Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are COSSH, SDS and Risk assessments present, up to date and their whereabouts known to the occupants of the lab?
Reagent labeling
Are materials labeled with a date, identification of the substance, owner and appropriate HAZMAT label present?
General lab safety
Are personnel wearing lab coats, or other PPE, in the labs?
Are fire hazards present. I.e. Cardboard boxes, polystyrene boxes littering the lab? Flammable Materials near ignition sources?
Is the lab tidy and clean?
Are chemicals that are stored in the lab segregated properly. I.e. Acetic acid is an organic acid and should be stored separately from mineral acids. It should be stored in the flammable bins.
Is there suitable containment of biological waste material available?
Is a poisons cabinet present and used
Are low oxygen alarms present and in date and tested?
Are items properly stored on the shelves and not stacked
Are there any tripping hazards or obstructions
Are there any laboratory hazards. I.e. Sharps, used tips, unknown spills, chemical smells
Are sharps waste bins present and clearly labeled and not overfilled
Are clinical waste bins present and clearly labeled and not overfilled
Are general waste bins present and clearly labeled and not overfilled
Are biological bins waste bins present and clearly labeled and not overfilled
Are chemical waste bins present and clearly labeled and not overfilled
Are glass waste bins present and clearly labeled and not overfilled
Are all bins containing the correct items? I.e. Evidence of mixing
Are Local exhaust ventilation (fume cabinets) log books filled in
Are fire notices present and in view
Are safety notices present and in view
Is a laboratory code of practice present and in view
Are GHS labeling used
Are flammable, corrosive or poisons signs used appropriately ?
Emergency equipment provisions
Are there fire extinguishers present that are relevant to the environment?<br>
Are fire exits clear and unobstructed
Are there fire notices present
Are there emergency contact numbers present?
Are eye wash stations present?
Are they expired?
Expiry date?