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Does the company have staff personnel dedicated to HSE Management?
Full time or Part time?
Is HSE Management their primary responsibility?
Identify responsibilities other than HSE management (if applicable).
What is the experience level of the designated HSE representative participating in this audit?
What is the designated HSE representatives' length of employment with the company?
Does the company have an HSE policy statement endorsed by senior management?
Does the company establish annual HSE goals?
Does the company have a process in place to measure goal achievement?
Do Management Performance Reviews include HSE Performance criteria and/or requirements?
Do company employees receive incentives or rewards for the company's HSE performance?
2.0 HSE Manual
Does the company have a process in place for determining which existing regulations apply to specific operations?
Does the company have documented operations HSE manual applicable to their work activities?
Does it include assignment of responsibilities for Management, Supervisors, Employees?
Is it current? Last date updated?
Is the HSE manual consistent with current regulatory requirements and applicable industry standards?
Does the HSE manual contain necessary components to cover all major work place hazardous activities?
Is the HSE manual communicated to all management personnel? How?
Is the HSE manual communicated to all employees? How?
Are employees provided a company specific HSE Handbook?
3.0 HSE Work Procedures
Are there documented safe work procedures for work activity exposures?
How, when and by whom are they communicated to employees?
Are they formally reviewed and updated? How often and by whom?
Are proper manual lifting techniques covered through safe work procedures?
Is training conducted?
Is the training documented?
4.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Does the company have a written PPE Program?
Does the program reference applicable ANSI standards?
Does the company conduct and update a PPE Hazard Assessment annually?
Does the company maintain a current Certification of PPE Hazard Assessment?
Does the program include criteria for PPE inspections?
Is PPE training current and documented?
Hearing Conservation:
Has a Noise Survey been conducted of common work activities?
Do noise survey results indicate that company needs a hearing conservation program?
Is a Hearing Conservation Program developed?
Is training provided initially, annually and is it documented?
Does the company provide hearing protection for workers?
Fall Protection:
Does the company have a written Fall Protection program?
Are guidelines developed establishing requirements for using fall protection? What are they?
Is Competent Person level training conducted?
Is user training conducted? How?
Does the company use Fall Rescue equipment? Identify.
How are employees trained on rescue equipment?
Is training provided initially and with changes in exposure and is it documented?
Does e program include equipment inspection guidelines?
Respiratory Protection:
Does the company have a written Respiratory Protection Program?
Is a program administrator identified?
Are medical evaluations conducted?
Is FIT testing conducted?
Does the program include criteria for determining End of Service Life for respirator cartridges?
Are equipment inspections conducted?
Are equipment inspections documented?
Access to Medical Records:
Is initial and annual refresher training conducted and is it documented?
Does the company have a written plan?
Are employees made aware of their "Right to Access" their own medical records?
Do employees have access to their medical records?
Is initial and annual refresher training conducted and documented?
Hazard Communication:
Does the company have a written program?
Are MSDS available on site for employees?
Is a current chemical inventory list developed and maintained?
Is initial and with changes in exposure training conducted and documented?
Does the company have a written HAZWOPER program?
Is training conducted and documented?
What type of training is applicable? 20 hour, 40 hour, Spill Response or Storage.
Does the company keep manifests on file?
Does the program include Emergency Contact information?
Is training conducted and documented?
Industrial Hygiene:
Does the company perform IH monitoring on employees?
For which substances?
Does the company conduct fitness for work exams for Audiograms, pre-employment, re- employment, respiratory and visual?
Lock Out / Tag Out
Is there a written program?
A process inspection conducted at least annually?
If applicable, are written equipment procedures developed? How?
Is training conducted and documented?