Title Page

  • Audit Title- YYYYMMDD_Location_Heat Stress

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Work Location
  • Personnel attending


  • Certain safety problems are common in a hot environment. Heat Stress on the job can cause discomfort, heat stress and heat related illness, can be fatal. The following risk assessment should be undertaken prior to working outdoors or in a place where heat stress is a risk.

Heat Calculation, how hot is too hot?

  • There is no set limit for how hot is too hot when working out doors. It is up to employers and employees to work together to calculate and manage the risk of heat stress. This is done through conducting risk assessments, reducing exposure to heat and training employees to work safely in the heat? Follow the link to use the heat stress calculator (you will need to know the top temperature and humidity this can be found on the BOM website http://www.bom.gov.au/wa/ pdf report and attach to this risk assessment ) Heat stress Risk Calculator link: https://fswqap.worksafe.qld.gov.au/etools/etool/heat-stress-basic-calculator-test/

  • Attach the Heat Stress basic calculator assessment now?

  • Reason for not attaching

  • What was your Heat Stress risk rating?

  • WARNING: If the Heat Stress is Extreme - work may be undertaken only on the bases of a Risk Assessment, supervision and strict written protocols including a Heat Management Plan.

  • WARNING: If Heat Stress Score is High Manager is to complete the risk assessment and Heat Stress Management Plan controls is prior to work starting

  • WARNING: If Hat Stress Score is Meduim Manager is to complete the risk assessment and Heat Stress Management Plan controls is prior to work starting

  • No special precautions needed normal environmental monitoring must be followed Select N/A For all following sections

Recognizing Heat Illness Training

  • Symptoms of heat Exhaustion/ Stroke includes headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, weakness, moist skin, mood changes such as irritability or confusion, upset stomach and vomiting. Heat stroke is an immediate threat to life. Rapid cooling with ice packs or cold water must begin at once. A victim may sweat a lot, but some may have hot, dry skin and no sweating. Either way, it’s an extreme emergency. Call 000 immediately.

  • Have all employees completed YAC Sun Safety and Heat Stress training

  • All employees are to read through with their manager the attached Document Sun and Heat Stress Training YAC. Once completed Follow the link and watch video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raLMyR8jJbA

Controls in place to Prevent Injuries from Hot Weather

  • Do the employee have access to shaded rest areas?

  • Has a portable shade sail been packed?

  • Employees have been supplied and are wearing lose-fitting, long-sleeved shirt and long pants and a wide brim hat.

  • Are adequate supplies of palatable cool drinks available?

  • All employees are fit for work and not under the influence of alcohol, this is dangerous while working in a hot setting.

  • Has the day been planned to do outdoor work in the cooler morning hours and afternoon?

  • Buddies have been assigned to each employee to watch for signs of heat illness?

  • Employer has assigned rest breaks times?

  • Are first aid supplies available that are appropriate to heat emergencies?

  • Have employees been properly and thoroughly acclimatised (or reacclimatised after a time away from the heat stress environment)?

  • Is there a means of calling emergency medical support? Do workers know how and where to call emergency medical support?

  • If risk Level is Extreme or high work should not proceed without a communication plan

  • Is there a Communication plan in place?

  • Do any workers have relevant medical conditions or are taking medication that increases their risk, have had previous heat injuries?

What Extra Safety Controls are you going to need today?

  • What extra controls will be put in place on the worksite today to prevent being injured in hot weather?

  • 1.

  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.


  • Add signature

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