Conducted on:
Policy name and Policy number:
Contact name and Contact Number:
Safety Consultant:
1. Management Commitment
1a. Direct commitment and participation by the highest-level of upper management.
1b. Involved in developing goals and measuring results of a safety program
1c. Based on results, hold supervisors accountable for those they supervise
1d. Support of safety coordinator/committee
1e. Budget provided for resources and training
2. Safety Coordinator/Committee
2a. Competent safety person-education and authority
2b. Safety commitment that meets regularly, with documentation
2c. Employees are involved in making recommendations for improvement to the safety progra
2d. Monitor employees and enforces safety program
3. Safety Program
3a. A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) has been performed to develop a safety program, and addressed OSHA required programs and PPE
3b. Basic safety program that meets the criteria for Cost Containment Certification and is effectively implemented and reviewed annually
3c. Safety rules and policies are enforced, documented and reviewed by:<br>-Safety coordinator<br>-Direct supervisor <br>-Upper management
4. Training
4a. New-hire orientation is conducted and documented
4b. Routine safety training is conducted and documented:<br>-weekly<br>-monthly<br>-quarterly
4c. Training for required OSHA programs is conducted and documented
4d. Employees demonstrate competency with regards to the safety training
5. Claims Management
5a. Formal claims management procedures developed and implemented
5b. Written designated of medical providers:<br>-Employee notification letter<br>-Letter to injured
5c. Formal return to work program- developed and implemented
6. Accident Investigation
6a. Formal accident investigation that identifies root cause:<br>-Employee accident report<br>-Management accident investigation form
6b. Direct supervisor participates in the investigation, corrective actions and follow up, including additional training
6c. Injury trends are identified using loss history reports
7. Business Investigation
7a. Radius of operation
7b. Hours of business
7c. Number of shifts
7d. Number of employees
7e. Classifications of employees
7f. Basic hiring practices
7g. Do you have a wellness program? If not, would you be interested in one?
General comments
Safety Consultant Signiture