Document No.
Name of Visitor
Conducted on
1. General Rules
The person must be credited with a “VISITOR” Card or his card with name tag.
In the Factory, the visitor must always be accompanied by a person of this center.
Have to use safety shoes.
Have to use high visibility vest
Have to use the pedestrian ways
It is NOT alowed to touch anything without gloves
If You enter in to the workstation (GREY ZONE) You have to use Safety Goggles
2. Evacuation Rules
When you hear the continuous beep announcing an evacuation of all people.
- Go easy towards the emergency exits along the paths marked with the sign indicating the exit. -
Keep Calm. Follow the instructions of the person responsible for your visit.
DO NOT use the elevators, NO running, NO back or stopped
Focus on the meeting point established.
Collaborate in the count to ensure total evacuation center.
3. Little Quiz
Visitors can go unaccompanied on the visit ?
Visitors can touch what you want ?<br>
When it is compulsory to wear safety goggles ?
In case of evacuation can be used lifts ?<br>
In case of evacuation we're going home ?