
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Car Park, Building and Corral

  • Surfaces (Including Car Park)<br>- No Tripping Hazards identified<br>- Wet Floor signs displayed if necessary<br>- All steps & pathways are free from all debris & are in good condition<br>

  • Pedestrian Routes<br>- All pedestrian routes are clearly marked<br>- In the drive thru, signs for drivers warn them of pedestrian as required<br>- Overhead clearance sign correctly placed and in good condition

  • Traffic Routes<br>- It is clear to drivers where they should stop, giveway, etc<br>- Handrail in place to stop people from walking out directly onto drive thru lane

  • Car Park Lighting<br>- Lighting in car park is operating. No globes are blown (Turn on to check)

  • Corral<br>- Corral is locked from outside when not in use & nothing obstructs back door exit<br>- All visible plugs & outlets are in good condition & weatherproof if external<br>- Bulk waste oil container has a filter/strainer fitted whenever oil is pumped into tank<br>- Combustible materials in corrals are stored at a minimum distance of 1.5 metres from outside eaves<br>- Red otto bin available for litter patrol & in good working condition

  • Signage<br>- All hanging signs, awnings & other exterior accessories are safely secured

  • Menu Boards<br>- Tri menu boards lock & secure

  • Drive Thru Windows<br>- Drive Thru Windows are closed & locked during non peak periods.<br>- Locks are operational and in good working order<br>- Security Window fitted (if required)<br>- No Walk Up Service Sticker posted

Customer Toilets

  • Water<br>- Wash basin water is hand hot (<40*c)

  • Doors/ Floors<br>- Door closers - swing the door open & observe as it closes the last few centimetres, does it have a buffer? (Doesn't slam shut)<br>- Restrooms floors are free from trash. Floors are dry

  • Baby Change Units<br>- Baby change unit is securely mounted<br>- Clip and strap are in good condition<br>- Unit only opens to 90*

  • Syringe Disposal Units<br>- Syringe disposal units supplied & maintained (including approved collection) if there is a recognised syringe problem<br>- Stickers available on front of all units


  • Equipment & Signage<br>- Play Land equipment is in good working condition<br>- Poles are padded<br>- Play Land is shaded and closed if wet<br>- No climbing signs are displayed if needed<br>- Correct Play Land rules are displayed

  • Fencing<br>- Fences and gates surrounding play land are in good condition, securely locked & child proof, 1.8m high

Dining Areas, Patio, Café Areas

  • High Chairs<br>- Approved high chairs with child restraint straps & clips are in good condition & stored out of traffic areas<br>- Wheels & tray clips are in good condition

  • Chairs and Tables <br>- All fixed tables & chairs are secure<br>- Freestanding tables & chairs show no signs of wear & tear<br>- All free stand chairs have rubber tips on the chair legs<br>- Granite table tops are secured

  • Walkways<br>- Walkways are dry& clear of any trash or obstruction<br>- All floors are in good condition/repair & free from grease

  • Wet Floor Signs<br>- Adequate stock of wet floor signs (Min 1 in express & 2 in other stores)<br>- If in use, enough are placed in hazardous area to identify hazards<br>- No faded signs<br>- Signs are removed when not needed

  • Mopping Procedures<br>- *QSR Quarry Floor Tile Cleaner (Floor Care) is being used<br>- Mops & Buckets clean and in good condition<br>- Red mop bucket used in dining room

  • Ceiling Ties, Light Defuser & Vent Covers<br>- Ceiling Tiles, light diffusers & vent covers appear secure (Visual Inspection Only)

  • Lighting<br>- Décor lighting is in good working order & lanyards attached if necessary (Visual Inspection Only)

  • Power Points<br>- All visible power points are in good condition<br>- Extension leads/adaptors not used<br>

  • Doors<br>- Door closers - swing the door open & observe as it closes the last few centimetres, does it have a buffer? (Doesn't slam shut)<br>- Sliding glass doors (and panels) have some indication to highlight glass (Eg. Stickers)<br>- Automatic doors' sensors are positioned correctly for safe door speed<br>- Security height measurement sticker positioned on the inside of the door frame<br>- Rubber strips fitted where required


  • Top Of Display Cabinet<br>- Ensure canisters are plastic and not glass

  • Utensils <br>- Check McCafé utensils are stored in utensil holder when not in use

  • Crockery/Glass Breakages<br>- Ask McCafé employee how they handle crockery/glass breakages?

  • Tiles<br>- Tiles in good condition and free of grease

  • Electrical Cables <br>- Cables are tagged & tested & positioned so that they do not dangle/obstruct walkways

  • Inspection Date:

  • Plugs & Sockets<br>- All visible plugs & outlets are in good condition<br>- Extension leads/adaptors not used

  • Equipment <br>- All equipment being used is in good working condition (eg. No broken fittings/switches)<br>- Any defective equipment is tagged correctly and not in use

  • Ceiling Lights and Vents<br>- Ceiling lights & vents are secure (Visual Checks Only)

Counter & Kitchen Areas

  • Walkways<br>- All walkways are dry, and free from grease<br>- All walkways clear of trash and any obstructions

  • Hustle<br>- No running under any circumstances

  • Footwear<br>- All employees on shift comply with Appearance SOC<br>- Heel not greater than 5cm on footwear

  • Tiles<br>- Non slip surface in front of grills, vats & sink<br>- Tiles in good condition and free from grease

  • Electrical Cables<br>- Cables are tagged & tested & positioned so that they do not dangle/obstruct walkways

  • Inspection Date:

  • Plugs & Sockets<br>- All visible plugs & outlets are in good condition<br>- Extension leads/adaptors not used

  • Vat Covers/Fry Funnel <br>- Fryer covers for all vats available in the kitchen/wash area<br>- Handles on vat covers present & secure<br>- Fry Funnel Mandatory (McOpCo Only)

  • Equipment <br>- All equipment being used is in good working condition (eg. No broken fittings/switches)<br>- Any defective equipment is tagged correctly and not in use

  • Tomato Slicer<br>- Tomato Slicer in good working condition<br>- Rubber feet on all legs for stability<br>- Handles and blades secure

  • Ceiling Lights and Vents<br>- Ceiling lights & vents are secure (Visual Checks Only)

  • Filters and Troughs<br>- Filters are secure above vats and grills with spring locks<br>- No overhead storage racks above vats<br>- Filters & troughs in good working condition (eg. All handles in place & no sharp edges)

  • Equipment Locks & Castors<br>- Fryer & Grill restraint cables fitted to equipment & used <br>- Locks are in position

  • Exhaust Units<br>- Exhaust stacks turned on & are in good working order (smoke directed into hood)<br>- Nothing is placed on exhaust hoods<br>- Ask an employee how they clean exhaust hoods (no standing on top)

  • Bun Crates <br>- All empty & full bun crates stored internally & stacked out of the way & do not pose a trip hazard or block emergency exits

Back Area

  • Freezer <br>- Freezer release latches have reflective signage, can be be opened easily from the inside if locked & have clear access to exit<br>- Product does not obstruct release latches<br>- Door bell & light are working<br>- Floors are clean and free from ice<br>- Storage complies with Delivery SOC<br>- Good lighting

  • Walk-in<br>- Walk-in release latches have reflective signage, can be opened easily from the inside if locked & have clear access to exit<br>- Products does not obstruct release latches<br>- Door bell & lights are working<br>- Floors are clean and free from debris<br>- Storage complies with Delivery SOC<br>- Good lighting

  • Ice Machine<br>- Warning sticker attached to ice machine

  • Personal Protective Equipment - PPE<br>- All PPE must be clean, available, in good condition & stored correctly <br>- Freezer jacket & delivery gloves<br>- Faces<br>- Gloves: Wash-Up, Grill, Filtering & Mesh Glove<br>- Multi purpose apron (wash-up & filtering)<br>- Safety Vest <br>- Spares of all PPE equipment available

  • Ladder & Safety Step<br>- 1.8 m non-conductive ladder available <br>- All ladders & safety steps available, in good condition & used correctly ( If ladders are in use ensure employee is not standing on the top 2 steps & ladder fully extended)

  • Bulk CO2 (If located internally)<br>- Leak detector fitted & working<br>- All managers know actions if alarm sounds (Verify written record of training)<br>

  • CO2 & Helium Cylinders<br>- All cylinders a chained up<br>- Cylinders stored in well-ventilated areas

  • CO2 System (Bulk) <br>- Pressure vessel tags/certificate attached for compliance

  • Date of Compliance: (5 year Compliance Tag)

  • Hot Water Service<br>- No flammable materials stored nearby

  • Piped Helium<br>- Valves in OFF position when not in use

  • Oil Trolley<br>- Oil transfer trolley, fryer cleaning tool & grill cleaning tools available & in good condition

  • Electrical Switchboard Panel<br>- Electrical switchboards are labelled, unobstructed, legends are in place & accessible

  • Electrical Isolation<br>- Electrical Isolation Kit fully stocked (min. 5 tags of each red & yellow, 2 narrow & 2 wide clamps)<br>- Posters - ' Procedures For Use' & Flipchart positioned on Electrical Switchboard<br>- Trip Log inside panel of switchboard

  • Roof Access<br>- Roof ladders have instructions & hook, & ladder is locked (if applicable)

  • Roof Condition<br>- Nothing is stored in the roof<br>- Only HVAC filters & exhaust fans stored on/in roof<br>- Roof edge protected to guard against falls<br>- Walkways clean & clear from debris<br>- Wooden boards in good condition and not greasy

  • Plugs & Sockets<br>- All visible plugs & outlets are in good condition<br>- Extension leads/adaptors not used

  • Crew Facilities<br>- Crew Room & change room facilities available and clean<br>- Storage available for personal belongings

  • Torch<br>- A torch readily available in the event of a blackout with spare batteries


  • Wash-Up Area & Litter Tools<br>- Heavy items (eg. Bulk chemicals, garbage bag dispenser) are positioned between mid-thigh & chest height<br>- Bulk Chemicals containers display: Correct chemical label (including name of substance & instructions for use), labels are not removed, defaced, modified or altered<br>- Trash masher & litter pick up tool available & in good working condition<br>- Spray hose in good condition, not leaking

Storage Areas

  • Stock Room<br>- No stock on floor, aisles are clear<br>- Storage complies with Delivery SOC<br>- Very Heavy items (>16kg) stored between mid thigh & mid chest<br>- Racking in good condition

  • Stock<br>- No heavy items (>12kg) above 2 metres

  • Trolleys<br>- Trolleys for moving heavy items available

  • Manual Handling<br>- Observe an employee's manual handling technique or ask them to demonstrate

Chemical Supplies & Storage

  • Chemical Storage & Labels<br>- Stored securely & neatly in locked cupboard (separate to food products)<br>- Labels (including name of substance & instructions for use) are attached & able to read clearly<br>- Labels are not defaced, modified, or altered on spray bottles<br>

  • Store specific chemicals MSDS Register<br>- Non-approved chemicals have the following: individual MSDS for the substance, a generic risk assessment for the substance<br>- If substance is classified as hazardous substance risk assessment is to be completed

Fire Prevention

  • Fire Doors<br>- All fire doors are kept shut except it they have automatic release mechanisms fitted

  • Fire Exit Routes<br>- Minimum 1m width of fire exit route from each storey and aspect of the building & is clear of blockages<br>- Evacuation plan is displayed on each level

  • Fire Exit Signage<br>- Fire exit signs are illuminated & readily visible from all areas in the building

  • Assembly Point<br>- Ask 2 employees where the assembly point is (ensure answers are correct)

  • Evacuation Exercise<br>- The last evacuation exercise (including drill/walk-through) is recorded (completed every 12 months) . (Template available on metime) <br>

  • Date of last exercise:

  • Portable Fire Extinguishers<br>- All portable fire extinguishers a mounted on a bracket, not obstructed, labelled, tagged within the last 6 months & unit is charged for use (dial is in green area)

  • Kitchen

  • McCafé

  • Stock Area

  • Fire Blanket<br>- Fire blanket is tagged (inspected by technician within last 6 months) , readily available , a label is fixed to the wall & is accessible in the kitchen area

  • Date:

  • ANSUL System<br>- MRC T118 Fire Suppression Equipment Service completed (verify)<br>- Handle accessible & in good condition<br>- Caps on all ANSUL discharge points

First Aid

  • First Aid Kit<br>- Kit is accessible, not locked & visible<br>

  • Supplies<br>- Supplies are neat & tidy<br>- Requirements detailed on sticker inside kit

  • Unauthorised Items<br>- No 'unauthorised' items (eg. Aspirin, Savlon, Burn Spray, nail polisher remover, shaving foam etc)

  • Sharps Disposal Kit<br>- At least 2 unopened syringe disposal kits are available (order from McKey).


  • Training<br>- Instructions for use displayed near controls<br>- All relevant staff have been trained in safe use of equipment<br>- Ask crew if they have been trained<br> It must be noted on the Restaurant Basics Checklist in the restaurant specific section

  • Equipment Condition<br>- Machine & power lead in good condition<br>- Front & rear guards in good condition

  • Emergency Stop Button<br>- Emergency stop button s accessible & clearly labelled<br>- Lid is closed at all times during use<br>- Interlock switch cannot be overridden

  • Storage<br>- Bundles of cardboard are stored away from entry and exit points

Restaurant Lifts

  • Training<br>- Instructions for use displayed near controls<br>- All relevant staff have been trained in safe use of equipment<br>- Ask crew if they have been trained, it must be noted on the Restaurant Basics Checklist in the restaurant specific section<br>- Ask crew to tell you how lift is used, answer should include: not stepping in lift & not carrying items likely to cause a jam (eg. Mops)

  • Equipment Condition<br>- Check that lift & runners are clean (Only open the doors wen the lift is in place - never enter the lift shaft

  • Certificate & Signage<br>- A valid lift certificate is present (issued within the last 12 months)<br>- A lift notice is displayed on each landing, giving basic instruction and precautions<br>- The motor room is locked with a notice displayed


  • Training<br>- Instructions for use displayed near controls<br>- All relevant staff have been trained in safe use of equipment<br>- Ask crew if they have been trained, it must be noted on the Restaurant Basics Checklist in the restaurant specific section<br>- Ask crew to tell you how lift is used, answer should include: not stepping in lift & not carrying items likely to cause a jam (eg. Mops)

  • Equipment Condition<br>- Check that conveyor is clean & in good working order<br>

  • Emergency Stop Button<br>- An emergency stop button is readily accessible at conveyors top & base<br>- Conveyor can be readily isolated

Posters & Display Materials

  • Safety & Injury Management Policy<br>- Safety & Injury Management Policy displayed<br>- Policy signed by Licensee if applicable <br>- In QLD & SA, a rehabilitation coordinator has been appointed & trained

  • Evacuation Plan <br>- Evacuation plan is displayed stating 'In the event of an emergency evacuation, the shift manager will take control of the situation.' Template available on metime.<br>- Key legend - identifies emergency exits / first aid kit, fire extinguishes & assembly point and location on plan

  • Manual Handling Posters<br>- Safe Lifting & Carrying Posters displayed on the Walk in door, Freezer door & stockroom, cage<br>- Collecting Bun Crates poster displayed in bun area<br>- Moving the dumpster bin poster displayed near back door or dumpster area

  • Emergency Procedures Flip Chart<br>- Posted is readily visible position in kitchen area

  • Kay Chemicals First Aid Chart<br>- Posted in readily visible position in kitchen (A4 laminated sheet)

  • Kay Chemicals Flip Chart <br>- Kay Chemicals Product Flip Chart Posted in readily visible position in kitchen

  • State Legislative Requirements<br>- NSW-WorkCover Watching Out For You<br>- VIC-If You're Injured<br>- ACT-Summary Of Act<br>- TAS-Summary Of Act

  • Litter Patrol Plan<br>- Litter Patrol Plan completed with restaurant specific details and displayed on crew noticeboard<br>- *Template available on McSource/metime

Restaurant Essentials Workbook (REW)

  • Monthly Workplace Safety System Checklist<br>- All areas of the checklist 100% complete monthly by Restaurant Manager<br>- Verification sign off by Licensee/McOpCo Consultant (check 3 months of records- use the columns in the comment section to record month verified)

  • Monthly Workplace Safety System Checklist - Action Plan<br>- All 'NO' answers on the checklist have an action plan completed & signed off

  • WPS Inspection Checklist<br>- Inspections completed every month (not by same Safety Team Member) (Check past 3 months of records)

  • WPS Inspection Checklist Action List<br>- All 'NO' answers are adequately described & resolved immediately or written up in Hazard Log

  • Electrical Inspection Checklist<br>- Monthly Electrical Inspection 100% complete (Check 3 months of records)

  • Electrical Inspection Checklist Action List<br>- All 'NO' answers given are adequately described & written up in Hazard Log

Security System Minimums

  • Security Risk Analysis Tool<br>- Security Risk Analysis Tool has been completed for the restaurant and available in the Health and Safety Toolbox<br>- Document the date completed and the rating at the time of audit<br>- Security Risk Analysis Tool available on metime/McSource<br>- Security Risk Analysis Tool completed every 6 months

  • Security Checklist (System Minimums & Recommendations)<br>- Security Checklist completed and on file in the Health and Safety Toolbox<br>- Document the date completed <br>- An action plan has been developed and items implemented and signed off Licensee/McOpCo Consultant<br>- Security Checklist completed every 6 months

Restaurant Workplace Safety Audit (RWSA)

  • Completion of RWSA<br>- The Restaurant Workplace Safety Audit has been completed by the Consultant within the last 6 months

  • Action Plan<br>- An action plan has been developed and items implemented and signed off

Preventative Maintenance

  • Planned Maintenance Schedule<br>- Ask a manager to tell you what equipment has been maintained recently & check that PM Schedule has been completed (Black Tasks)<br>- 'Technician Only' (red) tasks performed only by a technician & signed off by manager

  • PM Manual<br>- Australian Planned Maintenance Manual is available in the restaurant (yellow March 05)<br>- Training Record Card - check current PM manager/person has been trained

  • Electrical Inspections <br>- MRC T120 completed within last 6 months & records kept

Contracting Management System

  • Contractor Management Manual<br>- Contractor Management Manual available in the restaurant <br>- Safety Requirements for Contractors & Suppliers Pocket Guide available

  • Contractor Induction Checklist & Risk Assessment Forms<br>- Check the last 5 Contractor visits and ensure the following has been completed 100%- Contractor Induction checklist- Tab 1 - Contractor Risk Assessment - Tab 2<br>- Any loose risk assessment must be stapled

  • Contractor Training & Orientation Record<br>- Contractors performing same or similar duties as crew or managers must be trained using McDonald's training materials- Contractor Training & Orientation Record completed- Restaurant Basics Checklist & Quiz (Workplace Safety & Electrical Isolation) needs to be completed annual- Work station training (eg. cleaning behind the grill SOC)

Hazard Log

  • Hazard Log<br>- Ask 1 crew person to explain how & when to use the Hazard Log<br>- Hazard Log is accessible to all employees<br>- At least 2 entries made in the past month<br>- Hazard rating table completed for every entry

  • Hazard Control<br>- All controls written on blue copy<br>- All entries signed off by Restaurant Manager / Licensee & Safety Team<br>

  • Management Knowledge<br>- Ak the shift running manager where the Hazard Log is found<br>- Ask him/her about what to do when an entry is made on his/her shift<br>- Ask him/her to explain 'hazard' , ' hazard rating' & 'hazard controls'

Restaurant Specific Risk Assessments

  • Risk Assessment<br>- Check the restaurant has conducted Restaurant Specific Risk Assessment (template located in the REW).

  • Restaurant Specific Task:

  • Date Completed:

  • Litter Patrol

  • Roller Shutters

  • Moving Chairs

  • Mechanical aids eg. Leaf Blower

  • Restaurant Specific Task SOC<br>- Check the control measures from the risk assessment have been transferred to the Restaurant Specific Task SOC (Restaurant SpecificTask SOC located in the CPD)<br>- Verify relevant employees have been trained to completed Restaurant Specific Task SOC (on the back of SOC)

  • 24Hour Operation<br>- Check the 'Security and Workplace Safety Restaurant Minimums Checklist & 24hour Trading Risk Assessment' in the 24Hour Trading Guide (*full copy in toolbox)

  • Date completed: (date and signed off)

Hazardous Materials

  • Hazardous Materials Management (Only for affected restaurants - Asbestos)<br>- Hazardous Material Management video available in the restaurant <br>- Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) - filed in the Health & Safety Toolbox<br>- Baseline Hazardous Material Audit Report - filed in the Health & Safety Toolbox (This is an individual restaurant report on the front cover) <br>- Noticeboard- Hazardous Materials Information poster (laminated sheet)

Incident Managemnt

  • Incident/ Visit Reports<br>- Available & accessible to all employees<br>- Used to record incidents, not hazards<br>- Ask crew: when do you port and incident & how do you do it? Incident/Visit Report to be completed by shift manager only (Check last 3 months' entries for correct completion)

  • Action Already Taken By Restaurant and Future Actions<br>- Corrective actions are written in both areas 'Action already taken by restaurant' to prevent a similar incident from happening again

  • Management Knowledge<br>- Ask a manager who's responsibility is it to complete the corrective section?<br>- Ask a manager: what incidents would you port to Head Office?

Safety Team

  • Safety Manager & Safety Team<br>- Safety Manager - ask crew 'Who is the Safety Manager'?<br>- Ask 2 crew who is on the Safety Team & how would they become a member

  • Last Meeting<br>- Meetings a being held minimum of quarterly

  • Meeting Notes<br>- Minutes are on file from last meeting<br>- Minutes are dated<br>- All issues /hazards from previous meeting have been followed-up & completed<br>- Minutes include discussions about Safety Alerts, Hazard Log entries, inspections, incidents, etc

  • Noticeboard<br>- Summary minutes from previous meeting at displayed on noticeboard<br>- Safety team members' names listed on noticeboard<br>- Safety team chairperson is a crew person

  • Safety Team Training<br>- Randomly check 2 Safety Team member files and confirm 'Safety Team Member Development Workbook' has been 100% completed and signed off<br>- Safety Team Member Development Workbook- Trainers Notes available in the restaurant

Safety Team Training Verification

  • Name & Position:

  • Metime/Restaurant:

  • Safety Team Development Workbook:

  • Name & Position:

  • Metime/Restaurant:

  • Safety Team Development Workbook:

Management Training, Verification & Tools

  • Management Orientation<br>- Verify the Shift Manager has Restaurant Basics completed<br>- Syringe Management procedure verified<br>- Emergency Procedures verified<br>- Check if Restaurant Specific Hazards have been identified (eg. Panic alarms)<br>* Workplace Safety & Security section completed annually

  • Fire Fighting Training<br>- Verify the shift manager has attended fire fighting training<br>- Copies of certificates in H&S Toolbox<br>- QLD Fire Safety Adviser Training Certificate (Valid for 3 years)

  • First Aid Training <br>- Verify the Shift Manager has a current First Aid Certificate<br>- Copies of certificates in H&S Toolbox

  • Injury Management System<br>- McDonald's Australia Injury Management System available in the Health & Safety Toolbox with Management Verification (McOpCo Only)

  • WHSO (Qld Only)<br>- WHSO nominated, name displayed & trained within past 5 years

  • Electrical Isolation Procedures<br>- Managers to demonstrate attaching clamps & tags<br>- Ask crew what the Yellow & Red isolation tags mean?

  • AccessMCD/Australia Intranet MSDS Safety Alerts Restaurant Operating Standard<br>- MSDS available on AccessMCD, Manager to demonstrate access. Manager to explain how and when to use the MSDS?<br>- Safety Alerts - Last 12months Safety Alerts available in the Health & Safety Toolbox. All previous Safety Alerts since 1996 available online, Manager to demonstrate access<br>- Restaurant Operating Standards - Manager to demonstrate access

  • Policies and Procedures Manual <br>- Policies & Procedures Manual available in the crew room (Black folder / Latest Version - October 2009)

Crew Training & Verification

  • Crew Orientation<br>- Check 5 employee files. Select 4 X Crew files are currently rostered on the shift & 1 X maintenance/contract cleaner or closer file<br>- Files must contain, metime orientation, restaurant specific orientation checklist printed from metime<br>- Restaurant basics checklist & quiz, check if restaurant specific hazards have been identified (eg. Panic alarms)(Workplace Safety & Security section completed annually)<br>- Current rostered station SOC

Training Verification

  • Name & Position:

  • Metime/Restaurant Basics:

  • Rostered Station:

  • Name & Position:

  • Metime/Restaurant Basics:

  • Rostered Station:

  • Name & Position:

  • Metime/Restaurant Basics:

  • Rostered Station:


  • Shift Supervisor:

  • Safety Inspector:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.