
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Material stacked and orderly

  • Debris properly removed (building materials, litter, nails, etc.)

  • Free access/egress maintained

  • Trash cans present in work areas

  • Work areas sanitary

  • Restrooms available near work areas

  • Slip, trip or fall hazards removed

  • Other


  • Asbestos/Lead present

  • Appropriate training in place

  • Silica dust controlled (if present)

  • Other

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Hard Hats

  • Safety Glasses

  • Substantial footwear

  • Appropriate high visibility

  • Gloves

  • Hearing Protection

  • Respirators

  • Face Shields

  • Other


  • Adequate guards in place

  • Tools stored properly

  • Right tools for the job

  • Tools inspected and properly used

  • Other


  • GFCIs used

  • Cords in good condition and protected from traffic

  • Energized parts protected

  • Proper temporary/task lighting

  • Energy secured, lock out/tag out in place

  • Other


  • Ladders secured top and bottom

  • Proper use of ladders

  • Ladders inspected and in good, working order

  • Rails at stairs/landings

  • Clear of debris/materials

  • Slip, trip hazards eliminated

  • Other

Fall Protection

  • Fall protection plan signed and understood

  • Predetermined rescue plan in place

  • Fall protection at 4’ on walking/working surfaces, ramps and runways

  • Personal fall protection equipment inspected and in good, working order

  • Guardrail system adequate (floor, wall and roof openings guarded)

  • Anchorage points in place

  • Warning lines in place

  • Overhead protection in place

  • Impalement hazards protected

  • Other

Fire Protection/Hot Work

  • Fuel in approved containers and stored properly

  • Fire extinguishers charged and inspected monthly

  • Fire extinguishers immediately available near hot work/adequate number on site

  • Hot work permits completed and posted near hot work areas

  • Combustible materials removed or shielded from hot work areas

  • Appropriate PPE for workers performing welding/torching

  • Other


  • Proper PPE in use (hard hats, safety glasses)

  • Safety devices in place on tools (guards, etc.)

  • Cords in good condition

  • Ladders being used properly

  • No unsafe ramps in use

  • No non rated home-made scaffolds in use

  • Stairs installed prior to sheeting the 2nd floor/loft

  • Guardrails in place on stairways at time of install

  • Guardrails in place at all uninstalled door/window openings (other than garage door)

  • Effective fall protection in place when rolling joists, walking on top plates performing roof work

  • Other


  • Employees trained in the proper use of scaffolds

  • Scaffolding inspected daily and verified by the competent person

  • Guard rails, bracing, mud sills, plates, jack screws and planking installed properly

  • Safe access onto scaffolding

  • Scaffolding adequately secured (if needed)

  • Pump jacks secured properly and base plates pinned

  • Fall protection in use at 10’

  • Other

Mechanized Equipment

  • Equipment inspected daily and documented prior to use

  • Owners manual on hand and followed

  • Workers trained

  • Safety devices functioning

  • Seat belts used/chain gates closed

  • Back up alarms audible

  • Spotters used when needed

  • Other

Hoisting/Rigging Equipment

  • Operator, Lift Director, Rigger’s and Signal Person’s qualifications on site

  • Crane inspection records maintained and available

  • Rigging inspected prior to use and removed if defective

  • Tag lines in use

  • Pinch/crush areas delineated

  • Power line clearances known and demarcated

  • Other


  • Competent person designated and on site

  • Workers trained

  • Proper access/egress

  • Spoil pile at least 2' from edge

  • Excavation checked daily and documented

  • Shore/slope/bench (according to soil type)

  • Points of access present every 25' on excavations over 4' deep

  • Other

Confined Spaces

  • Component person has verified Permit, Non-Permit or Alternate Entry procedures used

  • Entrants have proper training

  • Permit filled out and posted at entry if needed

  • Air monitoring being performed

  • Adequate ventilation provided

  • Attendant present at permit controlled space with proper training

  • Rescue plan in place

  • Permits closed out daily

  • Other

Site/Public Protection

  • Perimeter fenced or demarcated

  • Public protection signage

  • Site secured from unauthorized entry

  • Street closure identified/traffic control plan

  • Adequate lighting

  • Falling object protection

  • Other


  • Worker safety orientations completed

  • Required postings (OSHA 300-A, map to hospitals, emergency contacts, safety bulletin board) posted

  • First aid kit/eye wash station are readily available

  • Weekly safety meeting minutes/attendance roster on file?

  • Weekly site inspection filed and dated?

  • SDS on site

  • Site Safety Plan implemented, including applicable subcontractor’s plans

  • Employee training records available for work being performed

  • Other

Follow up items

  • Other Items

  • Other Photos

  • Outstanding defeciencies

  • Pending corrective actions

  • Auditor signature

  • Personnel Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.