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NTG employees invited to tour:
NTG employees on tour:
Are all safety signs and warnings highly visible and easy to read (ie no damage, dirt, etc)
If there is a confined space in the department, is it clearly marked and secured?
Are all circuit breakers accessible and labeled as to what they turn on/off?
Are all cords free of any visible wear, cuts, or frays and kept clear of walkways and working spaces?
Are all electrical cords strung so they do not hang on pipes, nails, hooks, etc?
Are all conduits unbroken, undamaged, and not resting in puddles?
Are all junction boxes and breaker panels free of holes, voids, and openings?
Are extension cords used only for temporary power?
Do all extension cords possess three pronged plugs?
Is the work area free from any leaks that drip by computers or any other electrical devices?
Is the 36in clearance maintained On all electrical boxes (ie no materials stored in front)?
Are external programming ports and connections available on electrical panels as needed?
Are power strip free of daisy chain type connections?
Do all telephones have emergency numbers posted nearby?
Are all exits clearly and legibly marked - EXIT?
Are the doors that are not exits clearly marked - NOT AN EXIT?
Is every required exit, approach area, and way of travel from the exit to the rally point maintained free of obstructions?
Are all employees in the department aware of the evacuation routes, rally point and severe weather shelter?
Are eye wash stations clear from obstruction, easily accessible, posted, and operational?
Are all fire extinguishers clearly and legibly marked?
Are they inspected every month, easily accessible, and fully charged?
Are fire doors uninstructed and protected against obstructions?
Have operators been reminded to inspect their air hoses daily for cracks, cuts, tears, and proper operating procedures?
Are all air hoses equipped with a side port nozzle?
Do all the portable power tools' cords contain three pronged plugs or electrical insulation?
Are all cords free from fray, tears, and damage in any way?
Are the employees aware of the chemicals present, their exact location, and what PPE is needed?
Does every worker know where the MSD Sheets and Safety Observation Program are, what they are for, and how to use them?
Have the MSD Sheets been updated for any changes in the chemicals used in the department?
Are all containers properly labeled as to their contents and the hazards these contents present?
Are all areas clean to the extent that the nature of the work allows?
Are floors dry / drains operating?
Are trash containers emptied and floor sweepings removed?
Are the employees in the area aware of what a lockout/tag out device looks like and for what it is used?
Are lockout procedures posted on each machine and are audited consistently?
Is the department free of any present sensing guards? If not, test them now. Are they operating properly?
Are TPM daily light curtain checklists completed?
Are all machines or manufacturing areas adequately guarded? (cutters, abrasive wheels, fan blades, in-going nip points, high heat areas, rotating parts such as belts and gears, flying chips or sparks)
Are all safety locks operational and labeled?
Are there any new machines in the area? If so, has an HSE Operational Certification (QSF 640.12.01) been completed?
Are sounds enclosures closed and are they in OEM condition (open/close, sounds dampening material in place and in good condition)?
Do the I-bolts have good reads, no cracks in the shaft, and no other visible damage
Are the bolts in the floor secure?
Is the pendant cord free of any damage or fraying?
Is the hook latch functioning properly (ie centered not damaged)?
Is the identification tag attached showing the lifting aids load rating?
Is the chain or sling free of any wear, abrasions, cuts, tears, or visible damage no matter how insignificant?
Are ladder weight capabilities clearly and legibly labeled?
Is the ladder tagged for inspection and current?
Are the top two steps of all stepladders labeled - no stepping here?
Are the rungs tight in the joints of the side rails and free of grease and oil?
Are the feet of the ladder slip resistant, free of grease, and in good condition?
Are floor surfaces level with no potential trip hazard?
Do all aisles, loading docks, doorways, turns, and passages have safe clearance for equipment and material?
Are storage areas clean, dry, and free of tripping/slipping hazards?
Is the required PPE consistently worn?
Are PPE requirements posted?
Was e previous months safety meeting requirements met?
Were any hazardous actions, situations, or conditions observed that are not mentioned in the body of this inspection checklist?
If you responded yes to the question above, or yes to any of the questions in the main body of this checklist, please either fill out an SOP so the condition/action may be corrected, or explain the hazardous situations.
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