • Did the inspector gauge each cargo tank for the following: a) oil level? b) oil temperature? c) free water/oil interface? d) reference height?

  • Did the inspector ensure that vessels tanks, lines and pumps were properly cleaned so as to carry the designated cargo?

  • Did the inspector carry out a bunker survey?

  • Were sea valves and overboard valves sealed as necessary? Did the inspector ensure that spool pieces between the cargo system and the ballast or engine room stripping system were removed, if installed?

  • Where significant levels of ROB/OBQ residues were detected, were samples drawn?

  • Where significant depths of free water were determined in cargo tanks, were free water samples drawn?

  • Were additional samples of dock water and ballast water drawn?

  • Were the cargo measurements made in good time without creating a delay to cargo operations?

  • Did the inspector gauge the vessel from the aft most gauge points for ROB/OBQ?

  • Did the inspector obtain wedge information?

Section 9: Calculations

  • If the cargo inspector uses a computer or programmable calculator, is there traceability through area office and head office to show that the routines comply with ASTM D1250?

  • Is the information gathered from the inspection used to calculate a quantity of oil or oil residue in each tank Individually?

  • After quantity calculations were completed, were the results compared with other voyage documentation to ensure consistency of data/calculation and/or loss?

  • Did the inspector calculate a VEF and use to compare ship and shore figures?

  • Were the calculations made in a timely manner?

  • Did the inspector manually calculate the transferred quantity to verify the terminal calculation?

  • Did the inspector use manual calibration tables for the vessel?

  • If the corrected ship/shore difference or shore/shore difference exceeded 0.25%, or the in transit difference exceeded 0.10%, did the inspector initiate any of the following: a) checking calculations? b) checking measurements? c) issue letter of protest? d) inform BP?

Other Comments and Information

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