
  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Location

1. Machanical

  • Is dangerous machinery effectively guarded?

  • Does any machinery leak oil?

  • Are switches/valves labeled?

  • Are all equipment/safe devices on machinery in good working condition?

  • Are lock-out markings / permits posted on machines?

  • Are guard rails fitted around machinery if applicable?

  • Are there procedures available for reporting defects on machinery

1.1 Lifting Equipment

  • Was all lifting machinery tested yearly?

  • Was all lifting tackle examined 3 month?

  • Are hooks in good condition?

  • Is the maximum mass load displayed on all machinery and related equipment?

1.2 Forklifts

  • Are any oil leals visible?

  • Is it correctly/legally parked?

  • Is it fitted with a hooter?

  • Do handbrakes work?

  • Are security pins fitted?

  • Are forklift drivers licensed?

  • Is it parked with ignitions keys in it?

  • Is the condition of load backrest good?

1.3 Grinders

  • Is it marked with the rated spindle speed?

  • Are the grinding wheels guarded?

  • Is the a 3mm gap between grinding wheel and work rest?

  • Are eye protection signs conspicuous posted?

  • Were any broken of defective tools observed?

2. Electrical

  • Are electric cables in good condition?

  • Are the plugs in good condition?

  • Are all switch boards unobstructed?

  • Are there any unlabelled switches in switch boards?

  • Is the general condition of portable electric equipment acceptable?

  • Are there open conductors/uncovered opening in switch boards?

  • Are guards switches on electrical machinery in good working condition?

  • Are the guards on electrical machinery in a good condition?

  • Is any portable lamp broken or defective?

  • Are transformers premises/switch boards kept locked?

  • Was any unsafe work method/procedure observed?

3. Facilities

  • Is the condition of floors (openings, falling objects, manhole covers, etc) regarded as safe?

  • Is any structure regarded as unsafe?

  • Are the sanitary facilities in good working order?

  • Is soap or a cleaning agent provided?

  • Are towels (cotton-for each worker) or paper or air blowers provided?

  • Is toilet paper provided?

  • Is it well ventilated (any odours)?

  • Are facilities in a tidy condition?

  • Are windows transparent?

  • Are dining rooms provided and made use of?

  • Are change rooms provided and made use of?

  • Are lockers provided and made use of?

  • Were any water leaks observed?

  • Are there any broken windows?

  • Is adequate water provided and is it accessible?

  • Is proper sitting provided?

4. Housekeeping

  • Is there any equipment not stowed away?

  • Is all equipment stored in demarcated areas?

  • Is provision made for the disposal of general waste (excluding chemicals)?

  • Is adequate work space provided?

  • Is the routing of cables and pipes safe?

5. Personal protective equipment

  • Are notices posted for the use thereof?

  • Is it used?

  • Is it in good condition?

  • Are storage facilities for PPE provided?

  • Is it disposed of in a designated receptacle?

6. General

6.1 Ventilation

  • Was a ventilation survey carried out?

  • Is there any defective ventilation equipment-is it in a good working condition?

  • Are any filters of covers clogged up or dirty?

6.2 Lighting

  • Is the lighting in a working condition?

  • Are all switches in a working order?

  • Is there any broken lighting?

  • Was a lighting survey carried out?

  • Emergency evacuation lighting-does it work?

  • Emergency alarm-does it work?

  • Is the lighting regarded as adequate?

6.3 Stacking

  • Are stacks to high?

  • Are there stacks level?

  • Are there unstable stacks?

  • Are there broken pallets?

  • Is any shelving broken or damaged?

  • Does stacking take place in walkways/driveways?

  • Is the stacking practice regarded as safe?

6.4 Ladders

  • Have ladders been inspected?

  • Was the unsafe use of ladders observed?

  • Is any ladders broken or defective?

6.5 Fire Hazards

  • Is here anything that is regarded as a fire hazard?

6.6 General Maintenance

  • Is equipment/machinery properly maintained?

6.7 Demarcation

  • Are walkways and driveways properly demarcated?

6.8 Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Has the service date expired?

  • Is any corrosion observed?

  • Is the hose/nozzle in a good condition?

  • Are symbolic signs posted?

  • Is the seal in a good condition?

  • Is any fire extinguisher obstructed?

  • Is it strategically positioned?

  • Is the instructions label in good condition?

  • Is the gauge pressure correct?

6.9 Evacuation

  • Can doors/gates open to the outside?

  • Can doors / gates be open immediately?

  • Is signage for evacuation routes posted?

  • Are the evaluation routes blocked or obstructed?

  • Are fire drill carried out regularly?

  • Are smoke detectors checked regularly?

  • Are fire alarm capable of warning employees throughout the building/site?

6.10 First aid boxes

  • Are sign posted to indicate the location thereof?

  • Is the name of person responsible for first-aid conspicuously displayed?

  • Is it sealed?

  • Is the content theof correct?

6.12 Notices and sign

  • Are signs for general PPE posted?

  • Is signage for unauthorised entry posted?

  • Is resuscitation signage at transformer premises premises posted?

  • Is signage for action in case of a fire at transformer premises posted?

6.12 Noise

  • Are noise levels acceptable?

  • Have the causes of noise been addressed if applicable?

  • Is proper hearing production available if and when required?

  • Are noise zones properly demarcated?

  • Were employees trained on the use of hearing protection protectors?

7. Human Behaviour

  • Are there any complaints from employees?

  • Do employees engage in horseplay?

  • Is any unauthorised smoking observed?

  • Is any unauthorised eating and drinking observed?

  • Is any unsafe act observed

  • Do safety talks take place?

  • Do employees make a contribution when inspections are carried out?

  • Is any unsafe behaviour/attitude, negligence etc observed?

  • Do risk assessments include stress/ergonomics?

8. Hazardous Chemical Substances

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets available where people are exposed to HCS?

  • Have First-Aiders been trained on MSDS's?

  • Is there a separation disposal bin for chemical HCS waste (including contaminated PPE)?

  • Is there an alarm to prompt early corrective action?

  • Is the flammable liquid store marked as one?

  • Is the flammable liquids store ventilated to the outside?

  • Is fire extinguisher equipment strategically placed?

  • Is flammable liquid store constructed so as to contain 110%of the maximum storage capacity?

  • Are chemicals locked away?

  • Does battery charging take place in safe place?

  • Is a deluge shower provided where HCS could be absorbed through the skin?

  • Is any chemical spill observed?

  • Is any unsafe work method / practice observed?

  • Safety Representative

  • Completed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.